To All Parents and Wrestlers:

Please read through these rules and expectations carefully. If you agree that you all can uphold all of these rules and expectations then please print your student’s name and then both of you sign your name and return the signed part of the form to me as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your time, support, and the opportunity to coach your son! Let’s have a great season and get ready for the good things ahead!

1.)  I will give my personal best effort at all times.

2.)  I will put my team first at all times.

This includes: My behavior both on and off the wrestling mat.

3.)  I will show respect to the coaches, my teammates, the managers, the referees, and the fans at all times.

Respect = Displaying that you value others through your verbal and physical actions, attitude, and general behavior.

4.)  I agree that my character and my school work will always come before Wrestling.

5.)  I will be at every practice and game.

Excused Reasons for Missing: Sick with a doctor’s excuse, family emergency, religious obligations, after-school tutoring with a note from the teacher, etc.

Unexcused Reasons for Missing: Tired, didn’t feel good, after-school detention, non-wrestling related appointments, etc.

Consequences for Missing: If you miss practice without an excuse you will have a choice of not wrestling at the next match or getting some extra “work” at practice the next day to make up for the teaching time, conditioning, and team time that you missed.

6.)  I will uphold the closed practice policy held at Elizabethton High & T.A. Dugger Jr. Schools, which means that I, as a parent, cannot be present during practice, except for emergency reasons.

Note: Parents are welcome at all scrimmages and matches.

7.)  I will follow all other school policies in the Elizabethton High School handbook.

Please note: Failure to follow any of these rules and expectations may result in dismissal from the team at the coaches’ or administrators’ discretions.

I, ______, agree to follow the rules and expectations for wrestling

(Print player’s name)

at Elizabethton High/ T.A. Dugger Jr. High School. I understand that failure to follow these rules and expectations will result in me letting my team down and may result in being removed from the team.

Player Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______