Cycle of Violence

Stage 1


Begins to blame you for things that go wrong in the relationship

Tries to control what you do

Abuser may be unpredictable and easily irritated

Stage 2


Abuser becomes physically violent and/or emotionally, verbally abusive

This involves an explosion or eruption of the tension that was building in Stage 1

Stage 3

Kiss Up

Apologizes and promises to never do it again

Things might feel good again, like they did in the beginning of relationship

Asian & Pacific Islander

Women & FamilySafetyCenter (APIWFSC)

“Working Together to Stop Domestic Violence in our communities”

Mission Statement

Our mission is to prevent violence against women through community organizing and education; provide safe, culturally relevant services for women, youth, and children; and create housing resources for families who face domestic and sexual violence, and victimization from human trafficking in Asian and Pacific Islander communities.

About Us

The Asian Pacific Islander Women and FamilySafetyCenter (APIWFSC or SafetyCenter) is a grass roots, community based organization formed to educate Asian American-Pacific Islander (API) communities about domestic violence and to develop culturally relevant, safe alternatives for API battered women and their children in the greater Seattle/King County area.

The Beloved Brotherhood of

Omega Phi Omega, Inc.

THE KUYAS. Est. 1993

Mission Statement
The purpose of the beloved brotherhood of Omega Phi Omega, Inc. is to uplift the Filipino through Academic Excellence, Brotherhood, Cultural Awareness, Discipline and Empowerment. The Brotherhood was established to serve the Filipino Community and to foster the advancement of the Filipino movement. The Kuyas are committed to providing opportunities for a promising future to the younger generation.

Mission Statement

The purpose of this Asian-American interest sorority is to promote sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, and Asian-American awareness in the University and in the community, while encouraging the expression of the individual. The sorority is composed of highly motivated women with diverse backgrounds, interests, and fields of study. Each woman, however, shares a strong bond of love, friendship, and sisterhood. With a supportive network of sisters, each woman can strive to fulfill her personal, academic, and career goals.

FACTS on Domestic Violence

FACT: 1 out of every 4 women are assaulted or a victim of Domestic Violence.

FACT: 1 out of every 10 men are perpetrators of Domestic Violence

FACT: A woman is battered every 6 seconds.

FACT: Cases of domestic and dating violence are the leading reasons women are sent to the emergency room; more than accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.

FACT: Estimates based on several studies indicate that 28% of teen relationships involve violence.

FACT: In a recent study of high school students, 25% of the students told no one about the abuse, 26% told their parents; however 66% reported the abuse to their friends.

The WingLukeAsianMuseum

Special Exhibit: “Women and Violence”

NOW – September 4, 2005

Women and Violenceis a courageous view on the issue of violence toward women, particularly women in the Asian Pacific American community. Addressing historical and root causes, types of violence and abuse, and community response and action, this exhibition was created to present the issues objectively and provide a space for dialogue and feedback.
Exhibition topics include:

History of Violence Against Women

Women as Sex Objects

Sexual Abuse,



Stereotypes on Asian Women

Economic & Workplace Inequalities

Women and War

Domestic Violence


Community Responses

For more information please visit:

or call 206.623.5124

Domestic Violence (DV) Talent Showcase


αΚΔΦ & ΩΦΩ, inc

in collaboration with APIWFSC (SafetyCenter)


Tuesday,May 24th, 2005

Doors Open at 8:00PM

University of Washington

Ethnic Cultural Theatre

(Corner of Brooklyn and 40th Ave. NE)

For more information please email: or