ORAN Meeting Notes


In attendance: Jason Anderson, Rachel Miller, Jared Hoy, Tom Eibes, Greg Boetler, Mark Arneson, Tom Simerson-Walfred, Joann Delabu, Mary Evers, Scott Phillips, Becky Lothart, Julie Jordan, Bruce Clendenon, Norm Meier, Bert Olson

1.  Congratulations to Eric Johnson on the birth of his daughter!

2.  The groups met separately to start the meeting.

3.  The ECM group will meet at another time to discuss changing the ECM curriculum


-  New section chair for 2007 is Scott Phillips. Any ideas for topics to cover for future meetings should be emailed to Scott.

-  Trainings for the year

o  St. Cloud- February- Mary, Becky and Rachel

o  Hennepin- April

o  Isanti- May- booster

o  Anoka- July- booster

o  Marshall- Aug- booster

o  St. Paul- Central Office- Initial training

-  Discussed making more training videos, Rachel, Scott, and Becky volunteered their services and will let Sue Stacey know. Eric will be asked about his availability as well.

-  We viewed the “Sue” video and scored.

LSI-R Notes

-  Tom Eibes is the section chair for 2007.

-  Trainings 2007

o  Julie Jordan is in the process of setting up training of Ramsey county adult agents. The first session is 11/28/06 for PSI writers. Jason Anderson will be co-faciliting this.

§  There will be 5 or 6 more fall trainings in the next four months. It is expected that 5 seats will be open to outside agencies at each of these trainings.

-  Jared Hoy (ARC) advised that his agency is offering to sponsor an LSI-R T4T. We have no “master trainers” at this point.

-  Bruce stated that he will be having a meeting shortly with the DOC directors and mention that is it worth looking at he new generation of the LSI. It includes the case management piece the LSI/CMI.

-  Quarterly trainings

- Mankato or Owatonna – March- Joann and ?

- North- Bemidji/Brainerd/Grand Rapids- September Jason and ?

- Central Office- June- Bruce and Mark

- Various Ramsey County dates- Julie and ?

-  Development of new training videos

o  It was agreed that it’s a great idea, but nobody knew anything specific about this. The three tapes created are valued and used. None of us have the time to coordinate this effort.

o  Julie will bring the “Michael G” tape to the next ORAN meeting so we can score it as a group.

-  Other business- Rewriting of the LSI-R curriculum. This was spearheaded by Julie J., her duties have shifted and is not at present available.

-  Discussion about how it is going w/ the Phase I, II, and III. Overall, concerns abound regarding how little info in the Phase I is retained. Further, not enough participants are completing Phase III.

ORAN Group Notes

1.  ORAN officers will serve a 2-year term.

Swantje Willers and Jason Anderson- co-chairs

Eric Johnson and Rachel Miller- information co-chairs

2.  Agreement was made that future ORAN meetings will have the sections meet first at 9:00 am then have the full group meeting at 10:30am.

3.  Next ORAN meeting 1/10/07.

4.  Future educational components:

1/10/07- Hennepin- Ed Latessa

o  4/11/07- Isanti- Isanti Boys Ranch- Rachel will look into it.

o  8/8/07- Mankato- Swantje and Becky

o  11/14/07- DOC- Sue Stacey- Jared- statistical information component?

5.  Discussion about the DOC needing new recidivism studies, Bruce will look into it.

6.  Goals for 2007.

o  Clarification on the direction of LSI-R, movement LS-CMI. The fluidity of the case plan from worker to worker.

o  Promotion of LSI-R, what do we do, why do we do it, how does it benefit workers?

o  Recommendation to the EBP policy team, norming of the tool?

o  Possible letter to county directors, what is the ORAN group, what do we need from them.

o  Clarification of the YLS/CMI and how it pertains to female offenders. Incorporation of gender issues into the interview guide.

7.  Training video interviews, Sue Stacey will set up.

o  Mark, Joann, Jason and Bruce- LSI-R

o  Becky, Scott, Rachel and Eric- YLS

8.  Is there a possibility that Swantje or John can train the group on the EBP team?

9.  Committee meetings:

o  Brochure/Article- Write-ups will be done about what is ORAN, and on each area. Each area: ECM- Bert, YLS- Rachel, LSI-R- Bruce. The write-ups will be brought to the next meeting.

o  Bruce will look into getting link to our website on the MCA website.

o  The group will also look into getting articles from the APPA website onto the ORAN website.

o  Website committee- will get this info onto the site: Mission statements, upcoming training events, meeting schedule, meeting minutes, list names of co-chairs and contact info, links to other DOC web pages, certified trainers list, state and research data pages, copy of the brochure. (Note from Sue Stacey post-meeting: much of that is on website now and I’ll be happy to put on the other stuff when the committee sends it!)