CW+ Grants – Overview and Notes to Applicants
CW+ offers a grants programme that funds projects helping Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust staff deliver better patient experience and care.
Programme basics
- Total funds of £500,000 available per annum
- Applications are open to all staff across all hospital sites
- The programme is designed to:
o promote innovation, transformation and new service development; or
o support staff in the delivery of front line patient care; or
o make small, fast track awards to support patient care and experience,
of up to £2,000; (SCBI)
- The programme will not consider applications related to:
o supplementary awards to major capital programmes or other CW+ funded
o personal welfare;
o entertaining;
o individual training
Levels of funding and application process
Awards are usually up to £50,000 and there are 3 levels of funding. Each level has its own application and approval process:
Funding requested / Application process / Application Forms / Endorsement / ApprovalUp to £2,000 / 1 stage / Small Change Big Impact Application / Internal evaluation by CW+
From £2,000 to £10,000 / 2 stages / Expression of interest / Internal evaluation by CW+
Under 10k Grant application / Applicant-led endorsement by relevant Divisional Director
Over £10,000 / 2 stages / Expression of interest / Endorsement by Trust Exec Board
Over 10k Grant application / Endorsement by Trust Exec Board and approval by CW+ Grants Committee
Applicant responsibilities
The applicant is responsible for assuring that proposals:
- reflect well-substantiated needs. The Charity encourages the use of patient and/or
surveys substantiating the proposed project value and need
- place emphasis on describing problem, solution and impact clearly and, where
possible, quantitively
- are known and endorsed by your line manager
- are endorsed by your area Head or Head of Department, Divisional Director and/or Trust Finance as required in the Application
Please send your completed application to
Project Proposal – Full Application FormFor projects requesting under £10,000 of funding
To be completed by applicant
Project/Initiative Title
Project leader Name and Position / E mail / Phone
Other Applicant Name and Position / E mail / Phone
Endorsing Divisional Director or equivalent senior stakehokder
Name and Position / E mail / Phone
Endorsing Head of Area or Head of Department
Name and Position / E mail / Phone
CW+ contact if relevant
Total funds applied for / £ (must be under 10k)
Applicant’s signatures:
Date: / Start date and duration:
Executive summary of initiative
Short overview of problem, proposed solution and high level benefits. (150 words max)
1. Problem
What patient care problem(s) are you aiming to solve with this initiative. What is wrong and not working? (150 words max)
2. Solution
What is your proposed solution? (150 words max)
3. Goals
What are the specific outcome-based objectives of the project? Please state no more than three SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed) objectives.
Use the table in the annex overleaf to structure your discussion if you wish, or explain in free text.
4. Business Impact
How does this application further the priorities and objectives of the Trust? (150 words max)
5. Finances
Please quantify project costs and any expected cost savings. (150 words max)
6. Project Plan
Please outline the project implementation plan. (150 words max)
7. Monitoring and Evaluation
How will you monitor the work, measure its success and ensure its quality? (150 words max)
8. Other information
Please include any relevant references supporting your application.
Optional table guiding you through defining the goals of your project. A few examples have been included.
What will you measure? / How will you measure? / Where & When will you measure? / How many measurements are you planning? / How do you define success and compared to what?Eg. Quality of post-burn scaring / Patient observer Scar assessment scale / Burns unit, 12 months following start of service / Approx. 60 patients / 25% improvement from start to end of treatment
Eg. Patient satisfaction / Custom survey including friends and family test / Labour ward, every 2 weeks following completion of project / Approx. 50 surveys every 2 weeks / 95% patients satisfied
Eg. Reduction in length of stay / PAS information / WMUH AMU, 2 months following completion of evaluation / Approx. 1,500 patients / 10-15% reduction compared to historical baseline