CV and Course of the Professor


Competitive examination of aggregation in medical pathology.

First woman qualified teacher in medicine in Casablanca in 1980

2012 until now2016: Practice in private office in Casablanca

1981-2011: Chief of department of internal medicine at Ibn Rochd Hospital.

Since 1996 until Now 2016: Chair and Founding member of the association of fighting against systemic inflammatory diseases (ALMS). State approved in 2001.

Since 1982 until now (2016): Member of French society of internal medicine.

Since 1986 until now : Founding member of national Moroccan society of internal medicine.

Since 1988 until now 2016: Member of French society of rheumatology.

Since 2000 until now 2016: Founding member and member of international society on Behcet’s Disease .Since 1993 to 2000: Member of international committee of research on Behcet’s Disease.

Since 1998 until now: Member of the American college of rheumathology.

2013: Co-author in the publication of new criteria of Behcet’s disease.

Since 2012: Member of Administration Council of French Society of Rheumatology.

2010: Medal: member of Expertise Jury of candidates for research Price: Mohamed v. University Souissi.

2004: Price: International Health professional of the year (Cambridge).

2002: First Price of research on medicaments in Morocco: Price AMIP.

2000: Selected for MARQUIS “who’s who” in the world.

1993: Active Member in New York Academy of science.

Obtaining of many international prices for Behcet’s disease. Spondy larthropathies…etc.

Co author of many Books on Behcet’s disease Edited in New York in 1991 Paris Amsterdam in 1993, Tunisia in 1997 and Séoul in 2000.


Clinical priorities (See at annexe: oral presentations at Meetings .Publications)

Behcet’s disease, rheumatoid poly arthritis, Systemic lupus Erythematosus, Spondy larthropaties, Anti phospholipids syndrome, Sjogren Syndrome, etc…


Created in 2001 by the association of Fight against systemic inflammatory diseases at Medicine University of Casablanca.

Works started on: HLA and ankylosing spondy larthritis

: HLA and Behcet’s disease.


Teaching Activities and coordination responsibility at Medicine University:

A/ Teaching:

1/ 1976_1979: teaching of medical Semiology.

2/1980_2008: class of pathology: Systemic diseases (training modele musculo skeletal system) class of fourth year.

3/1980_2011: class of systemic diseases (training modele of dermatology) for the third year of teaching).

4/1986_2011: class of therapeutic Synthésis.

B/ Coordinator and Person in charge of commissions at Faculty of medicine.

University Hassan II Casablanca

1/1980: Elaboration of programs on systemic inflammatory diseases and Rheumatology.

2/1980_2007: Coordinator of teaching on musculo- skeletal system.

3/1994: In charge of the revision of the program of therapeutic synthesis and Elaboration of a new program and the choice of the teachers responsible to deliver these courses.

4/1994_2004: Coordinator of therapeutic synthesis.

5/1996_Juin 1999: Scientific Commission at Faculty of medicine.

President of the commission who elaborated grids for entrance examination (Short listing) : Assistant professor, agregate professor,


- The International Criteria For Behçet’s Disease (ICBD): a collaborative study of 27 countries on the sensitivity and specifity of the new criteria

International team for the revision of the International Criteria for Behçet’s Disease

Journal of the European Academy of dermatology and Venerology : 2013

- Manifestations neurologiques de la maladie de Behçet – 154 observations dans une cohorte

de 925 patients.

S. Benamour, T. Naji, FZ. Alaoui, H. El Kabli, S. El Aidouni

Revue de Neurologie (Paris) 2006 ; 162 (1) : 1-7.

- Syndrome de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada. A propos de huit cas

F.Z. Alaoui, S. Benamour, H. El kabli, A. Amraoui

Revue de Médecine Interne, 2006, 12, 010

- Manifestations ostéo-articulaires de la sarcoïdose.

FZ. Alaoui, M. Talaoui, S. Benamour

Presse Médicale, 2005, Jan 15 ; 34(1) : 19 - 24

- Macular damage in Behçet Disease

O. Benchekroun, D. Lahbil, H. Lamari, R. Rachid, M. El Belhadji, N. Laouissi, K. Zaghloul,

S. Benamour, A. Amraoui

Journal français d’ophtalmologie, 2004 Fevrier ; 27(2) : 154-9

- Unusual rheumatic manifestations of Behçet’s Disease

S. Benamour, S. Bettal, H. El Kabli

In : Lee S, Bang D editors. Behçet’s Disease. Proceeding of the nineth International Conference on Behçet’s Disease. Seoul : 2001

- Behçet’s Disease with a late onset

S. Benamour, A. Moudatir, W. Ghafirine, S. Bettal, H. El Kabli

In : Lee S, Bang D editors. Behçet’s Disease. Proceeding of the nineth International Conference on Behçet’s Disease. Seoul : 2001

- Manifestations rhumatismales de la Maladie de Behçet

S. Benamour

Annales de Médecine Interne, 1999, 150, N°7 pp. 562-570

- Manifestations articulaires de la maladie de Behçet – Etude de 340 patients

S. Benamour, B. Zeroual, F.Z. Alaoui

Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Française), 1998, 65, 5, pp. 323-332

- Joint manifestations in Behçet’s Disease. A review of 340 cases

S. Benamour, B , Zeroual, F.Z. Alaoui

Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Englaise), 1998, 65, 5, pp. 299-307.

- Ophtalmological involvement in Behçet Disease. A propos of 520 cases

El Belhadji M, Hamdani M, Laouissi N, Zaghloul K, Amraoui A, Benmour S.

J Fr Ophtalmol. 1997, 20 (8) : 592-8 – Review French

- Vena Cava Thrombosis : 31 cases in a series of 601 cases of Behçet’s Disease

S. Benamour, F.Z. Aloui, M. Rafik, M.T. Tak-Tak

In : Hamza M editor. Behçet’s Disease. Proceeding of the Seventh International Conférence on Behçet’s Disease. Tunis : Pub Adhoua, 1997

- Juvenile Behçet’s Disease in Morocco

S. Benamour, M.T. Tak-Tak, M. Rafik, A. Amraoui

In : Hamza M editor. Behçet’s Disease. Proceeding of the Seventh International Conference on Behçet’s Disease. Tunis : Pub Adhoua, 1997

- Cardiac manifestations of Behçet Disease Bennis A, Noureddine M , Azzouzi L, Soulami S. Benamour S

Ann Med Interne (Paris), 1996, 147 (2) : 126-9. Review French

- Lupus érythémateux et ostéomyélite à Salmonella entéritidis

S. Benamour, L. fares, H. El Kabli, M. Belbachir

Revue de Médecine Interne, 1995, pp. 684-686

- Pseudopodagra in Behçet’s Disease

S. Benamour

Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Anglaise), 1995, 2, pp. 163-164

- Pseudogoutte et maladie de Behçet

S. Benamour

Revue du rhumatisme (Edition Française), 1995, 2, pp. 163-164

- Digestive manifestations of Behçet’s Disease based on a series of 74 cases

S. Benamour, B. Zeroual, S. Bettal, L. Chaoui, H. El Kabli, W. Badre, H. El Belhadji,

Amraoui A .Proceeding of the 6th Conférence of Behçet’s Disease .In : Wechsler B, Godeau P, eds. Behçet Disease. Amsterdam - Paris : Elsevier Science publishers 1993, pp. 255-260.

- Polyarthrite rhumatoide au Maroc – A propos de 404 cas

S. Benamour, B. Zeroual, L. Fares, H. El Kabli, S. Bettal

Revue du rhumatisme et des maladies ostéo-articulaires 1992, 12, pp. 801-807


S. Benamour

Médecine méditerranée V, 1991, pp.52-54

- Désensibilisation à la salive autologue et maladie de Behçet

S. Benamour, R. Bennis, M. Messaoudi, A. Zaoui, B. Amor

Revue de Médecine Interne 1991, Tome XII, N°5, pp. 339-342

- Study of 285 cases of Behçet’s Disease

S. Benamour, R. Bennis, A. Amraoui

In O’Duffy J, Kokmen E, Eds. Behçet Disease Basic and clinical aspects

New-York : Marcel Dekker Inc, 1991 : 259-267


S. Benamour, B . Zeroual, R. Bennis, A. Amraoui, S. Bettal

La Presse Médicale 1990, 19, 32, pp.1485-1489


- Syndrome de BUDD-CHIARI et maladie de Behçet

A Propos d’un cas – Revue de la littérature

S. Benamour, R. Bennis, M. Akiki

Semaine des hôpitaux de Paris, 1989, 65, N°30, 1867-1872.

- Les aspects cliniques de la maladie de Behçet

S. Benamour

Rapport du Huitième Congrès Médical National

(Casablanca, 6-8 Décembre 1989)

Livre : Actualités thérapeutiques III, pp. 187-203.

- Erythroblastopénie acquise à rechute de l’adulte – A propos d’un cas.

S. Benamour, R. Bennis

Maroc Médical, Tome X N°3 Sept. 88, pp. 230-233.

- Les manifestations articulaires de la maladie de Behçet – A propos de 73 cas

S. Benamour, R. Bennis, M. Kerraous, A. Zaoui, A. Badaoui, A. Amraoui

Journal des maladies vasculaires. Masson, 1988, 13, 222-230.

- Les aspects cliniques de la maladie de Behçet

S. Benamour

46e Congrès Français de Médecine, Marrakech 1987


- Colite ulcéreuse et maladie de Behçet

S. Benamour, M. Benmimoun, R. Kadiri, A. Zaoui, A. Hamdani

Semaine des Hopitaux de Paris, 1987, 63, N°42, 3331-334

- Arthrites déformantes et destructrices au cours de la maladie de Behçet

S. Benamour, M. Benmimoun, A. Zaoui, R. Kadiri, A. Badaoui, M. Mohieddine

Semaine des Hôpitaux de Paris, 1987, 63, N°1-2, 11-14.

- Selective immune deficiency in IgA. Interstinal malabsoption syndrome and mixed connective tissue disease

Zaoui A, Galian A, Rioche, Benamour S

Rev. Med. Interne. 1987 May-June ; 8(3) : 320-3. French

- La maladie de Behçet – A propos de soixante cas

S. Benamour, M. Benmimoun, A. Zaoui, M. Benjelloun, A. Amraoui, M. Mohieddine

Semaine des Hôpitaux de Paris, 1986, 62, N°19, 1317-1321.

- Malabsorption et tuberculose intestinale – A propos d’un cas

S. Benamour, A. Zaoui, F. Dadi-Benmoussa, A. Mourid

Revue Médecine Interne, 1984, 5, 154-156.

- Compression médullaire révélatrice d’un lymphome malin non Hodgkinien

S. Benamour, A. Zaoui, Y. Bouzoubaa, A. Iraqi, B. Gueddari. Maghreb Médical, 1984, 22, pp.37-38.

- Evaluation of the routine determination of the isoniazid acetylation phenotype using a microbiologic technic

Benbachir M, El Mdaghri N, Bartal M, Bouayad EM, Benamour S, Bennani R

Maroc Med. 1983 Dec; 5(4) : 319-24. French

- Myélome à chaînes légères et amylose digestive à forme occlusive chez un homme de 26 ans.

S. Benamour, Ch. Bennani-Smires, M . Meziane, A. Galian, D. Danon, M. Rioche,

  1. Mourid. Revue Maroc Médecine et Santé, 1981, 3, 1, pp.57-60.

- Arthropathie ochronotique - A Propos d’une observation

S. Benamour, F. Benmoussa-Dadi, M. Laabid, A. Bouzidi, A. Mourid

Revue maroc Médecine et Santé, 1980, 2, 2, pp. 153-156.

- Maladie des chaines lourdes alpha à un stade intermédiaire

S. Benamour, A. Labiad, A. Berrada, A. Hamdani, A. Mourid, A. Galian

Revue Maroc Médecine Santé, 1980, 2, 1, pp. 19-23.

- La tuberculose Gastro-Duodénale. A propos d’une forme rare fistulisée

S. Benamour, F. Dadi-Benmoussa, A. Labiad, A. Mourid

Revue Maroc Médecine Santé, 1979, 1, 3, pp. 221-224.

- Lymphadénopathie angio immunoblastique avec dysprotéinemie

S. Benamour, A. Labiad, A. Mourid. Revue Maroc Médecine Santé, 1978, 1, 1, pp.43