Lesson Plan
Date: Thursday November 20th, 2008 / Topic: ISLAMIC TESSELATIONS
Grade Level: 3/4 split class / Time: 1:35pm – 3:30pm
(Recess from 2:25-2:40)
Curriculum Expectations:
Grade 3: IDENTIFY flips, slides & turns using concrete materials.
IDENTIFY and compare various polygons and sort them by their geometric
IDENTIFY flips, slides and turns.
Grade 4: IDENTIFY the lines of symmetry of two-dimensional shapes.
IDENTIFY and compare different kinds of quadrilaterals.
CREATE and analyze symmetrical designs.
Assessment Strategies:
Collect samples
Accommodations and Modifications:
-ESL / IEP: work in table groups, on the same pattern, so they can help each other
-STUDENTS ABOVE GRADE LEVEL: Have extra copies of different tessellating patterns for kids to try if they finish all 4 patterns.
-ESL: visual instructions and demo of task
- Computer & projector
- Images on USB key
- Master Patterns of tessellations PHOTOCOPIED x20 each design
- CD player
- Arabic Tabla Music to listen to while we’re working in groups
- glue
- Scissors / Outline:
(as a large group)
SHOW IMAGE– Islamic tessellation & talk about it
DEFINE tessellation – show samples of patterns that tessellate (and that don’t)
DEMO of task
Send them to their centres (HOW?)
Work on task :
  1. cut out shapes from coloured paper
  2. figure out how the image tessellates (move it around on their desk to find out how the pattern fits together.
  3. glue down to another piece of paper in the tessellation.
  4. start next pattern (there are 4 for them to try)
SHOW IMAGES of tessellations at Winchester as a conclusion – see if you can find any on your way home from school today : )
- gather students
- introduce ourselves
- Show the first image:
-Colours, shapes, patterns, repetition
-Have you seen anything like this before?
-(they can relate it to their lives).
- Define Tessellation: filling a surface with shapes that create no gaps or holes (tiling).
- show images of tessellations (shapes that tessellate and shapes that do not)
DEMO of their task using equilateral triangles (mention FLIP, ROTATE, TURN).
DIVIDE into groups (____method?______)
Work on first pattern:
- cut out shapes from coloured paper
- figure out how the image tessellates (move it around on their desk to find out how the pattern fits together.
- glue down to another piece of paper in the tessellation.
-start next pattern (there are 4 for them to try)
Come back together as a group.
RE-INTRODUCTION with some more examples from around the world.
(short discussion of images if it comes up).
DIVIDE into groups (_____method?______)
Complete all 4 patterns.
We have an extra for students who finish early.
FROM THEIR DESKS – have all students turn and look
-show samples of tessellations from around Winchester
-see if you can find any on your way home from school today : )
Thanks for working so hard today!
Say hello if you see us around in the halls : )
Follow Up:

Questions :

  1. How do we divide them into groups? Easiest way …
  2. where to display?
  3. can you take some photos for us during the lesson?