Date: Thursday November 20th, 2008 / Topic: ISLAMIC TESSELATIONS
Grade Level: 3/4 split class / Time: 1:35pm – 3:30pm
(Recess from 2:25-2:40)
Curriculum Expectations:
Grade 3: IDENTIFY flips, slides & turns using concrete materials.
IDENTIFY and compare various polygons and sort them by their geometric
IDENTIFY flips, slides and turns.
Grade 4: IDENTIFY the lines of symmetry of two-dimensional shapes.
IDENTIFY and compare different kinds of quadrilaterals.
CREATE and analyze symmetrical designs.
Assessment Strategies:
Collect samples
Accommodations and Modifications:
-ESL / IEP: work in table groups, on the same pattern, so they can help each other
-STUDENTS ABOVE GRADE LEVEL: Have extra copies of different tessellating patterns for kids to try if they finish all 4 patterns.
-ESL: visual instructions and demo of task
- Computer & projector
- Images on USB key
- Master Patterns of tessellations PHOTOCOPIED x20 each design
- CD player
- Arabic Tabla Music to listen to while we’re working in groups
- glue
- Scissors / Outline:
(as a large group)
SHOW IMAGE– Islamic tessellation & talk about it
DEFINE tessellation – show samples of patterns that tessellate (and that don’t)
DEMO of task
Send them to their centres (HOW?)
Work on task :
- cut out shapes from coloured paper
- figure out how the image tessellates (move it around on their desk to find out how the pattern fits together.
- glue down to another piece of paper in the tessellation.
- start next pattern (there are 4 for them to try)
- gather students
- introduce ourselves
- Show the first image:
-Colours, shapes, patterns, repetition
-Have you seen anything like this before?
-(they can relate it to their lives).
- Define Tessellation: filling a surface with shapes that create no gaps or holes (tiling).
- show images of tessellations (shapes that tessellate and shapes that do not)
DEMO of their task using equilateral triangles (mention FLIP, ROTATE, TURN).
DIVIDE into groups (____method?______)
Work on first pattern:
- cut out shapes from coloured paper
- figure out how the image tessellates (move it around on their desk to find out how the pattern fits together.
- glue down to another piece of paper in the tessellation.
-start next pattern (there are 4 for them to try)
Come back together as a group.
RE-INTRODUCTION with some more examples from around the world.
(short discussion of images if it comes up).
DIVIDE into groups (_____method?______)
Complete all 4 patterns.
We have an extra for students who finish early.
FROM THEIR DESKS – have all students turn and look
-show samples of tessellations from around Winchester
-see if you can find any on your way home from school today : )
Thanks for working so hard today!
Say hello if you see us around in the halls : )
Follow Up:
Questions :
- How do we divide them into groups? Easiest way …
- where to display?
- can you take some photos for us during the lesson?