Invitation to Tender

Person-centred training programme


Fresh Start would like to commission an experienced training provider to help us develop and improve our existing Training Initiative so that the service offers trainees an enhanced service and the organisation is able to demonstrate improved outcomes.

The tender is open to organisations and individuals: applicants that demonstrate a willingness to establish a longer-term relationship will have an advantage.

Background to Training Initiative

Fresh Start’s Training Initiative has been operational for eight years. The service helps people who are unemployedgain skills, qualifications and work experience to increase their employment prospects.

We currently offer trainees two opportunities: a paid role, which is full time and lasts six months; and a voluntary placement for one day a week and is three months long.

Trainees undertake induction training that prepares them for working at Fresh Start and covers mandatory requirements; as well as technical training that allows them to carry out work in warehouse and PAT testing. Fresh Start currently deploys a mixture of in-house resources as well as external training bodies.


Trainees typically come from unsettled backgrounds at the moment we accept trainees from all age groups, however a large proportion is young people.

Trainees will have experienced homelessness or may be at threat of homelessness due to their circumstances; the aim of the placement is to prepare them for employment in a supportive environment that helps them reach their full potential.

We currently offer positions for our PAT testing business, in our warehouse and in the office. Trainees work alongside staff and volunteers and learn by observation as well as experience.

Key Relationships

Progress towards outcomes will be monitored at regular Steering Group meetings throughout the contract.

Your lead contact is the Operations Manager.

Whilst structuring the programme. You will liaise with Training Initiative Co-ordinator, Facilities Manager and Pat Testers

Expected outcomes from contractors

The following list, while not exhaustive, outlines the main outcomes you will be expected to achieve:

  1. Help Fresh Start develop accredited training programme(s) that will achieve outcomes associated between stages 1 and 3 of employability pipeline
  1. Develop and improve induction and training packs.
  • Create a modular system that is designed to prepare trainees for carrying out their duties whilst at Fresh Start.
  • Create separate programmes for the paid and voluntary posts;
  • It is anticipated training packs will utilise existing material, existing policies & procedures and/or introducing new material as required.
  1. Review and improve monitoring and evaluation systems for Training Initiative
  • Establish system for measuring individual’s progress.
  • Establish system for evaluating impact of service as a whole.
  • Provide training and guidance to staff to implement monitoring and evaluation system
  1. Help improve Fresh Start’s position within Edinburgh’s employability network
  • Identify complementary services that will improve training experience and help service users’ journey along employability pipeline.
  • Establish relationships with complementary services that could lead to further partnership working.
  1. Ensure programme can be delivered through Fresh Start staff team.
  • Prepare written guidance for staff on delivering modular system.
  • Provide training to staff for effective implementation of modular system
  • Provide training to staff to implement outcome monitoring process.

The total budget for the project is £20,000 including VAT and expenses.

Bids should be submitted by 12 p.m. on 15 August 2014 to

Activities and Timescale

Activity / Timescale
Closing date for applications / 12 p.m. 15 August 2014
Submission of applications to /
Interviews with shortlisted applicants / 2 September 2014
Notification to successful provider / 8 September 2014
Training needs analysis and training pack completed and implemented / 1 December 2014

Responses to this tender must include:

  1. Examples of previous relevant work carried out
  2. Methodology
  3. Estimated timescales and milestones including format and timing of progress updates provided throughout the project
  4. Budget, with a breakdown of costings for each element
  5. Details of the team and short biographies. Please outline relevant experience and expertise and subject area knowledge
  6. Details of your quality assurance mechanisms and the ways in which you will manage the training programme effectively and manage risks
  7. Details of any added value you will bring to the project
  8. Names and contact details of two referees

Within the bid document supplied do not exceed 500 words per section.Please keep anysupporting information to a minimum.

The following criteria will be used to select the successful training provider:

  1. Understanding of brief
  2. Proven relevant experience andtraining expertise
  3. Creativity, enthusiasm and innovation with brief
  4. Capacity for delivery of training programme and management and quality assurance
  5. Demonstration of value for money
  6. Quality and accessibility of training materials
  7. References from two previous employers.

Please contact Stewart Ferguson if you require any more information or have any

Telephone:0131 476 4518

For the sake of equity and transparency ‘expressions of interest’ will be based on weightings as outlined in the table below:

Essential Criteria / Weight
Help Fresh Start develop accredited training programme(s) that will achieve outcomes associated between stages 1 and 3 of employability pipeline / 30
Develop and improve induction and training packs / 30
Create programme that can be delivered through Fresh Start staff team / 20
Review and improve monitoring and evaluation systems for Training Initiative / 10
Improve Fresh Start’s strategic and operational position within Edinburgh’s employability network / 10

Criteria will be scored 1 to 5

5 - Fully able to meet requirement

4 - Meets nearly all of the requirement

3 - Meets some of the requirement

2 - Meets few of the requirement

1 - Fails to meet requirement