Course Name: 6th Grade Math
Teacher’s Name: Mr. Dyas
Contact Information:e-mail:
tel: (714) 567-3300
Best Time to Call:2:35 – 3:00 pm or during the 5th period
Room:4202 (new building)
Course Overview:
The purpose of Sixth Grade Mathematics is to prepare you for higher level mathematics courses in high school. It is aligned with the Common Core State Standards. The course is divided into several units which cover Ratios and Proportional Reasoning, Dividing Fractions, Rational Numbers, Expressions, Equations and Inequalities, Geometry, and Statistics. Each unit has specific class work and homework assignments, quizzes and tests which will measure student’s success over the course of the year.Units of study can be found on my website and on Canvas.
Materials Recommended for Daily Success:
- At least two Sharpened Pencils
- Pencil Sharpener with cover
- An Eraser
- One Red, One Blue and One Black Pen
- Colored Pencils or Crayons
- Inch/Centimeter Ruler
- Graph Paper Notebook
- Loose-Leaf Graph Paper
- Unit of Study (provided by the teacher)
- A Highlighter
We will be using the California Mathematics Course One textbook. The textbook should be kept at home. There is no need to bring the textbook to school.
Grading Policy
Homework, Class Work, Class Participation and Projects account for 25% of the grade;
Quizzes account for 30% of the grade;
Tests account for 45% of the grade.
Grading scale is: A (90% and higher);
B (80-89%);
C (70-79%);
D (60-69%);
F (59% and lower).
If you are absent, you have to arrange with me to take any missed quizzes or tests. Any missing, not made-up assignments will be given 0 points (F).
It is your responsibility to ask for and make up any missed assignments, quizzes, or tests.
Extra credit will be given occasionally to the entire class. No individual extra credit work will be given.
Homework is posted each day on the board in class and on Canvas, and each student is required to write down the assignment in their agenda. Homework will also be texted to students and parents who sign up for Remind. Please see the attached sheet for instructions on how to sign up for Remind.
Homework is duethe following day. If you are absent one or two days homework is due one day after you return. If you are absent more than two days you need to arrange with me to see when your missing homework is due.
Have your homework on the left side of your desk before the bell rings.
Any missing homework turned in after it is due will be marked down 1 point for each day it is late. Each regular homework is worth 10 points, so if you turn in your homework ten or more days after it was due, you will be given 0 points for it.
Assignments with no name on them will not be graded. They will be placed in the “no name” tray.
Parental Support
Parents should monitor agendas so students do not miss any homework assignments. If you sign-up for Remind you will be notified of all homework the day it is assigned and of all quizzes and tests at least a day before they are given.Please provide a quiet place to study and to do the homework. Homework should take approximately half an hour each day.
Behavioral ExpectationsBe Respectful of Yourself, Others, and Lathrop:
- Be in your assigned seat before the bell rings, quietly copying the agenda;
- Come to class prepared with necessary materials;
- Rise your hand for permission to speak or permission to leave your seat;
- Followdirections the first time they are given and stay on task;
- No scented lotions, perfumes, colognes, deodorants, or other scented products can be used or worn in the class;
- Abide by the school rules!
- Warning (verbal)
- Seat change
- Points deducted from class participation
- Parent phone call
- Parent conference
- Teacher consequences
- Referral to the Office
- Detention
- Suspension
Mr. Dyas’ 6th Grade Math Syllabus Parent Signature Sheet
To ensure that parents/guardians and students are aware of the guidelines and expectations for this class, please sign, date and return this page only with your student. Students receive homework credit for returning this sheet. I appreciate your time and cooperation.
Student Name
Print Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______
Name (print): ______
Signature: ______Relationship: ______
Date: ______
Please complete the following information:
Mother/Guardian: ______Phone Number:______
Father/Guardian: ______Phone Number: ______
Whom should I call first in case I need to contact parents/guardian? ______
Is there anything you feel I should know about your child to help them be more successful in my class?