Customized Health Plan
Alicia McBurnie
Goals: Improve digestion, reduce inflammation, balance hormones and lose healthy weight. Improve blood pressure stability and strengthen adrenal glands.
Program: Advanced Healing Plan
Removing pro-inflammatory foods and instead using anti-inflammatory herbs, foods and supplements. Rebuilding the gut, optimizing vitamin D3 levels and boosting anti-oxidants to modulate the immune system and reduce its tendency to over inflame & balance the adrenals.
Foods To Avoid:All soy, gluten (wheat, soy, barley, rye, oat. Kamut, or spelt) products, pork/shellfish, heavy caffeine, processed foods, dairy, sugars and grains. This low-carb, healthy fat lifestyle helps the body sensitize hormones better and reduce inflammation.
Use turmeric, ginger, oregano, rosemary, peppermint, thyme, basil, cinnamon, mint, fennel, etc. whenever possible to reduce inflammation. Use healthy detox teas and sleeping teas to boost anti-oxidants and unique phytonutrients.
Morning: Super-Hydration:16-24 oz of clean water with squeezed lemon and/or apple cider vinegar (about 1 tbsp per 8oz is good), also you can doTraditional Medicinals Organic Teas
Protein Shake: Toasted coconut milk, frozen berries, greens powder or green veggies, Maximized Living whey protein, etc.
You could also do this recipe by using the full fat organic coconut milk in the can and using 1/3 of a can approximately without the almond milk or the coconut oil. You would then water the coconut nut milk down to get the desired liquidity of the shake.
You could also do the eggs cooked in coconut oil like you were talking about. Be sure to get enough good medium chain fats – so 2 tbsp of coconut oil or pastured butter with your eggs or protein shake.
Juicing: You Can Juice some Veggies and Drink Cleansing Beverages – Keep Things Light to Initiate a Stronger Cleanse. Minimal fruit or anything with sugar. Good combinations include kale, cucumber, celery, ginger, etc. Also spinach, cucumber, lime, cilantro and parsley is a great combo.
Lunch:Could Be Any of the Following on Our Website:
Lemon creamy superfood guacamole and flax crackers, spinach salad, avocado salad, we also have many recipes that would be great on such as the SuperCharged Chocolate Pudding, SuperGreen Berry Salad, SuperSmart Salad, etc.
Gut-Healing Soup:
Grass-fed Beef stock bones or organic poultry stock bones. Boil them up (24 hours or so) and pull off the ligaments, tendons, fat, bone marrow, etc. Take all the mushy stuff off the bone for the broth. The powerful nutrients are in the fatty tissue. Once you have all the fats/tendons/ligaments/etc. in the soup than add veggies (no potatoes or squash) and organic meat. Add lots of herbs, sea vegetable (dulse, kelp, etc.), garlic, onions, green leafies, carrots, etc.
As you consume the soup you can add more veggies, water, coconut oil (more stock bones cooked in a separate crock pot – do the same thing you did the first time and add the fat/ligaments/tendons to the original stock container) and add more meat, etc.
Build all Meals Around
1)Good Fats – Avocados, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grass-fed Butter, Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic stock bone broth, moderate amounts of healthy nuts and seeds.
2)Anti-Oxidants – Non-starchy vegetables, moderate berries, lemon, raw cacao, herbs
3) Clean Protein – Grass-fed Beef, Grass-fed Raw Cheese, organic poultry, etc.
4) Fiber – Non-starchy veggies and seeds like chia, flax, hemp, pumpkin, and nuts in moderation
5) Fermented Foods – Coconut milk kefir, coconut water kefir, apple cider vinegar,fermented vegetables (unprocessed pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, etc.)
Snacks:Fresh vegetable juices, coconut flakes, raw veggies,Celery & guacamole, Cucumbers. Bok Choy. Other good fat sources include chia seed, flax seed, hemp seed, pumpkin seed and sunflower seeds. Brazil nuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, pecans are all ok. It is best to soak these nuts/seeds overnight in water to remove phytic acids and enzyme inhibitors.
Can also do a scoop of coconut oil every couple of hours – this is powerful for improving digestion, destroying Candida, improving brain function & reducing sugar cravings.
End of Day: Grass-Fed Beef, Free-Range Chicken/Turkey, Organic Eggs,Guacamole, Wild-caught Salmon & Steamed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.) It is great to make a ton of steamed veggies and melt grass-fed butter or ghee over them. Be sure to rotate out different veggies and meat each day or at least every few days so you don’t get bored and your body gets nutrients from different sources. Spinach salad (spinach, cucumber, olive oil, & squeezed lemon).
Foods that Should Be Cooked: Ideally lightly steamed to remove Goitrogens and hard to digest cellulose. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussell Sprouts, Cabbage, Asparagus, Green Beans, etc. *These can also be fermented – such as Sauerkraut & Kimchi and fermented veggies. Any nuts or legumes should always be soaked overnight before consuming.*
You can add grass-fed ghee to the steamed veggies as the ghee is free of lactose and casein, easy on digestion and contains a mega-dose of powerful nutrition. You could also include olive oil. Be sure to add lemon/apple cider vinegar to meat and veggies after cooked to improve the digestive process.
Steaming veggies – you can also add in things like raw almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, pecans, etc. and the steam will help break down the hard outer shell and remove anti-nutrients to make them more bioavailable. Also, you can sprout the nuts/seeds.
Supplements: Want to get whole food based – highest quality – follow this for 90 days*
Maximized Living Daily Detox – Cell Detox – 2 caps in morning
Body Detox – 2 cap at night before bed
Nordic Naturals Pro EFA – Take 2 tbsp daily with food
Vitamin D3/K2 – 10,000 IU daily and 400 mcg of K2 (5 tsp daily) with food
Vitamin Code Women’s Multi – Take 2 caps 2x daily
HemeVite – Take 2 caps – 1x daily
Probiotics – Take 2 caps – 1x daily
MaxFit – Take 2 caps – 2x daily
Digestive Enzymes – Take 1 cap with solid food meals
Upon Wakening:
Drink 16-24 oz of water with lemon/apple cider vinegar
Protein Shake or Fasting (You may choose to have the shake at 10am)
Daily Detox – Cell Detox –2 caps in morning
Multi – 2 caps
Probiotics – 2 caps
With Lunch:
Digestive Enzymes – 1 cap
Multi- 2 caps
MaxFit – 2 caps
With Dinner:
Digestive Enzymes – 1 cap
Fish Oil – 2 tbsp
D3/K2 supplement
2 caps of HemeVite
Night Before Bed: Daily Detox – Body Detox – 2 caps
Rationale: Key Immune System Modulators
1.Vitamin D3 – optimal levels are between 80-100 ng/ml. This plays a role in over 2000 genes in the body including those of immune coordination and optimal healing. Low Vitamin D3 levels (under 60 ng/ml) is associated with hormone imbalances and a dramatic increase in cancer diagnosis and cancer mortality.
2.Glutathione – SuperIntraCellular Anti-oxidant that protects the DNA and enhances the energy and drive of the immune system – non-denatured whey protein is best whole food source to boost glutathione followed by onions, garlic, cruciferous veggies and avocado. Maximized Living Cell Detox has glutathione boosting agents and increases intracellular anti-oxidants and extra-cellular anti-oxidants.
3.Activated Carbon: This is part of the Maximized Living Daily Detox – the Body Detox. Activated carbon adsorps toxic debris in the body such as heavy metals, environmental pollutants (xenoestrogens, pesticides, herbicides, etc) and the body detox formulation with carminative herbs helps to sweep these toxic agents out of the system for safe and gentle elimination. This MUST be taken at least 2 hrs before or after eating or taking any supplement/medications to not interfere with absorption. We recommend taking it at night with water at least 2 hrs after consuming any food, medication or supplement.
4.Probiotics - Bad gut microbial balance throws off immunity and creates a state of chronic inflammation. Healthy gut flora is essential to good health. Daily Detox contains some good probiotic species.
5.Omega 3 Fish Oil: This is key for healthy cell membranes and an anti-inflammatory environment. It has long-chain omega 3’s EPA & DHA as well as the omega 6 GLA which 90+% of society is deficient in. These are foundational to healthy hormones.
6.Essential Anti-Oxidants and Trace Minerals: A poor diet over time depletes the body of key nutrients. The super greens powder supplies highly bioavailable forms of these key nutrients.
7.Digestive Enzymes: Powerful proteolytic enzymes and ox bile to help the body to metabolize challenging proteins and fats for optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. Helps improve energy and reduce stress on the digestive system.
8.MaxFit: A unique formula with of ashwaghanda, glutamine, carnitine and green coffee bean extract that will improve blood sugar signaling, lower cravings for sugar/sweets, decrease inflammation and improve energy, mental clarity and ability to focus.
9.HemeVite: This is a powerful nutrient blend to improve iron absorption, hemoglobin levels and cellular oxygenation.
Avoid Toxins: - For Natural Product Recommendations
1)Plastic: Use glass water bottles and avoid plastic whenever possible
2)Tap Water: Toxic chlorine, fluoride, DBP’s, Rx’s, arsenic, heavy metals, etc. Be sure to get a good quality shower filter and point of service drinking filter – I have my recommendations on my products page – Aquasauna whole house filtration.
Avalon Water:
-Be sure to get shower filters as well from a home appliance store or on my product recommendations page.
3)Microwaves: Dangerous…scramble the molecular structure of the food/water
4)Non-stick Pans: Highly toxic PFOA’s that damage thyroid and increase cancer risk
5)Household Cleaners: Use White Vinegar, baking soda, lemons, etc. Dr Bronners soap.
6)Personal Care Products: Use coconut oil, baking soda, natural shampoos, soaps, etc. Dr Bronners shampoos are great for natural all-purpose soaps & shampoos
Detoxification Protocols:
We Detoxify Through 1) Respiration 2) Perspiration 3) Urination 4) Defecation
Specific supplements – Daily Detox & Probiotics
Epsom Salt Bath – Do one of these as often as possible.
Drink at least a half-gallon of clean water with anti-oxidant extracts such as lemon and apple cider vinegar daily.
Oil Pulling – Put 1 tsp of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 15-20 mins and spit out. This helps to remove pathogenic organisms & toxins in the mouth & improves immunity. I would recommend this 2-3x daily.
Dry Brush your skin daily to eliminate toxins through your skin
Drink fresh organic green drinks whenever you can
Make Organic Stock Bone Broth on a regular basis too
Walking for 30 minutes daily and deep breathing
Grounding your body by going barefoot on grass, dirt or sand