Research Proposal Submitted for IRB Review – (A) How to e-mail (B)Format of Proposal

This page will tell you, in a step by step fashion, how to submit your completed research proposal and supporting documents electronically as your IRB Packet. Submit through the IRB Google Group. The three steps are:

1. Combine each of the documents called for in the IRB packet in a single folder. Name this folder IRB, your last name, your faculty supervisor’s last name, or something very close to this so that it will be easy for members of the IRB to refer to your proposal.

Example: If I were working with a student named John Doe, John would create a folder with the name IRB Doe Tallon, or IRB Doe and Tallon, ... See the screen shot.

Save a copy of all of the required IRB documents (see the list on the next page) in this folder. Zip the folder using the sequence right-click/Send To/Compressed. See the screen shot. You have converted all of your files into a single file which can be easily attached to an e-mail and sent to the IRB.

2. From the Lipscomb Google mail system, select “Compose Mail” and enter the e-mail address .

3. On the Subject line enter your first and last name and the first and last name of your faculty research advisor. See the display below. Using full names, first and last, is very important in this e-mail so that members of the IRB can readily identify your e-mail in the several dozen e-mails some of us receive every day.

Alternatively, you can create a single Word document with each of the seven items listed below as parts. You can then e-mail that single document.

The remainder of this document is the blank template to use in submitting your proposal and a check-list of components that need to be submitted. (The details here will probably change in future versions of this document.)

Research Proposal Cover Sheet


Select one of the following classifications: ___ exempt ___ expedited ___ full review

(1) Your Name_____

Your e-mail address_____

Your phone number_____

(2) Name of Faculty Advisor_____

e-mail address_____

office phone number_____

(3) Name of College Dean_____

e-mail address_____

Full Title of your Proposal_____

Check-List of Documents to Include:

Include each of the following documents in a zipped folder, or as parts of a single Word document.

(1)Filled in cover page, as given above

(2)Summary of Proposed Research (1 to 2 pages maximum)

(3)Survey form, if your research involves a survey.

(4)Informed consent form, which may be a part of the survey document.

(5)Informed assent form if appropriate.

(6)Protecting Human Research Participants training certificate.

(7)Lipscomb certifications.