Event Notification Quick Reference / RMSS Event Manager

This Event Notification Quick Referencefor the RMSS Event Manager is designed to assist anyone new to using the software with the initial notification of anyevent that occurred.

Please complete the Notification screen with as much information as possible.

Report an Event / Incident / Hazard
1.To report an event using Curtin University’s online reporting system, click on this link:

2.Where did the event occur?: This describes where the event/incident occurred. Select from the drop down lists at each level, starting at the top (Faculty/Office) and working down to the bottom (Building). You must make a selection at each level, even if it is to select N/A (not applicable).The screen will reload as each filter is selected.
Enter your contact details
3.Enter your contact details.

Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Select the Event type and date & time
4.Enter an event date and time using the calendar and clock icons.
Click on the calendar icon to select a date.
  1. Click on a day on the calendar to select it. The time will default to noon.
  2. To select a different time, click on the clock icon to select a time using the Time Picker.
  3. Adjust the date and time you have selected by simply overtyping the information in the box.

5.Select the event type from the drop down list: Environment (excl. Spills), Fire/Explosions, Hazard, Injury/Illness, Near Hit/Miss, Property/Equipment Damage, Spills or Vehicle Event.
The screen will reload with questions tailored to the event type you have selected. /
Enter Event Details
6.Complete the questions in order.Enterfree text or select from tick boxes or drop down options.
7.Attach files, documents, photos, file paths or links if applicable to the event (i.e. photos, witness statements etc).

  1. Type a description of the attachment in the Description box.
  2. Select from the Hyperlink, Upload File or File Path radio button and select or enter the file path or link and click the Attach button to add the file, file path or link to the Event.

8.Click the Submit button. (Until you do so, none of the information you have entered will be saved and/or submitted.) After submittingthere will be a screen confirming the event has been submitted.

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