Currituck County High School

Team Sports

Coach Bair

Phone: 453-0014 ext.3064


This course is designed to promote lifetime fitness through a variety of team sports.

Grade Scale:

Dress/Participation: 75%

Skills/Knowledge Tests: 25%


Students are expected to dress out everyday in their required uniform. They are expected to participate throughout the class to the best of their ability. Failure to dress out in the required uniform will result in a day of PIT.

Temporary excuses:

  1. All notes must be from the student’s parents, guardian, or the office. Notes should state the reason the student can’t participate. All notes are subject to verification.
  2. Any student with a physical disability or limitation should report their condition to the instructor at the beginning of the school year.
  3. If a student is to be excused from team sports for a long period of time, or constantly brings excuses from home, they must bring a doctor’s note stating the reason for not being able to participate.
  4. Students are required to dress out even if they are excused from participation.
  5. Alternative assignments will be given during the time physical activity is restricted.
  6. The student is responsible for telling the teacher if they are not physically able to complete an activity. (Ex. severe pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea)
  7. Rescheduling the class for a later semester may be considered, if possible, if the illness of injury will prevent participation for an extended time.

Dress Code:

  1. All students are required to wear a change of clothing for class. A towel or bath cloth is also strongly recommended.
  2. Students must wear the required uniform and tennis shoes each day.
  3. For safety reasons, students will not be allowed to wear jewelry while participating in class. This includes earrings of any kind, watches, nose rings, etc…
  4. Each student will be assigned a locker for storing gym clothes. It is strongly recommended that students use the lockers and leave anything of great value at home.
  5. Students are encouraged to take showers after class. Please take gym clothes home to be washed regularly.

Equipment and Facilities:

  1. Students are expected to take care of and respect all equipment and facilities.
  2. Students will be oriented in the care of equipment and facilities at the beginning of each unit.
  3. There is absolutely no eating, or drinking in the gym or locker rooms!

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______