Personal Data

Name: Jafar Muhammad Faleh El-Qudah

Nationality: Jordanian

Date of Birth: 16/03/1963

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Married , 4 children(2F&2M)

Address: Al-Fayruz Building, no.11,Behind Sweleh Mall,Ap.4 Amman, Jordan.

Phone: +962 6 5339223 ; Mobile: 0795639227

E-mail: ;


1997 Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry . Thesis entitled: “Biochemical Researches

on the Nature , Nutrition And Utilization of Carotenoid Pigments from

Vegetables Cultivated in Jordan“. Babes-Bolyai University , Cluj-

Napoca, Romania.

1989 B.Sc. Public Health-Nutrition , Jordan University of Science and

Technology , Jordan .

Research Interests

Bioavailability of vitamin A , carotenoids , clinical nutrition ,

nutritional status and community nutrition .

Professional Memberships

·  International Carotenoids Society ( U.S.A.)

·  International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity ( U.S.A.)

·  International Natural Hygiene Society ,


English Excellent in speaking, reading and writing.

Romanian Excellent in speaking, reading and writing.

Arabic Mother language.

Computer skills

Good Knowledge of Microsoft Office.

Work Experience

8/2/2011 Associate Professor , Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt , Jordan.

2010-Present Assistant Professor , Department of Community Health Sciences , Applied

Medical Sciences College, King Saud University, KSA.

2005-Present Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Processing Department, Faculty of

Agricultural Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt , Jordan.

-  Member of faculty Board (2006-2007 ;2007-2008 and 2009-2010 2de semester) .

-  Head Department of Nutrition and Food Processing (2007-2008).

1998 – 2005 Assistant Professor, Private Applied Science University, Faculty of

Medical Sciences, Food and Nutrition Department, Amman-Jordan.

-  Member of faculty Board ( 1999-2000 ; 2000-2001 ; 2003-2004 ; 2004-2005 ).

-  Head Department of Food and Nutrition , Faculty of Medical Sciences, Private Applied Science University ( 2003-2004 and 2004-2005) .

1995-1998 Nutritionist, Central Laboratory- Irbid, Ministry of Health, Jordan .

Teaching Courses

Graduate: · Advanced Biochemistry

Undergraduate: · Biochemistry

· Diet Therapy

·Nutritional assessment

· Malnutrition diseases

· Clinical nutrition and diet therapy 1&2

· Nutrition through life cycle

· Nutrition of Pregnancy and Infancy

· Planning of Community Nutrition

· Nutrition extention and food habits

· Human Nutrition

· Health education

· Food Preparation

· Practical training

· Seminar and Graduate Project.

Published Papers

(1)• A.A. Suleiman, O.K. Alboqai, N. Yasein, J.M. El-Qudah, M.F. Bataineh and B.A. Obeidat, 2009. Prevalence of and factors associated with overweight and obesity among Jordan University Students. J. Biol. Sci., 9(7): 738-745.

(2)• Omar Alboqai, Ahmad Suleiman, Huda Al Hourani, Bayan Obeidat, Naji Abuirmeileh,Jafar M. El-Qudah, Motasem M. Al Masad ( 2009). Central Adiposity Rather Than Overall Obesity Influences Cardio-Metabolic Risk Factors Among Adult Males In Northern Jordan. Diabetologia Croatica 38-3 :73-83.

(3)• Jafar Muhammad EL-Qudah (2009). Identification and Quantification of Major Carotenoids in Some Vegetables. American Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (3): 492-497. Science Publications.

(4)• Abdullah Y. Rewashdeh , Jafar M. El-Qudah , Hani Al-Dmour, Maisa M. Al-Qudah, Amer M. Mamkagh, Khaled A. Tarawneh, Azmi D. Hawari, Basem F. Dababneh, Alaa A. Al-Bakheit and Moawya A. Haddad (2009). Iron Bioavailability Of Rats Fed Liver, Lentil, Spinach And Their Mixtures. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences.12(4):367-372. Asian Network for Scientific Information .

(5)• Khaled. Abu-Alruz, Ayman Suliman Mazahreh, Jihad M. Quasem, Ramadan K. Hejazin and Jafar M. El-Qudah (2009). Effect of Proteases on Meltability and Stretchability of Nabulsi Cheese. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 4 (3): 173-178. Science Publications.

(6)• Jafar, M. El-Qudah, Basem, F. Dababneh, Maha, M. Abu Jaber and Khalil, I. Ereifej (2008). Variation in Physio-Chemical Characteristics, Mineral Concentrations and Cookability of Rice Marketed in Jordan . Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 7 (1): 141-145. Asian Network for Scientific Information.

(7)• Jafar M. El-Qudah, Basem F. Dababneh, Ala'a A. Al-Bakheit, Maisa M. Al-Qudah, Abdullah Al-Rawashdeh, Moayad Khataibeh, Khalid Abu-Alruz and Khalil I. Ereifej (2008). Nutrient Contents per Serving of Twelve Varieties of Cooked Rice Marketed in Jordan. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 3 (3): 617-622. Science Publications .

(8)• Jafar Muhammad El-Qudah (2008) . Dietary Intake of Selected Common Vegetable Foods and Their Total Carotenoids Determination. American J. of Agricultural and Biological Science3(4): 729-733. Science Publications.

(9)• Jafar M. El-Qudah, Omar Al-Widyan , Omar K. Alboqai, Ahmad A. Suleiman And Jihad M. Quasem (2008) . Fat Soluble Vitamins (A, E and K) Intake Among a Sample of Jordanian University Students . World Applied Sciences Journal 5 (2): 252-257 . IDOSI Publications.

(10)• Jafar Muhammad El-Qudah (2008) . Food consumption patterns and prevalence of obesity in an adult population in Amman, Jordan. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , 2(4): 1165-1171. Insinet publication .

(11)• Moayad Khataibeh, Khalid Abu-Alruz, Omar Al-Widyan, Mahmoud Abu-Samak and Jafar Al-Qudah. (2007). Combined Supplementation of Soy and Garlic Modulate Biochemical Parameters of 7,12-dimethylbenz[α]anthracene Induced Mammary Cancer in Female Albino Rats. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10 (14): 2308-2313. Asian Network for Scientific Information .

(12)• Jafar M. EL-Qudah and Hamed R. Takruri. (2004). Nutritional Status of a Sample of School-Children Aged 6-12 Years In Amman / Jordan. Arab Journal for Food and Nutrition. Bahrain. 11: 86-97.

(13)• Hamed R. Takruri and Jafar M. EL-Qudah. (2002). Body Weight Change Resulting From Ramadan Fasting In Winter. Arab Journal for Food and Nutrition. Bahrain. 6:545-553.

Submitted Papers

** Jafar M. EL-Qudah, Jian Qin and Guangwen Tang. Mallow

Carotenoids Determined By High-Performance Liquid Chromatography.

(Submitted ).

** Basem, F. Dababneh, Jafar, M. El-Qudah and Alaa, A. Al-Bakheit .

Nutritional Status of Adult Sample from Amman and Al-Balq’a

governorates in Jordan.

Conferences and Symposia

* Participate in the 1th Jordanian Conference On Nutrition, organized by

Petra University & Arab Center for Nutrition, Manama, Bahrain.


* Participate in the 4th Saudi Science Conference, Taiba University,

Almadina Almunawwara , KSA. March,21-24,2010.

* Participate in the 7th International Conference on Diet and Activity

Methods (ICDAM7), Eating habits among a sample of adult

Jordanians on June 4-7, 2009 in Washington, DC ;USA.

* Participate in the 10th Annual Symposium of Healthy Nutrition


Healthy Nutrition Foundation , Bucharest, December 12-14,2008 .

* Research Scholar, Carotenoids and Health Laboratory, Jean

Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging,

(HNRCA) Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA. During June-

August 2007.

* Participate in the 6th International Carotenoids Conference, GRC,

Ventura, CA, USA, 5-12/ 1/ 2007.

* Participate in the Second Arab Conference on Nutrition. Bahrain. 2004.

* Participate in the First Arab Conference on Nutrition. Bahrain. 2001.

* Participate in the First Jordanian Conference on Food And Nutrition.

Jordan University. 2001.

* Participate in the Workshop on Food-Based Dietary Guidelines.

Jordan University. 1999.

* Participate in the third Agricultural Scientific Conference ,Muta

University. Jordan 1999.

* Participate in the First Conference of Medical Sciences. AL-Zarqa

Private University , Jordan 1999.

* Participate in the Workshop on Food-Based Dietary Guidelines and

Nutrition Education In The Near East Region (FAO), Amman, Jordan.1998.

Committee member for the following Master thesis:

* " A study of the relation between dietary calcium intake and body mass index for a group of female students in the University of Jordan " . Jordan University, Mayl, 10,2010. Amman, Jordan.

* “Utilization of Lupin flour to produce Gluten free cookies “. Jordan University of Science and Technology January,10, 2010. Irbid , Jordan.

* Stage of Change Toward Healthy Behaviors Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Jordan University of Science and Technology ,May, 2009. Irbid , Jordan.

*" Knowledge, attitudes, and practices among type 2 diabetic patients under care at UNRWA Diabetic Clinics in Amman-Jordan (KAP STUDY)". Jordan University, April, 13,2009. Amman, Jordan.

* " Chemical composition, mineral concentration of infant formulas marketed in Jordan as compared with mother's milk". Jordan University of Science and Technology ,January,4, 2009. Irbid , Jordan.

Other activites:

·  المشاركة بدوره التغذيه والتصنىع الغذائي جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية من 4- 17-8-2009

·  المشاركة ببرنامج تدريب مدربين من معلمي المدارس الثانوية وكليات المجتمع في مجال القضايا السكانية-المجلس الاعلى للسكان – عمان-17-8-2009

·  المشاركة في ورشة عمل التثقيف التغذوي- جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الاردنية-اربد 28-4-2009

References :

To be furnished upon request.