1.1Surname (Title):ADENE (Professor)

1.2Other Names:Daniel Folorunso

1.3Date of Birth:21st June, 1944


1.5State of origin:OndoState; Owo – Local Govt.

1.6Marital Status:Married with children


2.1Home:No. 1 Folorunso Adene Crescent,

Off Folahan Ale Street, Okedogbon,

Owo, Ondo State, NIGERIA.

2.2Official Residence:No. 13 Amina Way, University Campus,

University of Ibadan, Ibadan, NIGERIA.

2.3Official Address:Department of Veterinary Medicine

University of Ibadan,

Ibadan, Oyo State, NIGERIA.

2.4Phone:Cell phone 234 803.602141; 234.8056192927

2.5E-mail: ;;

2.6 TenureRetired in 2009 after 2 + 37 yrs of service


3.1Primary (1949-56):St. Andrew’s Primary School, Owo; OndoState.

3.2Secondary (1958-62):ImadeCollege, Owo.

3.3Higher Sec.(1963-04):Christ’s School, Ado Ekiti.; EkitiState.

3.4University (1965-70):University of Ibadan & ABU Zaria,Nigeria.

3.5Postgraduate (1974):University of Liverpool, U.K.

3.6 ( 1975-80)University of Ibadan, Nigeria ( part time)


4.1Degree, Diplomas etc attained:

a.D.V.M. (Ibadan-ABU) with Distinction in Avian Medicine; 1970

in a UK-USA joint DVM programme in Nigeria;

b.M.V.Sc. (Liverpool, UK); Avian Medicine; 1974

c.Ph.D. (Ibadan); by part time studies on Avian Neoplasms 1980.

4.2Academic Honours: Scholarships,Bursaries,Fellowships Grants:

(i)Owo Local Government bursary; Secondary education;1958-62

(ii)German Acad. Exchange Scholarship: University education; 1965-70

(iii) British Commonwealth Scholarship: Post-grad. Studies, U.K. 1974

Commonwealth Academic Fellowship: Research-visit at FormerHoughton Poultry Research Station, UK.1980/81

(iv)Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship: Research visit at

CornelUniversity, DAAAM, Ithaca, USA. 1986/87

(v)Crawford Fund/CSIRO Grant: Div. of Animal Health,

Parkville, Vic. Australia. 1995/95

(vi)FGN-NARP (World Bank Assisted) Research Grant on

Newcastle Dis. Control in Rural Poultry. 1997-99

(vii)FAO-FGN (TCP): Country Consultant: Rural Poultry-health

And Household Food Security (Pilot Scale Study). 2000.

(viii)FAO (Poultry Sector Review) Lead Consultant, 2006

4.3Research -theses/dissertation completed for listed qualifications

  1. M.V.Sc.: “Studies on the influence of pH and other factors in -The production of Mycoplasmagallisepticum broth HA antigen”.; 1974.
  2. Ph. D: ‘Studies on the Neoplastic diseases of local and exotic chickens in Nigeria: with emphasis on Marek’s disease’.;1980


5.1Fellow College of Vet. Surgeons, Nigeria (FCVSN): Avian Medicine, 1994

5.2Chairman –Screening Panel for new Fellows and Members of the CVSN,2002.

5.3Chairman - Prospectus drafting committee of the CVSN, 2004.

5.4Member – Medicine Specialty-Curriculum Subcommittee of the CVSN, 2004.

5.5Vice Chairman – Board of CVSN 2006 todate

5.6MemberNew YorkAcademy of Sciences (MNYA)

5.7Member World’s Veterinary Poultry Association

5.8Member World’s Poultry Science Association

5.9Member Nigerian Veterinary Association

5.10Former Vice President NVMA

5.11Registered Vet. Surgeon, Nigeria No. 129

5.12Others:Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, USAin IBC Outstanding people of the 21st Century, U. K.; Newswatch Who’s Who in Nigeria, 1990.

6.0SERVICE / EXPERIENCE ( Professional, Public & Administrative)

6.1Occasional Resource Person and Research Consultant to:

  1. US Feed Grain Council, Nigeria:1980-86
  2. American Soya-beans Association, Nigeria:1982-86
  3. Centre Technique de Cooperation Agricole et Rurale Convention ACP- CEE, Lome (CTA) 1989-91
  4. Consultant FAO, 2000, 2006,
  5. Consultant ILRI, 2006 -2007.
  6. Consultant USAID STOP AI, 2007

6.2Professional / Industrial Consultant; Examples: Short term basis :

(a)FLDPCS :HPAI (Avian Flu) Techn /Control Forum

(b)CHI Poultry Farms, Ibadan Nigeria. (Division of a Dutch Multinational)

(c)M&B (Rhone Poulene) Nigeria Ltd.: (A branch of Merial, France)

(d)Inlanks/Sandoz/ Beecham, Nig. PLc: (A Conglomerate, India/RSA)

(e)Animal Care Service Konsult, Ltd. Nigeria (Poultry Production & Pharmceuticals).

(f)Avian Specialties Ibadan,Nigeria.(A vertically integrated Poultry Coy.)

(g)Obasanjo Farms, Otta,Nigeria. (A vertically integrated PS-hatchery Farm)

(h)Sobowale Farms, Lagos, Nigeria (Commercial Egg Prod. Farm)

(i)S & D-Agrited Ltd. Abeokuta/Lagos (Poultry Prodn. & Poultry Health services with Isreali Partners)

(j)Zartech Farms Nig. Ltd., Ibadan, (A vertically integrated Poultry Coy).

With occasional services as guest speaker/resource person at Continuing Education Seminars held in many locations across the country,the presentations have contributed to the development ofNigeria’s Poultry Industry and provided incentives to foreign-partner investors. Examples of the presentations are listed under Publications, as Technical Reports. Nigeria is one of the 25 leading poultry producing countries in the World.

6.3Consultant (Avian Medicine): Head of the Poultry diseases Clinic -Vet. Teaching Hospital (VTH), University of Ibadan (U I ) .

6.4Community Service (current)

Member Owo Community Advisory Council appointed by The kabiyesi Olowo of Owo (OCAC)

Chairman of The Central Working Cttee of OCAC

Appointed member of the reconstituted Owo Kingdom advisory Council (OKAC) by The Kabiyesi

Selected By the Kabiyesi as his Vice Chairman in OKAC with him as Chairman

Elected member o the Standing Cttee of St Andrew’s Cathedral, Owo

Elected as member Planning Cttee for the 2011 Synod as The Cathedral..


I have served in various sections of University, Faculty, Profession and Public with the following examplesin Academia and Public Service.:

(a)Head of Department Veterinary Medicine, U.I.– 1978/9: 1985-87; 1990-93

(b)Founding Director – Vet. Teaching Hospital, U.I, 1982/83.

(c)Member of Board VTH, 2004 to date.

(d)Member of University Senate and Committees. 1985 to date.

(e)Member of followingUniversity Senate and Committees.:.

Chairman, Task force on the Investigation of ASUU-SANU crisis, 1993.

Member Works and Payments Committee., 1988-92

Faculty Rep on the Special Committee for the Appointment of Emeritus Professors.1998 -2003.

Faculty Rep In Appointment & Promotions Committee.

Board member Institute of African Studies.

Member Housing Allocation Committee

A Senate Rep on Anti-Corruption Committee, 2003-4.

(f)Grand Patron: Students Farm Research Foundation, U.I 1990 to 2009.

(g)Chairman, Committee on the screening of candidates to the Membership & Fellowship of the College of Vet Surgeons, Nigeria,2005/6.

(h)Chairman: Prospectus Drafting Cttee.of College of Vet. Surgeons, Nigeria,2006.

(i)Vice President, Nigerian Vet Medical Association, 1993-95

(j)National Agric Research Project Team Leader – Covering 3 Universities and 6 states in the West, East and North of Nigeria.

(k)Member Owo Community Advisory Committee. & Secretary Chieftaincy Sub- Committee, 2004 to date.(constituted by HRH-The Olowo of Owo)

(l)Member Central Working Committee. OwoPalace and Community Rehabilitation Project, 2004 to date

(m)Member, Board of All Souls High School, Bodija, Ibadan, 2002 to date.

(n)Co-opted Member of the National Technical Committee on Avian Influenza, 2007.

(o)Chairman 50th Senior Staff Club Anniversary Committee, 2008.

(p)Chairman Ad Hoc NVM Cmtt on the Investigation of Invention Claims, 2008


8.1Tenure: Sustained post-doc teaching, experience of over 34 years.

8.2At University Level: Developed and taught the curriculum and courses in Avian Medicine, including lectures, clinics and ambulatory trips for DVM Programme, viz:

Lecturer-II & Lecturer-I-1972 - 1977

Senior Lecturer-1977-1982

Associate Professor-1982 -1985

Full Professorial Chair-1986 to date.

During this period, I was appointed Acting or Substantive Head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Consultant of the Poultry Diseases Unit for various periods.

8.3Courses Taught: Avian Medicine- 4 hrs per week; 500 Level

Avian Clinics (500L)-6 hrs per week; 500 Level

Avian Clinics (600L)-8 hrs per week; 500 Level

DVM Projects (600L)-over 26 dissertations as at 2003.

ANS -517-Animal Hlth and Hygiene to Agric students

Inaugural lecturer UI:(1991)Poultry health: The growing limitations & remedies, 38pgs.

University lecturer UI (2007)Cornerstones in Poultry health &production – Concepts, Costs and Contemporary Applications, 109 pgs

I pioneered the design and teaching of Avian Medicine in our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, initially at undergraduate 500 and 600 level courses and subsequently at the postgraduate level. I remained until recently, the coordinator of all the Avian Medicine courses, taught in Avian Med Unit, including the supervision of PG dissertations and theses of candidates from within and outside Nigeria.

Postgraduate Courses:

VMD 701 – Diagnostic Avian Med (Lab.); VMD 702 – Advanced Avian Med.(Case studies) ;VMD 705 Advanced Avian Medicine Lectures; Other PG Courses; VMD 706 – Seminars; 709 – Projects.;Postgraduate Projects – over 18 MVSc/Ph.D Projects and Theses supervised as at 2004.

8.4Supervision of post-graduate students in Avian Med./Path.:

Par / Student / Degree / My Role
1984 / F. O. Oluigbo / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Path] / Co-supervisor
1985 / F. A. Ogunji / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1986 / R. S. Haruna / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1988 / N. J. Agoha / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Path.] / Co-supervisor
1989 / N. L. Chimanga / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1990 / D. O. Shorunke / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1990 / G. E.. Eyinola / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1992 / M. A. Nissien / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1992 / I. A. Adebayo / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1996 / P. A. Okewole / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Path.] / Co-supervisor
1997 / E. S. Haruna / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1997 / F. T. Akade / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1999 / O. A. Oladele / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
1999 / B. O. Emikpe / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Path.] / Co-supervisor
2000 / . N. Anosa / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
2002 / F. T. Akande / M.V.Sc. [Vet. Med.] / Major supervisor
2004 / O.A Oladele / Ph D [ Vet Med ] / Majorsupervisor
2005-2007/2008 / P.A Okewole
O.M Tewe; A. Idris / Ph D [ Vet Path]
Ph D [Vet Med] / Co-supervisor


As a poultry Veterinarian, my academic, research, professional interests and works have found strong linkages in the field of poultry health, production and agriculture. In recent times, these have naturally become applicable to rural agriculture development and poverty reduction. I have been an active role player at national and international levels,in these sectors in the past two or more decades. Indeed two chapters of my new book have been devoted to the rural sector poultry. The summary is as follows:

9.1Areas of Academic/Research/Professional interest:

(a)Avian Medicine (virology, immunology, biotechnology), especially on Newcastle disease, Infectious bursal dis., Egg drop syndrome. Infectious bronchitis, Marek’s dis., Avian leucosis, Emerging disease of poultry.

(b)Poultry health & production (Agricultural industry) health & management interactions: production problems, housing & environment diagnostic support (sero-profiling) and disease control services in industrial poultry.

(c)Rural poultry development and food security: ecology’ environment, housing & management studies, disease control studies; economics & policies for cost effective development of the rural poultry sub-sector, including chickens, guinea fowls etc. Epizootiologic interactions between rural – and industrial poultry. Pls see 10.1 for some of the effects.

9.2External/International Academic Experience:

(k)External Examiner, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria, 1997-99.

(ii)Research visits to former Houghton Poultry Research Station, UK 1976; 82

(iii)Fullbright Visiting Professor, Cornell University of Ithaca, USA, 1986.

(iv)Visiting Professor, University of Sokoto, Nigeria, 1990-92.

(v)External Examiner University of Maiduguri, Nigeria, 2000-2002.

(vi)Visiting Senior Research Fellow, (CSIRO), Austrialia, 1995-96.

(vii)Visiting Professor –Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, AhmaduBelloUniversity, Zaria . June 2005 to date.

As one major aspect of my activities during this Visiting tenure,I have,in 29 Nov to 02Dec,2005 initiated and lead the organisation of a Poultry Workshop, here in Zaria. The workshop which was the first of its kind in the University was by contingency, extended to include a Satellite Colloquium on Avian Influenza. The success was highly and widely acclaimed in the calibre of the speakers, presentations and attendance. The Proceedings on CD will hopefully be available on a website soon OR published..

(vii)Visiting Professor at The National Veterinary Research Insitute,Vom 2008-2009

(viii)Visiting professor at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, 2010


10. MAJOR PUBLICATIONS/PRESENTATIONS: (Contributions to Research, Academia, Poultry Industry and Development).

10.1Books/Chapters in Books

  1. Adene,D. F. (1976). Synoptic Notes on Diseases of Poultry: Chapter 15; In InductionTraining Course for Agric. Credit Field Staff of WesternState Agric Credit Corporation. Edited by A. U. Patel Dept. of Agric. Extension Services, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. (1976). Pgs 302 to 314.
  2. Adene,D.F.(1984).Feed Related Deficiencies, Diseases and Anomalies in Poultry: Chapter 14; In Feedmill Management in Nigeria. Edited by Ogunfowora, Olayemi and Mabawonku; Dept of Agric Economics & Federal Livestock Department, Nigeria. (1984). ISBN 978-121-215-Z3.Pgs. 174 to 197.

Book : Poultry Health and Production: Principles and Practices: Stirling – Horden Publishers (Nig.), Ltd. (2004). 301 pgs. ISBN 978-032-156-X;

with following chapters:

  1. Adene, D.F. (2004). Developmental Problems in Poultry Health Management, (2004). In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 3 – 12.
  2. Adene, D.F. (2004). Profit Enhancement in Egg production Through Cost Reduction Efficiency and Stock Health (2004). In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 13-24.
  3. Adene, D.F. (2004). Economic Impact of Diseases on Poultry Production and Risk Management. In Poultry Health and Production,. Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 25-38.
  4. Adene, D.F. (2004). Basic Management Principles and Practices for a Developing Poultry Industry. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 39-50.
  5. Adene, D.F. (2004). Guidelines to the Understanding of the Biology of Animal (Poultry) Diseases. In Poultry Health and Production,. Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 51-62.
  6. Durojaiye, O. A. & Adene, D. F. (2004). Perspectives on Disease Processes and Approach to Prevention. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 63-70
  7. 9.AAdene,D F. (2004).General Stock Management for Diseases Prevention in Poultry.In Poultry Health and Production,. Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978032156
  8. Adene, D.F. (2004). Technical Management Hints for Parent Stock and Hatchery. In Poultry Health and Production,. Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 79-90.
  9. Adene, D.F. (2004). Diseases of Poultry with Principles of Vaccine Management and Application. In Poultry Health and Production,. Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 91-106.
  10. Adene, D.F. (2004). An Ovewrview of Marek’s Disease and the Options in its Control. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 1-7-128.
  11. Adene, D.F. (2004). Coccidiosis of Poultry: the Biology, Diagnosis Treatment and Control. In Poultry Health and Production,. Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs129-152.
  12. Adene, D.F. (2004). Principles and Options for the Control of Coccidiosis in Poulotry. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 153-162.
  13. Adene, D.F. (2004). Coccidial Vaccine for Chickens. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 163-168.
  14. Adene, D.F. (2004). Towards a National Poultry anti-mycoplasmosis Programme. In Poultry Health and Production,. Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 169-180.
  15. Adene, D.F. (2004). Synoptic Notes on Vaccines and their application in Major Diseases of Poultry. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 181-190.
  16. Adene, D.F. and Fartumbi, O.O. (2004). Case Review and Lesson on Poultry Disease Control in south West Nigeria. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 191-200.
  17. Adene, D.F. (2004). Poultry Healthcare in Nigeria: Problems and Prospect. In Poultry Health and Production,. Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 201-212.
  18. Adene, D.F.; Oluwayelu D.O. and Oladele O.A. (2004). Avian Mycoplasmosis as Peculiar Example fo Trans Boundary Animal Disease. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 213-220.
  19. Adene, D.F. (2004). Global Dimensions in Poultry Health Problems: Regional/National Perspectives. In Poultry Health and Production,Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 221-230.
  20. Adene, D.F. (2004). An Outline of Principle and Application of Micronutrients in Poultry Production. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 231-240.
  21. Adene, D.F. (2004). Feed-related deficiencies and Disease in Poultry. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 241-270.
  22. Field Trial on a Newcastle Disease Vaccine: An Example in Quality Assurance and Lawful Marketing. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 271-278.
  23. Adene, D.F. (2004). An Integrated Rural Poultry Improvement Scheme. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 279.
  24. Adene, D.F. (2004). Sustainable indigenous Poultry management and development Programme. In Poultry Health and Production, Stirling –Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd. ISBN 978-032-156-.X pgs 280.

10.2Journal Articles, Proceeding.

  1. Adene, D. F. and Isoun T. T. (1972), Observations of Fowl Perosis at

University of Ibadan Farm. Nig. Vet. Jour. 1:50-20.

  1. Adene, D. F. and Aire T. a. (1974). Fatty liver and haemmorrhagic syndrome in laying chickens, W. A. Jour Appl. Chem. 17:15-20.
  2. Adene, D. F. and Dipeolu O. O. (1975). Survey of Blood and Ecto-parasites of Domestic Fowls in Ibadan, WestState of Nigeria, Bull Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. 23:35.
  3. Adene, D. F. (1975). Studies on the types of neoplasms of poultry in Nigeria. J. Nig. Vet. Med. Ass. 4: 75-81.
  4. Adene, D. F., Fabiyi, A. and Babarinde, Z. A. (1976) Isolation of Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus in Nigeria. Bull Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. 24:9-12
  5. Adene, D. F. and Ojo M. O. (1976). A preliminary report on infectious bronchitis of chickens in Nigeria. J. Nig. Med. Ass. 5: 68-69.
  6. Adene, D. F.and Hill, D.H (1977). Developments on the control of Marek's disease with reference to the local situation. .J. Nig. Vet. Med. Ass. 6: 37 -41
  7. Adene, D. F. and Akande, M. (1978). A diagnosis of coccidiosis in captive bush fowl (Francolinus bicalcaratus) and the identification of the causative coccidia. E. Afr. Wildl. J. 6: 227-230.
  8. Adetosoye, A. L and Adene, D. F. (1978). The response of chickens to experimental infection with Fusarium sp. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr., 26: 198-200.
  9. Adene, D. F. (1978). Comparative histopathology of the bursa of Fabricius of chickens. Proc. 1st Afr. Vet. Congress Accra Pg. 169-173.
  10. Adene, D. F. (1978). Comparative histopathology of neural Marek's disease in chickens Proc. 1st Afr. Vet. Congress, Accra: 178-193.
  11. Adene, D. F.and Ozoya, S. E. (1978). Study on some natural and experimental neuropathies of chickens. Bull Anim. Hlth Prod. Afr. 26:63:65
  1. Adene, D. F., Hill D.H. and Makinde, M. O. (1979). Observation on patterns and problems of production in commercial layers in some parts of Nigeria. Bull Anim. Hlth Prod. Afr. 27:199-203
  2. Oluyemi, J. A., Adene, D. F., and Ladoke, G. O. (1979). A comparative study of the Nigerian indigenous fowls with white Rock under conditions of disease and nutritional stress. Trop. Anim. J Hlth. Prod. 11: 199-292.
  3. Fatumbi, O. O. and Adene, D. F. (1979). Occurrence and pathogencity of tetrameriasis inguinea fowl and local chickens in Nigeria. Vet. Rec. 105:330.
  4. Adene, D. F. and Ogunji, F. A. (1980). A pilot study of combined Newcastle Disease/Fowl pox/fowl typhoid vaccine- the Newcastle disease component. Zbl Vet. Med., 27:320-325.
  5. Adene, D.F. and Njoku, A. (1980). Vaccination of imported chicks against Newcastle disease in Nigeria. J. Nig. Vet. Med. Ass.8: 71-72
  6. Adene, D.F. (1983). Serological survey of Marek’s disease in exotic and local chickens in Nigeria. Tropical Vet. 1: 138-140.
  7. Adene, D.F., Fatumbi, O. O. and Atiri, G. A. O. (1984). Responses of turkey poults to three strains of Newcastle disease vaccine. Nig. Vet. Jor. 13: 68-69.
  8. Adene, D.F.and Howes, K. (1984). Occurrence of leucosis sarcaoma virus-related neoplasms and antibody in Nigeria local chicken Rev. D. EIevage Vet. Piled. Pays trop., 37:160-164.
  9. Payne, L. N., Howes, K. and Adene, D.F. (1985). A modified feather pulp culture method for determining the genetic susceptibility of adult chickens to leucosis-sarcoma viruses. Avian Path. 14: 261-267.
  10. Adene, D.F., Oyejide, A and Owoade, A. A. (1985). Studies on the possible roles of local chickens and vaccine virus in the epidemiology of infectious bursal disease. Rev. Ele. D. Elevage Vet. Med. Pays Trop., 38:122-126.
  11. Adene, D. F. (1985).Disease prevention and control in hatcheries and baby chicks. USA Feed grains Council Workshop, Dec. 1985; Lagos pgs 17-25.
  12. Durojaiye, O. A., Adene, D.F. and Owoade, A.A., (1985): Application of counter current immunoelectro-osomophoresis to the diagnosis of infectious bursal dis. in poultry. Trop. Anim. Hlth. Prod., 17: 225-229.
  13. Fatumbi, O. O. and Adene, D. F. (1986). A ten year prevalence study of Marek's disease and avian leucosis in Ibadan, Nigeria. Acta Vet. Brno., 53: 49-53.
  14. Calnek, 13. W., Adene, D.F. Abplanalp, H. and Schat, K. A. (1987). Studies on the basis of genetic resistance of Marek's Disease. Proc. 23rd WorId Vet. Congress, Montreal, Canada, pg. 327.

53.Durojaiye, O. A. and Adene, D.F. (1988). Newcastle disease and egg drop syndrome, 76 in guinea fowls (Numida meleagris galeata, Pallas) Zbl Vet.Med. (B) 35: 152-154.