Curriculum vitaeJan 2011

Name:A. Alan Giachino, C.M., M.D., F.R.C.S. (C)

Associate Professor,

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery,

University of Ottawa,


Home:43 Davidson Drive,

Gloucester, Ontario

K1J 6L7

Telephone: (613)741-8990


Office:1929 Russell Road,

Suite 206, Ottawa, Ontario

K1G 4G3

Telephone: (613)738-0965

Facsimile: (613)738-1197


Academic Career:

1964-1967B.P.H.E.; University of TorontoSchool of Physical and 333Health Education

1968-1971M.D., University of TorontoSchool of Medicine

1971-1972Straight Internship in Medicine; St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario

1972-1976F.R.C.S. (C); Residency in Orthopaedic Surgery,

University of Ottawa

1980Certification American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Clinical Fellowships & Visiting Lectureships:

Clinical Fellow in Orthopaedic Surgery, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA (with Dr. Ben Fowler) January to July 1977.

Senior Registrar Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Adelaide, AdelaideAustralia July 1977 to May 1978.

Merck, Sharpe and Dohme, Travelling Fellowship, 1977

Visiting Lecturer to the KingAbdulazzizUniversity, Jedda, Saudi Arabia, October 1980

A-0 International Fellowship Recipient (February-March 1981)

4 weeks West Berlin at Oskar-Helene-Heim Clinic

2 weeks Duisburg, Germany, in Traumatology Clinic

Visiting Lecturer, University of Adelaide, QueenElizabethHospital, October 1984, AdelaideAustralia

Volunteer positions

Volunteer* = I pay transport, no salary received, no expenses covered

Volunteer*, Visiting Lecturer, Fiji Orthopaedic Training Program, Lautoka, Fiji, (Australian Orthopaedic Association) December 1994. (partial airfare paid)

Volunteer*, Visiting Lecturer Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Africa, (World Orthopaedic Concern). February 23 to March 23, 1996.

Volunteer*, Visiting Lecturer Hadassah Medical Centre, Ein Karem, Kiryat, Hadassah, Jerusalem, ISRAEL and Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Hadassah Mount Scopus Jerusalem, Israel, August 1998. 1 month (some work in Jericho)

Volunteer*, Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO), Jigme Dorji Wangchuk NationalReferralHospital Thimphu,Bhutan, March 1999

Volunteer, SheikhKalifaMedicalCenter, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Aug. 2000 1 month

Volunteer*, WenzhouMedicalSchool, Wenzhou, China, 2 weeks 2001

Volunteer*,WenzhouMedicalSchool, Wenzhou, China, 1 month 2002

Volunteer*,University of Mongolia, Ulaan Baator, Mongolia,1month 2004

Volunteer*,University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1 month, 2006 (HVO)

Volunteer*, WenzhouMedicalSchool,Wenzhou, China, 2 weeks,March 2007

Volunteer, Canadian Forces, Kandahar, Afghanistan, 8 weeks, October, November 2007

Volunteer* MongoliaTraumaCenter, Ulaan Baator, Oct 2008 SIGN Course

Volunteer* Moldova, Chisinau Aug 31 – Sept 16, 2010

Volunteer* Ethiopia, Mekelle, Dec 27- Jan 9, 2011

Foreign Fellows

Trained (in Ottawa) Dr Zhang Yu (Orthopaedic Staff, Wenzhou, China)

18 months 2004/5

Trained (in Ottawa) Dr Batzorig (Chief of Orthopaedics Mongolia)

8 months 2006/7

Canadian Arctic; Participated in the formation of a health relationship between Nunavut and Ottawa, 1998 and serviced that area since 1998. Clinics in Pond Inlet, Resolute Bay, Grise Fiord, CapeDorset, Ogloolik, Pangnirtung. Operating in Iqaluit and clinics for 11 years.

North WestTerritories. Participated in replacement locums at the StantonTerritorialHospital, Yellowknife, since 2002


1978-1982Lecturer in Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Ottawa

1978-1991 Active Staff, Ottawa GeneralHospital

1983-1990 Clinical Assistant Professor,

University of Ottawa

1984-1985 Full Time Orthopaedic Consultant; AucklandHospital Board, Auckland, New Zealand

1985-1989 Chairman Annual Meetings Committee, Canadian Orthopaedic Association - Meeting 1988, Ottawa

1985 Consultant in Orthopaedics, Ontario Cancer

Treatment and Research Foundation, Ottawa Regional

Cancer Centre

1986-1991 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Executive Secretary for the Test Committee in Orthopaedic Surgery

1987-1991 Member Finance Committee, Canadian Orthopaedic Association

1987-1990 Member Public Relations Committee, Canadian Orthopaedic Association

1991 Clinical Associate Professor, University of Ottawa

Jan 1992 Acting Chief, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery,

Ottawa GeneralHospital

June 1992-2003 Chief, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery,

Ottawa GeneralHospital

Jan 1997-Sept 2003

Chairman Division of Orthopaedic Surgery,

University of Ottawa

1998Co-Chairman Annual Meetings Committee, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Meeting - 1998 Ottawa

2005- World Orthopaedic Concern, Regional Secretary for Canada

2005- Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO-OO) China Program Director

2006- Consultant; Canadian Rehabilitation Institute

2006- Consultant; Direct IME Musculoskeletal System

2007- Consultant; College Of PhysiciansNova Scotia

2007- Civilian Orthopaedic Surgeon on loan to Military, Canadian Forces Base,Kandahar, Afghanistan (October, November 2007)

2009 - Invited Reviewer, Clinical Anatomy Journal


1978-present University of Ottawa and foreign and localmedical students and electives (not listed)

1985/86 Orthopaedic Fellow, Dr. Allan Proffit

1986/87 Orthopaedic Felowship, Dr. Pat Galey

1989/90 Orthopaedic Fellow, Dr. Dan Squire

1990/91 Orthopaedic Fellow, Dr. M. Benoit

1992/93 Orthopaedic Fellow, Dr. K. Rumball

1993/94 Orthopaedic Fellow, Dr. G. Dervin

1994/95 Orthopaedic Fellow, Dr. M. Fiala

1995/96 Orthopaedic Fellow, Dr. J. Ostrowski

Oct 2002-May2004; International Fellowship, Chinese Fellowship,

Dr. Zhang Yu

Oct 2006-June 2007; International Fellowship, Mongolian Fellowship, Dr. B. Batzorig

2005/6 Orthopaedic Fellow Dr. Peter Lapner

2007 Problem Based Learning, MSK System, U of O

2006 Problem Based Learning, MSK System, U of O

2009 Mentor, Dr. S. ElFatori

Current and Past Activities:

1978-1983Member of Musculoskeletal System Committee;

University of Ottawa

1978-1982Member of Undergraduate Committee, Department

of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Ottawa

1980-2003Member Postgraduate Education Committee, Division

of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Ottawa

1982-1984Member of Emergency Committee, Ottawa GeneralHospital

1978-1991Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Ottawa

1987-2003 Member of Nucleus Committee, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Ottawa

1986-1990Member, Admission and Discharge Committee,

Ottawa GeneralHospital

1991-1998Member Infection Control Committee,

Ottawa GeneralHospital

1991-1996Member of Continuing Medical Education Committee Ottawa GeneralHospital

1992-1996Member of Program Committee Canadian Orthopaedic


1992Member at Large Ontario Orthopaedic Association

1992-95 Member, Board of Directors Ontario Orthopaedic


Nov. 1994Chairman AGM Ontario Orthopaedic Association

Nov. 1994Member, The Finance Committee, Department of

SurgeryUniversity of Ottawa

1996-1999Chairman, Operating Room Committee, Ottawa GeneralHospital

1996–2003 Member, Surgical Executive Committee, University of Ottawa

1997Chairman Program Committee, Canadian Orthopaedic Association

1997COA Representative to CMA Policy Committee RE: Transmission of HBV from Health Care Workers to Patients

1998Member, Musculoskeletal Restructuring Committee, Ottawa Hospital

1998-Member, International Wrist Investigators Workshop IWIW

1999-2002Chairman, Canadian Orthopaedic Overseas

2004 - Canadian Regional Chairman, World Orthopaedic Concern

2006 - Program Director, Wenzhou, China, Health Volunteer Overseas


1972Review of Fifty Cases of Multiple Myeloma;

St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto

1975Healing of Cartilage Defects in Rabbits, Annual

Residents Meeting, Ottawa

1976Proximal Humeral Epiphyseal Injuries, Annual

Residents Meeting, Ottawa

1977Fowler Total Knee Prosthesis, Annual Residents

Meeting, Ottawa

1978Ceramics in Orthopaedics, South Australian Branch

Meeting of Australian Orthopaedic Association, Adelaide, South Australia

1979Base of Fifth Metatarsal Fractures, Annual Staff

Research Meeting, Ottawa

1980Surgeon Irradiation in Treatment of Hip Fractures, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting,Calgary

1981Anatomical Consideration in External Fixation of the Femur, Basic Science Course, Ottawa

1984Deep Vein Thrombosis - Incidence and Prevention, New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Nelson, New Zealand

1986Oblique Fracture of the Medial Malleolus Fractures, Canadian Association of Radiology,National Meeting, Halifax

1986Glue Fixation of Osteochondral Fractures, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Edmonton

1986Local Anaesthesia for Forefoot Surgery, Canadian

Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Edmonton

1987A Comparison of Manual Dexterity in Physicians and Surgeons, Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society, London, June 1987

May 1990 ECRL - ECU Tendon Transfer for Wrist

Realignment, Dr. D. Squire & Dr. A. Giachino

Resident's ResearchDayUniversity of Ottawa

May 1990 Correlation of Physical Findings & Arthroscopic Findings In-Patients with Knee Pain Dr. E. Robinson & Dr. A. Giachino Resident's ResearchDayUniversity of Ottawa

May 1991The Treatment of Ulno-Metacarpal Descent in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Dr. Michel Benoit Dr. A. Giachino Resident's ResearchDayUniversity of Ottawa

May 1991Evaluation of Simulated Functional Forearm Synostosis, Dr. Michel Benoit , Dr. A. Giachino

Resident's ResearchDayUniversity of Ottawa

May 1991The Prevention & Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis

In Patients with Total Knee Prosthesis, Quebec

Orthopaedic Association Meeting, MontebelloPQ

June 1991Correlation of Physical Findings & Arthroscopic Findings in Patients with Knee Pain, Dr. Eric Robinson, Dr. A. Giachino, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Calgary, Alberta

Sept 1991 The Treatment of Ulno-Metacarpal Descent in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Dr. Michel Benoit, Dr. A. Giachino, American Association of Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.

Oct 1991Problems with Total Wrist Arthroplasties and a New Concept, International Wrist Symposium, Montebello, Quebec

Oct 1991The Treatment of Ulno-Metacarpal Descent in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Dr. Michel Benoit, Dr. A. Giachino, International Wrist Symposium, Montebello, Quebec

Oct 1991Evaluation of Simulated Functional Forearm Synostosis, Dr. Michel Benoit, Dr. A. A. Giachino International Wrist Symposium, Montebello, Quebec

Oct 1991ECRL to ECU Tendon Transfer in the Rheumatoid

Patient for Radial Deviation of the Wrist, Dr. D. Squire, Dr. A. Giachino, International Wrist Symposium, Montebello, Quebec

Nov 1992Evaluation of Simulated Functional Forearm

Synostosis, Dr. Michel Benoit, Dr. A. Giachino American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Feb 1993PCA Total Hip Replacements: Significance of Fit and Ingrowth a Long Term Clinical Outcome. J.P. McAuley, G. Moreau, D. Desjardins, A. Giachino, M. Boucher, AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting San Francisco, USA

June 1993PCA Total Hip Replacement: Significance of Fit and Ingrowth a Long Term Clinical Outcome. J.P. McAuley, G. Moreau, D. Desjardins, A. Giachino, M. Boucher, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, June 1993

June 1993Assessment of Upper Extremity Functional Ability in Relationship to Range of Motion and Relation to the Range of Joint Motion. K, Rumball, A. Giachino, C. Heaney, D. Boisvert, The Canadian Society for Surgery of the Hand (MANUS)-COA Annual Meeting, Montreal, PQ

June 1993Ulno Carpal Impaction in the Adolescent. A. Giachino, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Montreal

Feb 1994The Relations Between Limited Proximal Row Rotation, STT Arthritis, and Scaphoid Cyst Formation, Dr. A. Giachino,

Adrien Bouchard Research Day, Ottawa

Feb 1994Wrist Pain in the Young Athlete, Dr. A. Giachino Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine, Annual Scientific Meeting, Ottawa

Feb 1994How to Exam the Wrist, Dr. A. Giachino, Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine, Annual Scientific Meeting, Ottawa

Feb 1994Malunited Bennett's Fracture - A New Treatment, Dr. A.

Giachino, H.K. Uhthoff Research Day, Ottawa

April 1994 Chiari Osteotomies via a Transtrochanteric Approach, BasicScienceCourseUniversity of Ottawa Hip Pathology in Adults Secondary to Paediatric Hip Disease, Ottawa

May 1994Stroke Following Total Joint Replacement, Dr. John Ostrowski, Dr. A. Giachino, Resident Annual Review, Ottawa Awarded Second Prize, Best Paper

May 1994The Histological Analysis of Fetal Ulno Variance, Dr. Paul Kim, Dr. A. Giachino, Dr. H.K. Uhthoff, The Canadian Society for Surgery of the Hand (MANUS)- COA Annual Meeting Winnipeg

June 1994The Histological Analysis of Fetal Ulnar Variance, Dr. Paul Kim, Dr. A. Giachino, Dr. H.K. Uhthoff, Poster

Presentation COA Meeting Winnipeg

Sept 1994Assessment of Upper Extremity Functional Ability in Relationship to Range of Motion and Relation to the Range of Joint Motion. K, Rumball, A.Giachino, C. Heany, D. Boisvert, Australian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Australia

Feb 1995Carpal Instability, Dr. A. Giachino, CanadianAcademy of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Banff, Alberta

Feb 1995 How to Examine the Wrist, Dr. A. Giachino, Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Banff, Alberta,

two / one hour Workshops

March 1995 Treatment of Rheumatoid Flexor Tenosynovitis and Swan Neck Deformity, Continuing Medical Education Course University of Ottawa Westin Hotel, Ottawa

March 1995 Deep Vein Thrombosis in Total Knee Replacement The Value of Diagnosis with Transoesophageal Echo Cardiography,

A.Giachino H.K.U. Research Day

March 1995 Development of a Total Wrist Replacement A.Giachino, Adrien Bouchard Research Day

April 1995 Midcarpal Pivot Shift Test, M. Fiala, A. Giachino, Annual Resident's Research Day, University of Ottawa

April 1995 Metaphyseal Re-Fracture Rate, B. Houle, A. Giachino, M.Y. Benoit, Annual Resident's Research Day & Collins Day, First Prize RIII Resident, Ottawa

May 1995Calcaneal Fractures: Indications for Surgical Treatment, A. Giachino, Management of Lower Limb Trauma Course, Ottawa

May 1995 Indications for Primary Ankle Fusion, A. Giachino, Management of Lower Limb Trauma Course, Ottawa

June 1995Metaphyseal Re-Fracture Rate and the Proper Place for Radial Osteotomies, B. Houle, A. Giachino, M. Benoit, The Canadian Society for Surgery of the Hand (MANUS) - COA Annual Meeting, Halifax

June 1995CIND VISI Resulting from Scaphoid Overgrowth, A. Giachino, The Canadian Society for Surgery of the Hand (MANUS) - COA Annual Meeting, Halifax

June 1995Midcarpal Pivot Shift Test, M. Fiala, A. Giachino, The Canadian Society for Surgery of the Hand (MANUS) - COA Annual Meeting, Halifax

June 1995Relationship of Diminished Proximal Row Movement to STT Arthritis and Scaphoid Cyst Formation, A. Giachino, The Canadian Society for Surgery of the Hand (MANUS) - COA Annual Meeting, Halifax

June 1995Treatment of Mal-United Bennett's Fractures: A New Surgical Technique, A. Giachino, The Canadian Society for Surgery of the Hand (MANUS) - COA Annual Meeting, Halifax

July 1995Upper Extremity Function Following Restoration of Joint Motion, A. Giachino, K. Rumball, C. Heaney, D. Boisvert, The International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand Meeting Helsinki Finland

Jan 1996 Examination of the Wrist, Jamaican Orthopaedic Association, First Annual Symposium, KingstonJamaica

Jan 1996Ulnar Wrist Pain, Jamaican Orthopaedic Association, First Annual Symposium, KingstonJamaica

Feb 1996 Carpal Instability, Jamaican Orthopaedic Association, First Annual Symposium, KingstonJamaica

May 1996 Ulnocarpal Impaction in Patients With and Without Distal Radial Ulnar Joint Osteoarthritis John Ostrowski, Alan Giachino, Orthopaedic ResidentResearchDayUniversity of Ottawa

May 1996 Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Total Knee Replacements, Alan Giachino, Surgery of the Arthritic Knee Symposium, Ottawa Congress Centre

May 1996Cerebral Vascular Accidents in Total Knee Patients, John Ostrowski, Alan Giachino, Surgery of the Arthritic Knee Symposium, Ottawa Congress Centre

May 1996Adolescent Ulnar Variance. Alan Giachino, François Paiement, William McIntyre Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec (Poster Presentation)

May 1996Anatomical Variations About the Distal Radial Ulnar Joint, Alison Giachino, Alan Giachino, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, (Poster Presentation)

May 1996 Fitness to Drive Alan Giachino, Kelly Rody, Robert Feibel, Jacques Brunet, Geoff Dervin, Jim McAuley, Jacques Bouchard Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, (Poster Presentation)

Nov 1996Biomechanical Testing of Wrist Prosthesis Adrien Bouchard Research Day

March 1997 Total Wrist Replacements, The Past the Present and the Future, March 15, 1997.Quebec Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec.

March 1997 Ulnocarpal Impaction and Ulnostyloid Triquetral Impaction, March 15, 1997, Quebec Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec.

March 1997 Differential Diagnosis of Foot Pain Continuing Medical

Education Course March 21, 1997, University of Ottawa.

March 1997 Workshop "How to Examine the Foot" Continuing Medical

Education Course March 21, 1997, University of Ottawa.

May 1997A Self-Administered Questionnaire to Assess the Post-Traumatic Wrist, University of Ottawa DePuy Visiting Professor, P. Beaulé, G. Dervin, A. Giachino,K. Rody,May 7th, 1997.

June 1997The Results of Various Treatments for Ulno-Carpal Impaction

J. Ostrowski, A. Giachino, Canadian Orthopaedic Association

Meeting, Hamilton, Ontario.

June 1997 A Self Administered Questionnaire to Assess the Post-

Traumatic Wrist, P. Beaulé, G. Dervin, A. Giachino, K.Rody

Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Hamilton,

Sept 1997 Adolescent Ulnar Variance, Post Presentation, A. Giachino, American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Meeting, Denver Co.

Sept 1997The Results of Various Treatments for Ulno-Carpal Impaction J. Ostrowski, A. Giachino, American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Meeting, Denver Co.

Oct 1997 A New Classification of Ulno Styloid Triquetral Impaction, H.K.U. Research Evening.

Feb 1998Total Wrist Arthoplasty, Invited Speaker, Instructional Lecturer, Combined English Speaking Orthopaedic Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand.

May 1998The Effects of Inflammatory Arthritis on Joints and the Sequelae, A. Giachino, Twenty-second Annual National Meeting for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists, Ottawa

May 1998Etiological Classification of Ulno-Styloid Triquetral, A. Giachino, International Federation of Society for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH) Triennual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.

May 1998The Incidence of Metaphyseal Re-fracture after Removal of Internal Fixation and its Significance in the Treatment of Kienbock’s Disease, J. Houle, T. Tabrizi, A. Giachino, M. Benoit, B. Richards, B. Pham, (IFFSH) Triennual Meeting Vancouver, B.C.

June 1998A Randomized Clinical Trial of Regional Limb Heparinization during Total Knee Athroplasty: Echogenic Material Detected by Transoesophageal Echocardiography, M. Turek, A. Giachino, C. Wherret, D. Miller, K. Rody American Society of Echocardiography Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco

June 1998Prediction of Resectable Meniscal Tears in Osteoarthritis of the Knee, G.F. Dervin, K. Rody, J. Bouchard, R. Feibel, A, Giachino, G. Moreau, J.A. Brunet, J.P. Desjardins, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa

June 1998Echogenic Material Detected by Transoesophageal Echocardiography in a Randomized Trial Comparing Regional Heparinization to Placebo in Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty, A. Giachino, M. Turek, D. Miller, C. Wherrett, K. Rody, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa

June 1998A Controlled Assessment of Ulnar Variance, A. Giachino, F. Paiement, J. Grabroski, Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa

July 1998Regional Heparinization Does Not Reduce the Incidence of Embolic Phenomena During Total Knee Arthroplasty, C. Wherrett, M. Turek, D. Miller, A. Giachino, K. Rody, Canadian Anaesthetist Society Annual Meeting, Toronto

Oct 1998Surgical Treatment of the Rheumatoid Hand, A. Giachino, Twenty-ninth Laurentian Conference of Rheumatology, Hotel la Sapinière, Val David, PQ Invited Speaker

Oct 1998Assessing and Reporting Fitness to Drive, A. Giachino, Symposium Orthopaedic Surgery and the Legal System, University of Ottawa

Oct 1998Patient Education and What the Patient Understands, A. Giachino, Symposium Orthopaedic Surgery and the Legal System, University of Ottawa

July 1999Poster Presentation, Etiological Classification of Ulnar Styloid-Triquetral Impaction Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, St Johns, Newfoundland

July 1999Autologous Articular Cartilage Transfer from Proximal Tibiofibular Joint to Distal Radius Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, St Johns, Newfoundland

Aug 1999 Etiological Classification of Ulnar Styloid-Triquetral Impaction, International Wrist Investigators Workshop Meeting Boston Ma.

June 2000Autologous Osteoarticular Transfer from the Proximal Tibio-Fibular Joint to the Distal Radial Facets in the Treatment of Severe Distal Radial Fractures. Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Barcelona, Spain. June 21-24, 2000.

June 2000 Autologous Osteoarticular Transfer from the Proximal Tibio- Fibular Joint to the Distal Radial Facets in the Treatment

Of Severe Distal Radial Fractures. Canadian Orthopaedic Annual meeting, Edmonton, Alberta

Oct 2000 Autologous Osteoarticular Transfer from the Proximal Tibio-fibular Joint to the Distal Radial Facets in the Treatment of Severe Distal Radial Fractures. International Wrist Investigators Workshop, Seattle, Washington

Oct 2000 Autologous Osteoarticular Transfer from the Proximal Tibio-fibular to the Radial Facets in the Treatment of Severe Distal Radial Fractures. Poster presentation. American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Seattle, Washington