1. Name: Dinesh Kumar Ramoo

2. Date of Birth: 19/12/1984

3. Official Title: Assit. Prof. Dr.

4. Education:

Degree / Department / University / Year
B.Sc (1) / Computing / University of Northampton, UK / 2008
Ph.D / Psychology / University of Birmingham / 2013

5. Academic Work

Asst. Professor: Psychology, Çağ University, 2016-Present

Senior Lecturer: Psychology, CIRP, 2015-2016

Associate Lecturer: Psychology, The Open University, 2014-2015

Research Fellow: Psychology, University of Birmingham, 2013-2015

6. Thesis

7. Publications

·  Ramoo, D. (2017) Introduction to the Self. In Sahinkarakas, S. and Inozu, J. (Eds.), Self in Language Learning. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

·  Olson A., Ramoo D., Rodrigues De Almeida L., Frisson S., & Romani C. (2016) Contrasting eye-movements in reading aloud and reading silently to localise a speech deficit. Frontiers Psychology.

·  Ramoo D. & Uddin I. (2014) Motivation among Engineering Students: a Qualitative Analysis, Official Conference Proceedings: The European Conference on Psychology and the Behavioural Science, 91-104

·  Ramoo D. (2013) Conference Review: The 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, PsyPAG Quarterly, 87, 37 – 38.

·  Ramoo D. & Olson A. (2012) Syllable Structure in the Mental Lexicon: Evidence from Hindi, Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences, 61, 86 – 87.

·  Ramoo D., Romani C. & Olson A. (in preparation) Speech Error Analysis of Hindi Aphasic Patients, Cognitive Neuropsychology

·  Ramoo D. & Olson A. (in preparation) Resyllabification in speech and the costs and benefits of storing syllable structure in the lexicon: A trilingual study

·  Ramoo D., Romani C.& Olson A. (in preparation) Syllable Structure In the Mental Lexicon: A Case Study in English

8. Projects

Date / Funding Body / Amount / Project
April, 2016 / Sri Lanka National Science Foundation Technology Grant
(TG/2016/Tech-D/03) / LKR / 995,000.00 / Development and Validation of an Administration and Analysis Software for 3 Psychological Scales in Sinhala and Tamil
June, 2016 / Wellcome Trust Society and Ethics Grant (203073/Z/16/Z) / GBP / 4790.00 / Religious coping and psychological well-being among South Asian stroke caregivers
July, 2016 / American Psychological Foundation / USD / 1000.00 / International Scientific Meeting Support
August, 2014 / Social Enterprise Award / GBP / 5000.00 / Development of a new Cognitive Screen for Hindi/Urdu stroke patients in the UK
April, 2011 / University of Birmingham Graduate School / GBP / 3000.00 / Analysis of speech errors from Hindi patients with Aphasia
2010 / Universitas21 / GBP / 1500.00 / Speech error analysis of Hindi Aphasics

9. Administrative Duties

2016 Asst. Dean, Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology, Sri Lanka

2015-2016 Head of Research, Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology, Sri Lanka

10. Memberships for Academic Associations

British Computer Society Professional Member (990233110) 2010-Present

11. Awards

Postgraduate Hero 2011: University of Birmingham (Represented on the University website)

Best Student in Technical Computing 2008: British Computer Society

Medal of Appreciation, 2002: The Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka

12. Courses and Seminars given in the last two years:

Academic Year / Semester / Name of the Course / Hours per week / No of Students
Theory / Practice
2017-2018 / Fall / Research Methods I / 5 / 1 / 94
Computer Applications in Psychology / 3 / 3 / 94
Psychology of Learning / 2 / 1 / 85
Spring / Cognitive Psychology / 2 / 1 / 80
Psycholinguistics / 2 / 1 / 35
Measurement in Psychology / 2 / 1 / 80
Research Methods II / 3 / 3 / 94
2016-2017 / Fall / Research Methods I / 5 / 1 / 78
Computer Applications in Psychology / 3 / 3 / 78
Psychology of Learning / 2 / 1 / 82
Spring / Cognitive Psychology / 2 / 1 / 80
Psycholinguistics / 2 / 1 / 34
Measurement in Psychology / 2 / 1 / 80
Research Methods II / 3 / 3 / 78
Academic Writing (MA) / 2 / 1 / 44