Conspiracy Theories in History Group Project
Due Date: Class Final, Value: 90 points
Students will be working in groups of up to 3 to conduct research pertaining to a specific conspiracy theory within American history. Students will do fact-based research to find the true historical event, the conspiracy theories surrounding that event, and why the conspiracy theory is probably just that. Within their groups, each student will have a different role and will be graded according to their job performance within the group. Students will have project finished by the day they would take their final. Projects will be shared with the teacher and class via Google drive, as projects will be done on Google slides. Below is a list of what is expected from the project.
- Students will be broken down into groups of 2-3
- Once in a group, students will need to choose a conspiracy theory within history and have it approved by the teacher…THIS WILL BE A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS!!!!
- Within the group each student will be responsible for doing one of the following jobs:
- Historical account of what took place
- Different conspiracy theories behind what happened
- Reason why conspiracy theory is probably not true and what group believes
- Each student will be responsible for creating3- 4 slides of information
- Each slide of information will need to include words and pictures; remember, do not write a book about each bullet on the presentation.
- Each student will also need to hand write notes for each slide to show the teacher that they have done their research
- Remember this is a presentation, not a report!!!!!!
- Each student will also be responsible for finding at least 3 different sources for their works cited page
- Make sure that each source is from a valid and trustworthy website
- On the works cited slide, please break down each source based on the person who wrote it (makes it easier to grade and see for teacher)
- Below is a sample of what a PowerPoint could look like:
- Slide 1- Introduction page with conspiracy theory and group name
- Slides 2-5- Accurate history of what took place for that particular situation
- Slides 6-8- Different conspiracy theories that go with the particular situation
- Slides 19-11- Reasons why conspiracy theories are probably not true, and an overall summary of what the group believes on the situation
- Slide 12- Works Cited Page
Grading Rubric
- 3-4 slides with information and pictures (25 pts each section): ______/75
- minimum 3 different sources: ______/10
- Hand-written notes about your subject: ______/5