Name: Sana A M Elgayar

Personal Data: -Date of Birth : June 6,1955

-Marital Status: Married

-Languages: Arabic, English (read and speak)

-Address: Histology Dept, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut Univrsity

-Mobile: +0201273636763

Education: -Faculty of graduate studies, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: September, 1981 to October, 1986

-M. Sc. Degree, Anatomy. May, 1984.

-Thesis Topic:“Postnatal Development of the Rat Cerebellar Cortex and the purkinje cell--Light, Electron Microscopic and Morphometric Study”

-PH.D. Degree, Anatomy. October, 1986.

Thesis Topic : “Postnatal Development of the Rat Cerebellar Cortex in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Light, Electron Microscopic and Morphometric Study.

-Graduate Studies and Research Department, Assuit University, Assiut, Egypt.

September, 1979 to September, 1980

Internship in Assiut University Hospital.

September, 1973 to September, 1979.

Received M.B.B. C.H. degree in Medecine in Sept., 1979.

Six years Medicine Curriculum General grade “Very Good”.

Awards & Prizes:

-Anatomical Research Fund Graduate Student Scholarship, University of Manitoba, 1983- 1989.

-Government of Egypt Distinction Award, Assiut University, 1974, 1977.

-Province of Elminia Secondary School Certificate Prize, Egypt, 1973.

-Province of Elminia Prepatratory School Certificate Prize, Egypt, 1970.


* Working in Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, University Hospital, 1979-1980: Internship.

*Working in Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Histology

1980-1981: Instructor and Teaching Assistant.

*Working in University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Anatomy Dept

October 1981- 1986 Teaching and Research assistant.


-Demonstrator, histological lab for undergraduate lst year medical students.

-Practicing electron-microscopic techniques for studying the ultrastructure of cells.

-Prosector of cavaders for Antomical lab.

* Working in Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine, Histology Dept, Assiut, Egypt

-October 1986-1989: Assistant Professor.

*Working in King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Histology.

-September 1989- 1992: Assistant Professor.

-September 1992- 1994: Associate Professor.

*Working in Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Histology, Assiut, Egypt

-September 1994 - October 1997: Associate Professor.

-October 1997 till now: Full professor

-October 2000 – 2006: Head of Histology Dept.

-Teching General and Special Histology to Medical, Pharmaceutical and nursing students.

-Supervising 3 M.Sc. Thesis Effect of Melatomin on the postnatal development of the male genital system and some endocrine organs.

-Supervising 1 Ph. D. thesis on the effect of contraceptive hormone injection on the hypothabmus.

-Reviewer in Assiut Medical Journal: 2000 till now

*Member of Scientific Promotion Committee for Histology: 2008-2013.

*Reviewer in the Scientific Promotion Committee for Histology: 2013 till now

M.Sc.Thesis Supervision:

1- Effect of Streptozotocin – Induced Dialoetes on the Histology and Histochemistry of Male Genital System of Mice

2- Effect of melatonin admininstration during gestation on the postnatal developmet of the prostate and seminal vesicle.

3-Effect of melatonin administration during gestation on the postnatal development of the testis.

4-Effect of melatonin administration during gestation on the postnatal development of the suprarenal gland.

5-Influence of aging on the respiratory tract, of rats---a histological study

6-Harderian gland, an assay

7-Enteric Nervous system, an assay

8- Protective effect of vitamin B complex in diabetic peripheral neuropathy…..Histological study

Ph D. Thesis Supervision:

1- Effect of diazepam on the structure of the pituitary gland (pars Dlistalis) of the adult male albino rat.

2- Effect of Medroxy progesternone acetate on the hypothalamus.

3- Influence of hyperprolactinemia induced experimentally on hypothalamo- hypophysial gonadal axis in adult female albino rat.

4- Effect of retinoic acid administration during gestation on postnatal development of rat olfactory system.

5- Aging of the olfactory system of male rats --- A histological, immuno- histochemical and ultrastructual study.-

6- Postnatal development of the female guinea pig Harderian gland.

7- Postnatal development of the cat vomeronasal gland.

8- Effect of nicotine on the structure of guinea pig auditory system.

9- Role of Genistein / novel antiglycating agent in ameliorating diabetic retinobathy induced in rat: a histological study.

10- Neuroprotective Effect of Herbs/ Novel Indole Derivativein an Animal Model of Parkinson᾽s Disease—a histological study


1- E.J.H. Nathaniel, D.R. Nathaniel, Sana A. Mohammed, L. Nathaniel, C. Kowalzik, and L. Nahnybida (1986): "Prenatal Ethanol Exposure and Cerebellar, Development in Rats". Experimental Neurology, 93,601- 609.

2- E.J.H. Nathaniel, D.R. Nathaniel, Sana A.Mohammed, L.Nahnybida and L.Nathaniel (1986): "Growth patterns of Rat Body, Brain, and Cerebllum in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome". Experimental Neurology, 93, 610-620.

3- Sana A. Mohammed, E.J. Nathaniel, D.R.Nathaniel and L. Snell (1987): "Altered Purkinje Cell Maturation in Rats Exposed prenatally to Ethanol". I- Cytology, Experimental Neurology, 97, 35-52.

4- Sana A. Mohammed, E.J. Nathaniel, D.R Nathaniel and L.Snell (1987): "Altered Purkinje Cell Maturation in Rats Exposed Prenatally to Ethanol". II- Synaptology. Experimental Neurology, 97, 53-69

5-Sana A. Mohammed, A.N. Nasr, A. Y. Nasser, F Soliman and A.A. Ali (1989): "Study of the Testis and Accessory Sex Organs in Experimental Diabetes; II Histochemical changes". Assiut Med J, 13(2), 85-96, July.

6- Sana A. Mohammed, S.S Ali and M.A .Gabr (1989): "The Effect of Streptozotocin Induced Diabetes On The Cerebellar Cortex" Proceedings of Third Al- Azhar Internalional Medical Conference. 276-287, Dec.

7-K.M.H.E1-Hussiny, S.S. Ali and Sana A. Mohammed (1990): "Histopathological Changes in the Ovaries and Uteri of Female Mice After Chronic Administration of Morphine and Butorphenol Traat rate (STADOL)". Assiut Med J, Reprinted from proceedings of Eighth Annual Scientific Conference, 1-10.

8- Sana A. Mohammed, ,A.N. Nasr, F.Soliman and A.A. Ahmed (1990): "Study of the Testis and Accessory Sex Organs in Experimental Diabetes. I-Histological Changes". Assiut Med J 14(1), 1-10.

9-Sana A. Mohammed and S.S. Ali (1991): "Effect of Some Suppository Formulation of Chlorodiazepoxide on the Rabbit Rectal Mucosa". Egypt J Histology, 14(1), 171- 179.

10-Mohammed A. Gabr, Saadia R. Sayed and Sana A.Mohammed (1991): " The Postnatal Development of the Visual Cortex of Albino Rat and Inorganic Lead". Assiut Med.J., 15(4), 95-107.

11- F.I. Zaher, K.E1-Zahwy, Z.M.K. Ismail and Sana A. Mohammed (1995): Effect of Ketamine and Diazepam on the Morphology of the Rabbit Kidney: An Electron Microscopic Study. Vet Med J, 34(67).

12-Sana A. Mohammed, and Ferial M. Stietia (1995): " Effect of Diclofenac Sodium on the Structure of the Mice Liver, A Light and Electron Microscopic Study". Egypt J Histol, 18 (1), 249-262.

13- Sana A. Mohammed, Soad S. Ali, M.M. Saleh and Manal M. Shehata (1995): "Effect of Diazepam on the Structure of the Rat Pars Distalis". Assiut Vet Med J, 33(65.

14- Sana A. Mohammed and Sawsan El-Sharkawy (1995): "Histological Study of Early and Late Nephrotoxicity and Endothelial Cytotoxicity of Ionic and Non- Ionic Contrast Media". Egypt J Anat, 18 (2), 1 15-132.

15- Sana A. Mohammed (1995): "Topographical Changes of the Mice Choroid Plexus and Ependyma Under the Influence of Acetazolamid". Egypt J Anat, 18(1), 77-89.

16-Ferial M. Stietia, Soad S. Ali and Sana A. Mohammed (1994): "Morphological Changes of the Mouse Testis under the Influence of Diclofenac Sodium: A Light and Electron Microscopic Study". Egypt J Anat, 17(2), 389-407, April.

17- Sana A. Mohammed, M.M.Zahr, A.A. El-Dawoody and and O.M. Sarhan (1993): "Electron MicroscopicStudy of the Amygdaloid Complex in the Reptile Acanthodactylus Ophedurus". Egypt J Anat, 16(1), 79-97.

18- Sana A. Mohammed, M.M.Zahr, M.A. Kenaway and o.M. Sarhan, (1994): "Electron Microscopic Study of the Amygdaloid Complex in the Agamid Lizard Uromastyx philibyi (Family: Agamide)". Egypt J Anat, 17(2),427-440.

19- M.M.Zahr, Sana A. Mohammed, M.A. Kenaway and O.M.Sarhan (1993): "A study of the Amygdala of the Lizards: Acanthodactylus Ophedurus and Uromastyx Phillbyi Using Golgi Technique". Egypt J Anat, 16(2), 161- 182.

20-T.H. Saleem. S.M. Abdel- Gany and Sana A. Mohammed (1991): "Effect of Diazepam and Midazalam On Thyroid Function and Structure". Assiut Vet. Med. J., Vol. 26,No. 51, 67-80.

21- Sana A. Mohammed (1991): "Ultrastructural Study of the Mice Cerebellar Cortex Under the Effect of Streptozotocin Induced Diabetes". Egyptian J Med Sciences, 12 (1) 1-13.

22- Sana A. Mohammed (1991): " The Development of the Ependyma of the Rat Spinal Cord; A Light and Electron Micrograph Study". Egyptian J Histol, 14(1), 157- 169.

23- Sana A. Mohammed, S.S. Ali, F.M. Soliman, A.N. Nasr and M.A. Adely (1991): "The Eyes of Tilapia Nilotica Morphological and Morphometric Study". Assiut Med.J., 15 (6), 123-133.

24- Sana A. Mohammed, H.F. Wishahi and A. El-Kadi, (1995): "Structural Changes of the Nasal Mucosa of Rats Exposed to Certain Chemical Pollutants". Egypt. J. Histol. 18(2), 293-306.

25- Sana A. Mohammed, Manal M. Shehata and A.N.Nasr (1996): "A Comparative Histological Study of the Endocrine Pancreas". Egypt.J. Anat. 19 (1), 167-192.

26- Sana A. Mohammed (1996): "A Comparative Histological Study of Gentamicine Nephrotoxicity in Different Dose Regimens in Rat". Egyp .J.Histol .19 (1).

27- Sana A. Mohammed, M.M.M Kamal (1997): "Effect of Injectable Long- Acting Progestins (Depo-provera) on the Rat Nasal Mucosa". Egyp.J. Anat., 20(1).

28- Sana A. Mohamed, Manal M. Shehata and Manal Mandour (1997): "Histological and Biochemical Study of the Effects of Cadmium alone or associated with Selenium in the Rat". Assiut Med J. 21(1).

29-Manal M. Shehata, Sana A. M. Elgayar and Sohair A. Elony (2005): "Retinoic acid administration during gestation influences postnatal development of rat olfactory

system". Assiut Faculty of Medicine 23rd Annual conference 7-10.

30- Manal M. Shehata, Nermin A Hassan , Kawther M Adbel hamid, Sana A .Mohamed and Heba M. Saad (2003): Influence of hyperprolactinemia induced experimentally on hypothalamo- lypophysial gonodal axis in adult female albino rat Egypt. J.Anat. 26(1),-1-35.

31-Sana A M Elgayar, Heba M. Saod ElDen and Eman A Abd EL Rahim (2007): Aging of the olfactory system of male rats A. Histological and ultrastructaral Stydy. Olfactory and Vomerosensory Epithellia. Egyp J.Histol. 30(1): 87-104.

32- Amel M. Abdelhafez and Sana AM.Elgayar (2007): Ulrastructre of the vomeronasal organ of the cat Assiut Med.J. 25th Annual Conference 11-14 March.

33- Sana A M. Elgayar and Manal M Sayed (2007): The Harderian Gland of Adult and Aged Male Guinea pig, A histological and ultrastructural study. Egyp J Histol. 30(1): 205-220.

34-Manal M. Sayed and Sana A Elgayar (2007): A comparative histological study of the vomeronasal organ. Ass Med 25th Annual Confeuncc 11-14 March.

35-S. A. Eltony and S. A. Elgayar (2011): Morphology of the Non-Sensory Tissue Components in Rat Aging Vomeronasal Organ. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 40 (4): 278-282.

36-S. A. M. Elgayar, S. A. Eltony and M. A. Othman(2014): Morphology of Non-Sensory Epithelium during Post-natal Development of the Rabbit Vomeronasal Organ Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 43(4):282-293.

37-A. M. Abdelhafez, S. A. Eltony, S. Y. Abdelhameed & S. A. Elgayar (2014): Effect of maternal nicotine/thiocyanate exposure during gestational period upon pituitary, thyroid and parathyroid function/morphology of 1-month-old rat offspring. J Endocrinol Invest, 37 (5): 455-465.

38-Eltony SAM, Elgayar SAM (2014): Histological study on effect of Nigella sativa on aged olfactory system of female albino rat. Rom J Morphol Embryol, 55(2):325–334.

39- Abdel-Hafez AMM, Elgayar SAM, Hussein OA, Thabet HAS (2014): Effect of nicotine on the structure of cochlea of guinea pigs. Anat Cell Biol, 47(3): 162-170.

40- Elgayar SAM, Abou-El Gheit AT, Sayed AA (2015): Morphology of female guinea pig Harderian gland during postnatal development-Secretory end pieces. Europ J Anat 19(1): 19-25.

41-Sanaa A.M. Elgayar, Amal T. Abou-Elghait and Abderahman A. Sayed (2015): Morphology of female guinea pig Harderian gland during postnatal development - secretory endpiecesEur. J. Anat. 19 (1): 15-26.

42- Ola A. Hussein,Dalia A. Elgamal,Sanaa A.M. Elgayar (2015): Structure of the secretory cells of male and female adult guinea pigs Harderian gland. Tissue and Cell. In press. doi:10.1016/j.tice.2015.04.006

43-Sanaa A. M. Elgayar, Sohair Abdelbaky Eltony, Abdelrahman Ali Sayed, Maha Mohamed Abdel-Rouf (2015): Genistein treatment confers protection againstgliopathy & vasculopathy of the diabetic retina in rats. J Ultrastructural Pathology. Accepted.