Error! No text of specified style in document. / Page 1 / January 31st 2012
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What / Who / When
Issue Date / January 31st2012
Meeting Date and time / January 9th pm / Location / Village Hall Meeting Room
Councillors Attending / Richard Fry (RGF), Ian Burgess (ICB), Maureen Skelton (MS),Michael Edwards (ME) and Alex Bantock (AB).
Apologies for Absence / Brod Purdy (BP)
County and District / District Councillor Brian Burnett
Binbrook Parish Council
January 31st 2012 / Page 1
What / Who / When
What / Who / When


  • Chairman’s Welcome.
Chairman Councillor R G Fry welcomed fellow Councillors to the meeting.
  • Apologies for Absence and ReasonsGiven.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor B Purdy.
  • Receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with 2000 Local Government Act and the adopted Code of Conduct.
No Declarations of Interest were received.
  • Confirm the Minutes of the previous meeting.
The Minutes of the meeting heldon December 12th2011were approved and signed.
  • Actions Arising from the Minutes.
A letter was sent to East Lindsey District Council’s Standards Board, with regard to Conservation Area Status and Binbrook Parish Council- written in a private letter to Mr & Mrs Preston, after Councillors agreed its contents. AnAcknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint has been issued and received.
A letter of appreciation was written to retiring Councillor Paul Stubbs.
The CCTV company has lent their equipment to a local authority and upon its return, Binbrook PC will be advised and a demonstration date can be arranged.
Chairman Councillor R G Fry has set up the Parish Council web site at
A Facebook page has also been set up at
  • Council Vacancies
A member of the public in attendance indicated her interest in applying to join the Parish Council at the March 5th 2012 meeting. / AB, MS
Clerk / ASAP

2.FinanciaL Matters

  • Budget 2011 -2012 to date was discussed.Before setting the Precept for 2012-13, Council considered two proposed items of expenditure. After consideration, Chairman Councillor R G Fry proposed the Precept for 2012-13 be set at £12,900.00: this was seconded by Councillor A Bantock and Councillors present concurred.
  • Councillor R G Fry proposed that £100.00 be donated to East Lindsey Citizens Advice Bureau: Councillor I Burgess seconded the proposed and Councillors present concurred.
  • Councillor Mrs M Skelton proposed that £60.00 be left behind the Village Hall bar for Nik Brook and other volunteers who erected and took down the villageChristmas tree.Councillor I Burgess seconded the proposal and Councillors present concurred.
  • Councillor Mrs M Skelton proposed that £15.00 be donated to the RAOB for erecting the domestic Christmas trees: this was seconded by Councillor A Bantock and Councillors present concurred.
  • A quotation has been received for the 2012 season grass cutting contract. Before accepting the quotation, a local contractor will be asked if he would like to tender for the contract. In the absence of a local quotation, it was proposed by Councillor R G Fry that the first price will be accepted: this was seconded by Councillor I Burgess and Councillors present concurred.
  • The following Payments were approved:
  • Mrs B. Preston, Salary, £212.50 + £10 emergency mobile phone top-up = £222.50
  • Binbrook Newsletter, donation towards printing cost Binbrook Flyer, £20.00
  • QHMC Donation of 50% rent for Wednesday Club, December £20.00
  • M Sharpe, Bus shelter cleaning, £20.00 final payment following his resignation.
  • Elliott, container hire, £48. + VAT £9.60 = £57.60
  • David Buckley, emergency plan equipment, £93.21
  • East Lindsey Citizens Advice Bureau, donation, £100.00
  • RAOB, donation, £15.00
  • I Burgess, Christmas tree volunteers drinks, £60.00
/ Clerk / ASAP
East Lindsey District Council
Planning permission received:
  • Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue, extension to existing fire station to provide a store was noted.
Planning Application received:
  • Mr B McCarthy, planning permission – construction of vehicular access, Ludford Road: Council support the application.

  • Binbrook Community Visitors Centre – Drop-in Centre
The Drop-in Centre has been handed over to the Village (Queens) Hall Management Committee and arrangements are in hand for the official opening in late January/early February. The cash flow of the project will be published in the January Flyer.
  • Public Conveniences
Binbrook Building Company has not yet been able to access the rear of the building to complete the painting.
The paint on the floors of the conveniences has been unsuccessful. It was suggested that Parkers of Brigg be asked to quote to prepare, supply and install Polysafe Corona sheet vinyl to both the public conveniences.
  • Bus Shelter
M Sharpe resigned as bus shelter cleaner. Councillor R Fry said his wife has offered to clean the bus shelter and public conveniences. At this juncture, Councillor Fry took no further part in the ensuing discussion.
Councillor I Burgess proposed that Mrs Fry be paid £7.00 per hour on the basis of 0.75 hour/week for the bus shelter and 1.5 hours/week for the toilets. Councillor Mrs M Skelton seconded the proposal and Councillors M Edwards and A Bantock concurred.
  • Emergency Plan
The Emergency Plan Sub Committee has been set up with David Buckley and Ernie Thompson taking the helm.There are 15 designated areas of the village with guardians and the necessary emergency equipment has been purchased.
Mutual Aid with LincolnshireCounty Council Highways department will provide grit free in 2011-12, to specified areas of the Village – as agreed with Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, Binbrook Surgery and the Village Hall Committee.
Councillor A Bantock asked if a contingency plan was in place if the emergency mobile telephone provider was down: can the mobile phone be diverted to a land line? The Clerk will put the question to David Buckley and Ernie Thompson.
  • Christmas Arrangements
The Christmas tree was removed by Nik Brook and Mike Swallow. As stated in Item 2, bullet point three, money will be set aside for everyone who assisted in the Christmas tree arrangement.
  • Consider: - CCTV demonstration
The Clerk contacted the company to arrange an on- site demonstration and awaits a reply. / ICB
Clerk / ASAP
Next meeting
Next meeting
  • Binbrook & District Flyer
The January 2012 edition has been published and delivered. Spare copies are available at Preston’s Butchers.
  • Hugo Marfleet’s Brief –November and Decemberissues have been received.
  • Binbrook Parish Council web site: as stated in Item 1, bullet point five, Councillor R Fry has built a new web site: -
  • Social internet communications:Binbrook Parish Council has a page on Facebook as well:

  • Wolds Community Minibus Project
Ameeting is due to be held on January 26th 2012.
  • Village Hall Report
A meeting is due to be held in January.
  • Parish Plan Implementation Committee (PPIC)
A meeting is due to be held in January.
A request was made for the opening times of Ye Mended Drum to be published: Councillor I Burgess will supply the information.
  • Binbrook Adult Learning Centre
A meeting of the Management Panel is to be held in Jan 2012 and Council was requested to appoint a Councillor to serveon the Management Committee.
Council had decided to await the outcome of the January meeting,but Councillor M Edwards offered to attend the meeting on January 17th 2012.
  • Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue
Two Fire Officers attended during the Open Forum to inform Council of the desperate shortage of retained fire fighters in Binbrook. A recruitment campaign will be held during the week beginning January23th culminating in a public meeting on January26th in the Village Hall. / ICB / ASAP
  • Lincolnshire County Council
CountyCouncillor H Marfleet was not in attendance.
  • East Lindsey District Council
District Councillor B Burnett was in attendance and is aware of Binbrook Parish Council’s disquiet regarding the perceived persecution ofMr & Mrs F Preston regarding their unauthorised uPVC windows. Council intends to ask for a meeting with E L D C Chief Executive Nigel Howells, to which Edward Leigh MP and Martin Vickers MP would be invited.
  • Industrial Container, Mount Pleasant:
The container is still in situ:
Council has yet to contact a land agent but will do so as soon as possible.
Overhanging tree, Closed Church Yard
A letter of thanks, for works carried out in the ClosedChurch yard, has been received from the owner of a neighbouring property. / RGF / ASAP
  • See last page.

Councillor A Bantock suggested – in light on the large number of properties for sale– that an “OpenVillage” weekend be held. The subject will be on the February agenda.
Councillor Mrs M Skelton asked that a soft door-closer be installed in the village hall foyer.
Chairman……………………………………. / Date

Correspondence received

A letter of thanks for works carried out on trees in the Closed Church Yard has been received.

National Association of Local Councils (NALC) copy of new guide Planning Explained produced by Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)

East Lindsey District Council, non domestic rates demand for 2010/11 re Public Conveniences - nil return

East Lindsey District Council, Register of Electors 2012

LincolnshireCounty Council Highways – East Travel and Transport Briefing Autumn/Winter 2011

East Lindsey District Council Re: Draft Single Plot Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation – downloaded copy

East Lindsey District Council Northern Area Committee – next meeting March 7th 2012

Lincolnshire County Council remittance advice for final payment of PP3

LincolnshireCounty Council Re: Warm Homes, Healthy People

Hirebase at Jackson Building Centres prize draws

Binbrook Parish Council