Curriculum Vitae for



Born: 20 November 1940, Kibbutz Sde-Nahum, Israel

Married: Tamar Warshel, 1966; Two daughters (Merav and Yael)

Military Service: Israel Defense Army; 1958-1962; Rank, Captain

Citizenships: USA and Israel

Contact: Tel: 213.740.4114; Fax: 213.740.2701; E-mail:



Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa / BS / 07/1966 / Chemistry
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot / MS / 08/1967 / Chemical Physics
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot / PHD / 01/1969 / Chemical Physics

1962 - 66 BSc, Chemistry; The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

1966 - 67 MSc, Chemical Physics; The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

1967 - 69 PHD, Chemical Physics; The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Thesis advisor: S. Lifson


1970 - 72 / Research Associate, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
1972 - 73 / Research Scientist, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot
1973 - 76 / Senior Scientist, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot
1976 - 79 / Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
1977 - 78 / Associate Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot
1979 - 84 / Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
1984 - / Professor of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
1991 - / Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
1996 - / Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2004 - / Member, USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles
2011 - / Distinguished Professor, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2013 - / Nobel laureate, Nobel Committee for Chemistry
2014 –
2016 - / Dana and David Dornsife Chair in Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Distinguished Professor at Large, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen


1965 / Technion Award, Best Third-year Student in Chemistry, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
1966 / BS. Summa Cum Laude, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
1969 / Mifal Hapais Prizes for the Arts and Sciences, Israel
1975 / EMBO Fellow, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
1978 / Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
1981 / USC Associates Award for Creativity in Research, University of Southern California
1981 / EMBO Senior Fellowship, Weizmann Institute of Science
1991 / The Inaugural Becton, Dickinson Memorial Lecture, Duke University
1992 / USC Faculty Recognition Award for the book, “Computer Modeling of Chemical Reactions in Enzymes and Solutions”, University of Southern California
1993 / Annual Award of the International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology, International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology
2000 / Elected Fellow of the Biophysical Society, Biophysical Society
2002 / Brown and Williams Scholars Lectures, University of Louisville
2003 / The Habermann Lecture, Marquette University
2003 / Tolman Medal, American Chemical Society
2006 / President’s Award for Computational Biology, International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology
2008 / Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry
2008 / Molecular Frontiers Symposium, Royal Swedish Academy of Science
2009 / Elected Member, National Academy of Sciences
2010 / The Lifson Memorial Lecture, The Weizmann Institute
2010 / Chevy Goldstein Distinguished Lecture, California State Polytechnic University
2011 / Appointed Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Southern California
2012 / Soft Matter and Biophysical Chemistry Award, Royal Society of Chemistry
2012 / Elected Fellow of the AAAS, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2013 / The Nobel prize for chemistry, Nobel Committee for Chemistry
2014 / Founders Award, Biophysical Society
2014 / Honorary Fellow (HonFRSC), Royal Society of Chemistry
2014 / ISC Gold Medal, Israeli Chemical Society
2014 / Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris Causa, Bar Ilan University
2014 / Honorable Professor, Kazakh National Agrarian University
2014 / The Jubilee Medal “80 years of Al-Farabi Kazakh University”, Al-Farabi Kazakh University
2014 / Honorary Doctor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
2014 / Doctor Scietiae et honoris causa, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
2015 / Doctor of Science, honoris causa, Uppsala University
2016 / Doctor Honoris Causa, Lodz University of Technology
Doctor Honoris Causa, Israel Institute of Technology
The Birch lecture at UNSU, Canberra
2016 / Emerson Center Lectureship Award, Emory University
Diploma for Distinguish Service to Life Science, CIS Union of Physiological Society and the Russian Biochemical Society.


·  Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics

·  Computational Molecular Bioscience

·  Israel Journal of Chemistry

·  QRB discovery


1991 The Inaugural Becton Dickinson Memorial Lecture, Duke University, [How do Enzymes Really Work?].

2002 The Brown and Williamson Scholar Lectures, The University of Louisville, [[a) How do Enzymes Really Work? b) Computer Simulations of the Dynamics of Biological Processes].

2003 The Habermann Lecture, Marquette University, [Computer Simulations of Biological Processes: Towards Quantitative Structure Function Correlation in Biology].

2005 Keynote Speaker, 3rd Chinese Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Conference, Hong Kong, [Computer Simulation of the Function of Biological Molecules].

2006 The 2006 President’s Award Lecture, ISQBP President’s Meeting, Strasburg, [Computer Simulations of the Function of Biological Molecules; What has been Accomplished and Where we are Going].

2009 The CUSO Lecture Series in Switzerland, [Frontiers in Biophysical Simulations].

2010 The Lifson Memorial Lecture, The Weizmann Institute of Science, [Computer Simulations of the Functions of Biological Systems; What has been Accomplished and Where we are Going].

The Chevy Goldstein Distinguished Lecture in Chemistry, Cal Poly Pomona, [Electrostatic Basis of Biological Functions].

2012 Distinguished Lecture in Computational Biology, UC Irvine, [Advances in Modeling of Biological Functions].

RSC Award in Soft Matter and Biophysical Chemistry Lecture Tour, Newcastle, Sheffield, Bath, November, [Advances in Modeling Biological Functions].

2013 Opening Lecture in Modeling Interaction in Biomolecules VI, Marianské Lazně, Czech Republic, [Multiscale Modeling of the Function of Biological Systems].

Nobel Lecture, Stockholm, December, [Computer Simulations of Biological Functions; From Enzymes to Molecular Machines].

2014 Opening Lecture, Federation of Israeli Experimental Biology (ILANIT), Eilat, Israel, February, [Multiscale Modeling of Complex Biological Systems and Processes].

The 4th Annual Vladimir Zelman M.D., Ph.D. Endowed Lecture, University of Southern California, [Computer Simulations of Biological Function].

The Annual George A. Olah Lecture in Chemistry, University of Southern California, [Multiscale Modeling of Complex Biological Systems and Processes].

BIT’s 5th World Gene Convention, Haikou, China, Keynote Lecture, [Multiscale Modeling of the Functions of Biological Molecules].

CHAINS 2014, Eindhoven. The Netherlands, Keynote Lecture, [Multiscale Modeling of the Functions of Biological Molecules].

2015 Inaugural Keynote Lecturer at the10th International Symposium on Bio-organic Chemistry (IUPAC), Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India, [Computer Simulations of the Action of Biological Molecules].

7th International Science Youth Forum, Singapore, [Computer Simulations of the Action of Biological Molecules].

The Almløf-Gropen Lecture Department of Chemistry, Oslo, June [ Multiscale modeling of the function of biological systems].

The Almløf-Gropen Lecture center for theoretical and computational chemistry Tromso, June [Multiscale modeling of the function of biological systems].

Franklin Memorial Lecture at Rice University, September [ How to Model the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level?].

2016 Global Young Scientists Summit, Singapore, [How to Model the Action of Complex Biological Systems?].

BIT’s 7thWorld DNA and Genome Day, Dalian, China, [Modeling the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level].

EMBO Conference on Biocatalysts, Oulu, Finland, [Electrostatic in Biocatalysts].

The Birch lecture at UNSU, Canberra, Australia, [Modeling the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level].

ICPOC-23, Sydney Australia, [ How Do Enzymes Work and How Do They Not Work: Advances in Simulations and Computer Aided Enzyme Design].

Opening the academic year, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

The Emerson Center Award Lecture, Emory University, [How to Model the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level].

V Baku International Humanitarian Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan, [Using Computer Modeling in Biological Medicine].

The VCongress of the Russian Biochemical Society, Sochi, Russia, [How to Model the Action of Complex Biological Systems and to Advance Molecular Medicine].

Youth Forum, Sochi, Russia, October [Modeling Biological Molecules Keynote Speech].

The Xingda Lectureship, Peking University, Beijing, China, [Modeling the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level].

BIT’s 14th Annual Congress International Drug Discovery Science & Technology, Nanjing, China, [Computer Modeling of Complex Biological Systems].

Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico City [From Kibbutz to Nobel on Modeling Complex Chemical Systems].


2001 Special review of theoretical chemists from Sweden for a senior position.

2002 Study section of theoretical chemistry in Sweden (2002).

2003 Search for a chair in Computational Biophysics in Denmark

2004 NIH Special emphasis panel for a program project on ikb/NF kB recognition (March).

2004 NIH study section for National Centers for Biocomputing (May).

2005 NIH study sections for National Centers for Biocomputing (May).

2006 NIH study section ZRG1 BCMB-Q (90) (February).

2006 NIH study section ZRG1 BCMB-Q (90) (June).

2008-13 European Review Panel.

2010 NAS Review committee of molecular dynamics proposals.

2011 NAS Review committee of molecular dynamics proposals.

2012 NAS Review committee of molecular dynamics proposals.


1973 Farkas Memorial Symposium on Structure and Dynamics of Excited States, Jerusalem, [Calculations of Excited State Properties of Conjugated Molecules].

1974 Intercongress Symposium on Intra- and Intermolecular Forces, International Union for Crystallography, University Park, Pennsylvania, [Incorporation of Inter- and Intra-Molecular Interactions in Calculations of Equilibrium Geometries & Lattice Vibrations of Molecular Crystals].

1976 Gordon Research Conference, Biopolymers, New Hampshire, [Theoretical Studies of the Catalytic Reaction of Lysozyme].

1977 Symposium on Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, [The Theory of Enzyme Catalysis].

1978 Symposium on Local Modes in Molecules, APS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, [General Anharmonicity Treatments of Large Molecules and the Local Modes Description].

Fourth West Coast Protein Workshop, Asilomar, [Charge Stabilization and Enzymatic Reactions].

Symposium on Sickle Cell Anemia, San Diego, [Energy/Structure Correlation in Metalloporphyrins and Hemoglobin].

ACS Symposium on Solvent Effect on Molecular Structure and Energetics, Indianapolis, [Microscopic Models for Calculations of Solvent Effects in Chemistry].

Sanibel Symposia, Palm Coast, Florida, [Quantitative Calculations of Ionic Reactions in Aqueous Solutions and in Enzyme Active Sites].

Ionic Reactions in Aqueous Solutions and in Enzyme Active Sites, Gordon Research Conference on The Visual Pigment, New Hampshire, [Charge Stabilization Mechanism in Rhodopsin and Bacteriorhodopsin].

Frontiers of Biological Energetics, 50th Anniversary of Johnson Research Foundation and 65th Birthday of Briton Chance, Philadelphia, [Energy Structure Correlation in Metalloporphyrins and Hemoglobin].

Sixth International Biophysics Congress, Kyoto, Japan, [Theoretical Studies of the Origin of Enzyme Catalysis].

Symposium on Visual Pigment and Purple Membrane, Kyoto, Japan, [Charge Stabilization Mechanism in Rhodopsin and Bacteriorhodopsin].

1979 The Third International Symposium on Oxidases and Related Oxidation Reduction Systems, Albany, [Theoretical Studies of Electron Transfer in Cytochromes].

Symposium on Structure-Function Relationships in Proteins, Nucleic Acids and Viruses, Minneapolis, [Theoretical Studies of Enzyme Catalysis].

Lectures on Biological and Chemical Physics, A Symposium in Honor of Shneior Lifson on his 65th Birthday, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, [The Energetics of Enzyme Catalysis].

Workshop on Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions, Orsay, France, [A Valence Bond Approach for Calculations of Enzymatic Reactions].

The Lighthouse Conference on Enzyme Mechanism, Oregon, [Electrostatic Effects in Biological Reactions].

SECAM Discussion on Protein-Protein Interactions, Brussels, [Electrostatic Effects in Subunits Interactions].

1980 Symposium on Interaction between Iron and Proteins in Oxygen and Electron Transport, Airlie House, Virginia, [Electrostatic Contributions to Cooperativity in Hemoglobin].

Conference on Quantum Chemistry in Biomedical Sciences, The New York Academy of Sciences, NY, [Valence Bond Calculations of Enzymatic Reactions].

Gordon Research Conference on Visual Transduction, Tilton School, New Hampshire, [Theories for the Reaction Pathway in Visual Pigment Photochemistry].

Eighth International Congress on Photobiology, Strasbourg, France, [The Dynamics of the First Step of the Vision Process].

The VIIth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Ottawa, Canada, [Panel Discussion on the Visual Pigments].

West Coast Protein Crystallography Workshop, Asilomar, [Energetics of Cooperativity in Hemoglobin].

Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods in Molecular Biology, Andover, New Hampshire, [Molecular Dynamics in Rhodopsin].

1981 Resonance Light Scattering in Solid States and Biomolecular Systems, Arizona State University, March, [Resonance Raman in Protein Active Sites].

Oholo Biological Conference on Biomimetic Chemistry and Transition State Analogs: Approaches to Understanding Enzyme Catalysis, Israel, March, [Correlation X-ray Structures of Enzymes with Their Activity].

Fourth American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry, Boulder, June, [Molecular Dynamics of Reactions in Solutions and Proteins].

Discussion Meeting on Visual Pigments. Montreal, Canada, October, [Energy Storage and Reaction Pathway in the First Step of the Vision Process].

CECAM Discussion Meeting on Simulation of Small Molecules Binding to Proteins, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, October, [Correlation of Geometry Changes and Energetics of Ligand Binding in Proteins].

1982 Gordon Research Conference on Biopolymers, New Hampshire, July, [The Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions].

International Conference on Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy, Lake Placid, NY, August, [Semiclassical Trajectory Studies of Vibronic Processes in Large Molecules].

NSF Workshop on Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy, Minnowbrook, NY, August.

The Lighthouse Conference on Structure and Mechanism, Oregon, August, (could not attend).

Biological Structure and Coupled Flows, Rehovot, Israel, June, [Electrostatic Basis for Vectorial Light-Induced Charge Separation in Photobiological Systems].

1983 West Coast Protein Crystallography Workshop, Asilomar, March, [Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions].

Molecular Mechanics Symposium, Indiana University, June, [Extending Molecular Mechanics to Studies of Chemical and Biological Reactions].

International Conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems, Loma Linda, June, [Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions and the Role of Electrostatic Fluctuations].

CECAM Workshop on Nucleic Acids, Orsay, France, July, [Electrostatic Interactions in Nucleic Acids].

ACS Symposium on Biomolecules, Washington D.C., August, [Computer Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions].

A Symposium on Biochemistry and Mechanism of Enzyme Reactions in the West Coast Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy, Pasadena, October, [Electrostatic Basis of Structure-Function Correlation of Enzymatic Reactions].