Teacher: Mrs. Candice Gale/Mrs.Kelsey Shields / Grade: 5 / Month: September - October
Unit Title: Together is Better
Time Frame: 2 Months
Context (ELA):Personal and Philosophical
Students need to become lifelong learners, develop a sense of self and connect with others and become engaged citizens. Provide students with meaningful, authentic contexts for learning.Students need to understand and appreciate language, and to use it confidently and competently in a variety of situations for learning, communication, work, life, and personal satisfaction.
- Children need to believe in their own self-worth and to feel that they have control over the things that happen to them.
- Children need to look inward and focus on self-image and self-esteem.
- They need to reflect on self and life, and on their beliefs and values and those of their society.
Outcomes (or highlighted/ target portions) to be Addressed in the Unit:
Comprehend and Respond (CR). Students will develop their abilities to view, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of contemporary and traditional grade-level-appropriate texts in a variety of forms (oral, print, and other media) from First Nations, Métis, and other cultures for a variety of purposes including for learning, interest, and enjoyment.
CR5.1 Analyze and respond to a variety of grade-level texts (including contemporary and traditional visual, oral, written, and multimedia texts) that address:
• identity (e.g., Exploring Heritage)
• community (e.g., Teamwork)
• social responsibility (e.g., What is Fair?).
CR5.2 View and evaluate, critically, visual and multimedia texts identifying the persuasive techniques including promises, flattery, and comparisons used to influence or persuade an audience.
CR5.3 Listen purposefully to a range of texts from a variety of cultural traditions (including oral traditions shared by First Nations and Métis Elders and Knowledge Keepers) to understand ideas and instructions, to evaluate the message heard and the required follow-up action, and to draw conclusions about speaker’s verbal and non-verbal message(s), purpose, point of view, and techniques used in presentation.
CR5.4 Read and demonstrate comprehension of a range of contemporary and classical grade-appropriate fiction, script, poetry, and non-fiction (including magazines, reports, instructions, and procedures) from various cultures including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit and countries (including Canada).
Compose and Create (CC). Students will develop their abilities to speak, write, and use other forms of representation to explore and present thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences.
CC5.1 Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:
• identity (e.g., What Should I Do)
• community (e.g., This is Our Planet)
• social responsibility (e.g., Teamwork) and express personal thoughts shaped through inquiry.
CC5.2 Demonstrate a variety of ways to communicate understanding and response including illustrated reports, dramatizations, posters, timelines, multimedia presentations, and summary charts.
CC5.3 Speak to express and support a range of ideas and information in formal and informal speaking situations (e.g., giving oral presentations and reports, retelling a narrative, explaining a display to others, working in groups) for particular audiences and purposes.
CC5.4 Use a writing process to experiment with and produce multi-paragraph narrative (including stories that contain dialogue), expository (including reports, explanations, letters, and requests), and persuasive (including letters) compositions that clearly develop topic and provide transitions for the reader.
Assess and Reflect (AR). Students will develop their abilities to assess and reflect on their own language skills, discuss the skills of effective viewers, listeners, readers, representers, speakers, and writers, and set goals for future improvement.
AR5.1 Identify strengths in viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing and other forms of representing.
AR5.2 Set goals to enhance the development and improvement of the skills and strategies in viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and other forms of representing and take steps to achieve goals.
Essential Learning (Enduring Understandings):
What do you want students to understand and be able to use several years from now?
- What specific understandings are desired?
- What misunderstandings are predictable?
Open-ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content of the enduring understandings.
- What thought provoking questions will foster inquiry, understanding and transfer of learning?
Develop concepts pertaining to:
- Special moments and memories within the context of special relationships with family, extended family, and friends.
- Team work as experienced through group activities, sport, and games, with an emphasis on co-operation, team spirit, and relationships.
- Causes that count, with a look at the concern of people for their environment.
They will use language for many purposes:
- most notably to recount and narrate experiences
-reveal something about themselves
- gather and organize information
-draw upon ideas
- patterns and presentational forms found in literature
- use conventions of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and language usage. /
- What are our personal strengths? How can we use these strengths to make the world a better place?
- What are our personal goals and how will we reach these goals?
- What are the marks of a true hero? What causes people to act heroically? How do heroes sacrifice themselves for others?
- Could we be heroes?
Knowledge (Students will know…)
- What key knowledge will students acquire as a result of this unit?
- What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such knowledge?
- What key skills will students acquire as result of this unit?
- What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such skills? Think: Verb
- Reference the outcomes
CR5.1 Analyze and respond to a variety of grade-level texts (including contemporary and traditional visual, oral, written, and multimedia texts) that address:
• identity (e.g., Exploring Heritage)
• community (e.g., Teamwork)
• social responsibility (e.g., What is Fair?).
- Viewing, listening, and reading a variety of text dealing with personal and philosophical beliefs provides us with a greater understanding of ourselves and others
-Exposure to texts offers us an opportunity to reflect and evaluate beliefs and morals
-Responding allows for solidification of understanding of text and messages found in text
CR5.2 View and evaluate, critically, visual and multimedia texts identifying the persuasive techniques including promises, flattery, and comparisons used to influence or persuade an audience.
- Persuasive techniques that are used to influence personal beliefs.
CR5.3 Listen purposefully to a range of texts from a variety of cultural traditions (including oral traditions shared by First Nations and Métis Elders and Knowledge Keepers) to understand ideas and instructions, to evaluate the message heard and the required follow-up action, and to draw conclusions about speaker’s verbal and non-verbal message(s), purpose, point of view, and techniques used in presentation.
-How to listen attentively
-How to evaluate and draw conclusions from personal and philosophical messages heard.
CR5.4 Read and demonstrate comprehension of a range of contemporary and classical grade-appropriate fiction, script, poetry, and non-fiction (including magazines, reports, instructions, and procedures) from various cultures including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit and countries (including Canada).
-How to visualize and demonstrate comprehension of personal and philosophical themed text
-How to make connections and demonstrate comprehension of personal and philosophical themed text
CC5.1 Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:
• identity (e.g., What Should I Do)
• community (e.g., This is Our Planet)
• social responsibility (e.g., Teamwork) and express personal thoughts shaped through inquiry.
-How to generate ideas based on personal and philosophical beliefs
-How to organize personal and philosophical ideas
CC5.2 Demonstrate a variety of ways to communicate understanding and response including illustrated reports, dramatizations, posters, timelines, multimedia presentations, and summary charts.
-How to communicate personal and philosophical ideas through utilization of graphic organizers, pictures and captions
CC5.3 Speak to express and support a range of ideas and information in formal and informal speaking situations (e.g., giving oral presentations and reports, retelling a narrative, explaining a display to others, and working in groups) for particular audiences and purposes.
-How to feel comfortable speaking in front of peers
-How to discuss in small group personal and philosophical views/beliefs
-How to paraphrase and speak about text that is read
CC5.4 Use a writing process to experiment with and produce multi-paragraph narrative (including stories that contain dialogue), expository (including reports, explanations, letters, and requests), and persuasive (including letters) compositions that clearly develop topic and provide transitions for the reader.
-How to write an expository paragraph
-How to create a poem
AR5.1 Identify strengths in viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing and other forms of representing.
AR5.2 Set goals to enhance the development and improvement of the skills and strategies in viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and other forms of representing and take steps to achieve goals.
-How to set personal goals based on personal and philosophical beliefs
-How to identify and set personal goals based on self-evaluation of work / CR5.1a. View, listen to, read and respond to a variety of visual, multimedia, oral, and print texts that examine the diverse range of personal identities, perspectives, and backgrounds (e.g., appearance, culture, socio-economic status, abilities, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, career path) including First Nations and Métis texts.
*Big Bear Video- Students will view a multi-media presentation and examine cultural and personal perspectives through whole class discussion. Emphasis on essential questions.
*Guided Reading- Lesson 1-9 Students will use personal experiences as a basis for exploring and expressing opinions and understandings related to themselves and others.
*Writing (Ideas) Lesson 4 – Students will respond to diverse photographs using their 5 senses.
*Centers – Raz Kids – Students will view, listen to, and read to a variety of multimedia texts and respond to them via online questionnaires.
CR5.1b.View, listen to, and read a variety of texts related to the theme or topic of study and show comprehension by:
• understanding, retelling, and explaining the ideas and information presented in the texts
• analyzing the text structures and features
• analyzing the texts and developing responses with evidence from the texts, personal experience, and research.
* Centers – Independent Reading 8 Box (Connecting Using A Three Part Diagram, Connecting Through Similar Experiences, Connecting to Another Book) – Students will make connections with evidence from text.
*Centers – Independent Reading 8 Box (Elements of Text: Title Choice) – Students will analyze the text feature of the Title.
*Centers – Independent Reading 8 Box (Connecting to a Specific Character) – Students will analyze one character and, using evident from the text, explain similarities between them and the character.
* Centers – Independent Reading 8 Box (Taxonomy: Applying Lessons Learning) – Students will determine and analyze the most important thing they learned from the story and provide evidence.
* Centers-Independent Reading 8 Box (Analyzing Fiction or Non-Fiction)
CR5.1c.Describe and build upon connections between previous experiences, prior knowledge, and a variety of texts.
* Guided Reading Lessons 5-9-Students will make connections to self, text, and world, using evidence from text .
* Centers – Independent Reading 8 Box (Connecting Using A Three Part Diagram, Connecting Through Similar Experiences, Connecting to Another Book) – Students will make connections with evidence from text.
CR5.1e.Compare individuals and situations portrayed in various texts (including First Nations and Métis resources) to those encountered in real life.
* Guided Reading Lesson 4 and Read Aloud Fatty Legs- Students will compare characters' situations and make connections to real life related to cliques and school experience.
CR5.1f. Draw on oral, print, and other media texts including First nations and Métis texts to explain personal perspectives on cultural representations.
* Read Aloud -Fatty Legs and Big Bear Video-Students will explain perspectives on cultural representations in print and multi-media formats .
CR5.2 a. Gather information from a variety of media (e.g., photographs, web sites, maps, diagrams, posters, videos, advertising, double bar graphs, maps, videos).
*Writing (Ideas) Lesson 4 – Students will gather visual information from a diverse photograph.
CR5.2 b.Select and flexibly use appropriate strategies (before, during, and after) to construct meaning when viewing.
*Start of unit-Students will view video on Big Bear.
CR5.2 c.Understand and apply relevant pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic/lexical/morphological, graphophonic, and other cues and conventions of communication to construct and confirm meaning when viewing.
*Centers-Word Wall Work- students will work on various word construction activities.
CR5.2 g.Analyze visual texts (including First Nations and Métis art and other texts) as sources for information, entertainment, persuasion, interpretation of events, and transmission of culture.
* Start of unit-Students will view and analyze message of video on Big Bear.
CR5.2 h.Identify how the language, explicit and implicit messages, and visual and multimedia features (e.g., sound, colour, movement) are used to influence the intended audience.
* Guided Reading Lesson 1 and 2 - Students will read and identify words and phrases that influence their visualizations of events from texts.
*Writing (Ideas) Lesson 4 – Students will use visual images to identify how their senses are influenced.
CR5.3b.Select and flexibly use appropriate strategies (before, during, and after) to construct meaning when listening.
* Guided Reading Lesson 1 - Students will listen to a poem and construct meaning from the phrases read.
* Centers – Raz Kids – Students will listen to a variety of multimedia text.
CR5.3c.Understand and apply relevant pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic/lexical/morphological, graphophonic, and other cues and conventions of communication to construct and confirm meaning when listening.
* Guided Reading Lesson 1 and Read Aloud- Students will listen actively using various strategies to construct meaning.
CR5.3d.Evaluate the content of a variety of oral communications and ask questions to seek information not already discussed.
* Big Bear video and Read Aloud -Students will hold a conversation about the poem asking questions.
CR5.3g.Listen purposefully to instructions and procedures and decide the best way to carry them out.
* All Guided Reading Lesson Activities, All Independent Reading 8 Box Activities -Students will listen to direction on how to complete comprehension activity related to read text, and complete independently .
CR5.4 a.Determine the essential purpose, key ideas, arguments, and perspectives of texts including First Nations and Métis texts.
* Guided Reading Lessons 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9-Students will use clues from text to construct and confirm meaning
CR5.4 b.Select and flexibly use appropriate strategies (before, during, and after) to construct meaning when reading.
* Guided Reading Lessons 1-9-Students will find meaning in literary text using various strategies throughout the reading process
* Centers – Independent Reading 8 Box – Students will find meaning in literary text using visualization and connecting strategies.
* Centers – Raz Kids – Students will use various reading strategies to construct meaning while reading multimedia text and answering online questions.
* Centers-Independent Reading 8 Box
CR5.4 c.Understand and apply relevant pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic/lexical/morphological, graphophonic, and other cues and conventions of communication to construct and confirm meaning when reading.
* Guided Reading Lessons 1-9-Students will evaluate and use language to construct meaning from text when applicable.
* Centers – Independent Reading 8 Box (Word Skills – Adjectives) – Students will find and list examples of adjectives within text.
* Centers-Independent Reading 8 Box (Word Skills – Alphabetical Order) – Students will use words from independent reading book to list words in alphabetical order.
CR5.4 g. Identify the characteristics of poetry, plays, fiction, and non-fiction including First Nations and Métis texts.
* Guided Reading Lesson 1- Students will analyze text structure of poem for effectiveness.
CR5.4 i.Evaluate the author’s use of various techniques (e.g., appeal of characters, logic and credibility of plots and settings, use of figurative language and imagery, strength of argument based on evidence) to influence readers’ perspectives.
* Guided Reading Lession 5, 7, and 8-Students will evaluate technique used by author to emphasis effect of homelessness, and making a difference in our communities.
CR5.4 j. Read grade-appropriate texts silently (150-200 wcpm) for extended periods of time; read orally to increase fluency, accuracy, pacing, intonation, and expression (110-150 wcpm); adjust reading rate to purpose and text demands.
* Centers – Independent Reading – Students will read independent (silently) with a Just Right Book for 20 minutes each day.
* Centers – Raz Kids, SURF – Students will read independently for a period of 20 minutes.
*Guided Reading- Lessons - Students will read aloud or silently, material at their instructional reading level, during Guided Reading lessons each day.
CC5.1 a.Create spoken, written, and other representations that include:
• a clear and specific message
• a logical and coherent organization of ideas
• a competent use of language and conventions.
*Writing (Organization) Lesson 5 – Students will develop and organize a beginning, middle, and end to a personal event.
*Writing (Organization) Lesson 6 – Students will further develop the middle of their personal even from Lesson 5.