Frank V. Westerlund, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195. 206-543-2089, 206-685-9597 (fax),
Degrees: Ph.D., Urban Planning, University of Washington, 1977
Master of Urban Planning, University of Washington, 1971
B.A., Architecture, Stanford University, 1967
Positions: Chair, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington, September 1999-September 2001; Acting Chair, June 1998-September 1999.
Associate Professor, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington, 1988-present; Research Assistant Professor, 1977-1988.
Director, Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory, University of Washington, 1992-present; Co-Director 1985-1992, Associate Director 1971-1985.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Hawaii, 1983.
Regional Applications Planner, NASA Ames Research Center, 1977-1980
Assistant City Planner, William Spangle and Associates, 1967-68.
Taught: Regional Environmental Planning (UW, 1975, 1976, 1977)
Comprehensive Planning Studio (UW 1976)
Remote Sensing Applications in Urban Planning (UW, 1981-1999, UH, 1983)
Seminar in Remote Sensing Applications (UH, 1983)
Satellite Image Processing Applications in Planning (UW, 1985, 1989, 1994)
Planning for Energy-Related Development and Energy Conservation (UW, 1983) Land Use Planning (UW, 1985-1998)
Open Space Land Use Planning (UW, 1987-1997)
Geographic Information Systems for Planning (UW, 1986, 1989)
Alaska Field Study/Studio (UW 1990-1997)
Specialized Planning Laboratory in Environmental Planning (UW 1992,1994-1999) Natural Hazard Mitigation Planning (UW 1998, 1999)
Chaired 45 MUP Thesis Committees and 3 Ph.D. Supervisory Committees since 1988.
Research: Co-Investigator, PRISM (Puget Sound Regional Synthesis Model), member PRISM
Steering Committee; Co-Director, PRISM Human Dimensions Group; team leader PRISM remote sensing/land cover inventory and monitoring group, 1998-present.
Co-P.I., Washington GAP Program, Phase II, integration of GAP analysis into county growth management planning for biodiversity protection, 1997-present.
Co-P.I., contract with U.S. Geological Survey to develop remote-sensing-based methods for assessing seismic vulnerability of buildings and critical structures, 1997-99.
P.I., contract with FEMA Region X to develop satellite remote sensing capability for flood monitoring in Washington State, 1996-97; P.I. contract with FEMA Region X, to investigate methods of flood damage reduction in Washington State, 1993.
Co-P.I., development of remote sensing/GIS integrative methods for monitoring outcomes of growth management, for Bullitt Foundation, 1993-94.
P.I., contract with King County, WA for land use/cover inventory based on computer analysis of SPOT remote sensing data, 1992-93.
P.I., contract with City of Seattle Office of Planning to analyze tree cover change in Seattle, 1971-88, based on aerial photography and ARC/INFO GIS analysis, 1991
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Co-P.I., contract with King County Resource Planning Division to develop land cover and habitat
information for the King County Open Space Plan, 1986-1987.
Associate Investigator, grant from University of Washington Institute for Ethnic Studies to analyze land
use change in the U.S./Mexico border region, 1985-1986.
P.I., four contracts with Washington and Oregon Departments of Fish and Wildlife to map habitat in National Forests using Landsat TM data, 1984-89.
P.I., contract with NASA Ames Research Center to develop satellite remote sensing techniques for wetlands inventory in Alaska, 1980-1981.
Associate Investigator, contract with U.S. Air Force Environics Laboratory to evaluate remote sensing methods for land use inventory and monitoring in the vicinity of Air Force bases, as part of the USAF Installation Compatible Use Zoning Program, 1978.
P.I., contract with NASA Ames Research Center, to survey data needs of local governments in the Pacific Northwest, plan and coordinate remote sensing projects, and develop land planning applications
of NASA remote sensing systems, 1976-80.
Associate Investigator, contract with the U.S. Federal Power Commission to evaluate alternative sites and pipeline routes for gas liquefaction plants and marine terminals in the Cook Inlet region of Alaska, 1975.
Associate Investigator, contract with the Oceanographic Institute of Washington to study social and environmental impacts of petroleum transfer facilities at alternative sites in Washington State, 1974.
Associate Investigator, contract with the U.S. Geological Survey, Earth Observation Systems (EROS) program to develop planning applications of remote sensing through cooperative pilot projects with local and state agencies, 1971-1974.
Administrative Positions, Committee Work, University of Washington:
Chair, Department of Urban Design and Planning, 1999-present
Graduate Program Coordinator, Dept. of Urban Design and Planning, 1989-1998. Chair, Master of Urban Planning Program Committee, 1990-1999
(responsible for curriculum review & revision, admissions, accreditation)
Co-Director, Alaska Northern Studies Planning and Design Program, Department of Urban Design
and Planning, 1990-present.
College Council, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 1994-1997
Chair, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Curriculum Committee, 1992-1997
Chair, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Computer Use Committee, 1990-1993, 1996-1997, member 1979-1997.
Co-Chair, Dept. of Urban Design and Planning Computer Committee, 1994-1997. Member, Advisory Board, UW Extension Certificate Program in Community Planning, 1994-1999.
Member, PRISM Steering Committee, University of Washington, 1998-present. Member, University of Washington Consortium for Geographic Information and Analysis,1991-present.
Member, UW Interdisciplinary Committee on Growth Management Studies, 1991-1994.
Member, UW Committee on Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Management, 1990-1994.
Member, College of Architecture and Urban Planning UW-Tashkent Polytechnic University Exchange Committee, 1989-1991.
Service: Alternate Member, City/University of Washington Community Advisory Committee, 1992-present. Member, Technical Advisory Committee for the Washington Department of Natural Resources
Aquatic Lands Enhancement Accounts (ALEA) Program, 1995-1998.
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Recent Conference and Workshop Presentations:
National Conference of the American Collegiate Schools of Planning, Chicago, October 1999;
Presented paper on the integration of GAP biodiversity protection planning intocounty comprehensive planning under the Washington Growth Management Act.
National GAP Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, July 1998; presented paper on biodiversity analysis in local government land use planning in Washington State.
Conference on Monitoring Land Supply and Capacity with Parcel-Based GIS, University of Washington, Seattle, June 1998; presented comment paper on land capacity monitoring.
Seminar in Visualization and Data Management, University of Washington, Seattle, February 1996; presentation on remote sensing technology as a visualization tool.
NAIOP Seminar: Northwest Read Estate Megatrends, Bellevue, WA, October 1995; presentation on applications of remote sensing to real estate analysis.
Third Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Seattle, September 1995; chaired plenary session and panel on land cover and wetlands inventory.
International Symposium on Urban Planning and Environment, Seattle, March 1994, moderated sessions and presented paper, “Reducing Flood Damage Impacts of Urbanization: Institutional Approaches”.
Conference on Flood Damage Reduction in Washington, University of Washington, Seattle, June 1993; organized and moderated conference.
Professional Experience:
Environmental inventory and analysis work for Raedeke Associates, Seattle, and Talasaea Consultants, Woodinville, WA. Analysis of over 100 sites proposed for private or public development in the Puget Sound area, including several major planned communities. Emphasis on wetlands inventory and SEPA-related analysis using remote sensing methods. 1984-present.
Director of Remote Sensing and Land Analysis, The Forum International, Design Consultants, 1983-84.
Study of planned and potential energy-related development on the lower Columbia River as a basis for modeling impacts on wildlife habitat, for BioSystems Analysis, Inc., San Francisco, Ca, under contract with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1981.
Research Assistant, Regional Science Research Institute, Philadelphia. Participated in project on programming metropolitan hospital growth, 1969-70.
Assistant City Planner, William Spangle and Associates, City/Regional Planners, Portola Valley, CA. Comprehensive plan studies for several communities in the San Francisco Bay Area, including studies of zoning in relation to geologic hazards, 1967-1968.
Professional Societies: American Planning Association
American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Chair, GIS Education Special Interest Group, Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), 1988-1991.
Selected Publications:
Book chapter (pending): in Monitoring Land Supply and Capacity With Parcel-Based GIS, Anne-Vernez Moudon and Michael Hubner (eds.), John Willey and Sons, 2000.
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“Probability Mapping of Land Use Change: A GIS Interface for Markov Analysis,” with M. Logsdon and E. Bell, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, v. 20, No. 4, 1997.
Final Report: Study of Remote Sensing Availability and Application for Flood Monitoring in Washington, FEMA Contract FEMA-BPA-EMS-96-MO-3, Seattle: Remote Sensing Applications aboratory, University of Washington, 1997.
Book chapter: “Reducing Flood Damage Impacts of Urbanization,” Ch. 20 in Urban Environmental Planning, D. Miller and G. de Roo (eds.), Aldershot, U.K.: Avebury, 1997.
Book Review: review of the 4th edition of Urban Land Use Planning by Edward Kaiser, F. Stewart Chapin, and David Godschalk, for the journal, The Professional Geographer, 1996.
Final Report, Application of GIS and Remote Sensing to Growth Management Monitoring, with Earl Bell et al. Prepared for the Bullitt Foundation of Seattle. Seattle: Growth Management Planning and Reseach Clearinghouse, University of Washington, 1994.
Flood Hazard Reduction in Washington State, with D. Carlson, Final Report, Contract FEMA Region X, Seattle: Growth Management Planning and Research Clearinghouse, University of Washington, 1993.
“Teaching About Land Use: How is it Dealt With As an Area of Professional Specialization?”, with Donald Miiller, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 1989.
Energy-Related Use Conflicts in the Columbia River Estuary, with John Garcia et al.,inal Report, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service contract 14-16-0009-80-063, San Francisco: Biosystems Analysis, Inc., 1982.
“User Needs Assessments,” in Western Regional Remote Sensing Conference Proceedings-1979, NASA Conference Publication 2148, Washington: NASA Scientific and Technical Branch, 1980.
Remote Sensing for Planners, with John E. Estes et al., Kristina Ford, ed., New Brunswick: Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy Research, 1979.
Pacific Northwest Regional Commission Land Resources Inventory Demonstration Project, User Needs Study, Final Report, NASA Ames Research Center, 1977.
“Development of User Applications for Earth Resources Survey Data in Urban and Regional Planning in the Puget Sound Area”, in Proceedings of the NASA Earth Resources Survey Symposium, Houston, Texas, June 1975. Houston: NASA Johnson Space Center, 1975.
Planning of Recreational Facilities and Programs: A Source Guide, Council of Planning Librarians Exchange Bibliography No. 153, Monticello, IL: Council of Planning Librarians, 1970.