curriculum vitae cv mike

Department of Geography and Anthropology

CaliforniaStatePolytechnicUniversity, Pomona, CA91768

Tel: 909.869.3587Email:


University of WisconsinMadison: B.A. (Sociology) 1985; M.S. (Sociology) 1991

University of California, Los Angeles: Ph.D. (Geography) 1997


Professor of Geography, California State Polytechnic University – Pomona. 2008 to the present. (Asst. Professor 1998 to 2003, Associate Prof. 2003 to 2008). Teach geographic information systems (GIS), demography, economic and urban geography. Research and service.

George Smith Partners (Commercial Real Estate Finance Firm, Los Angeles): Senior Analyst. 9/97 to 9/98. Real estate submarket analysis, location analysis, financial analysis.

UCLA Office of Academic Computing (now Academic Technology Services): Statistical Programming Consultant, 1/96 to 5/97. Primary consultant responsible for assisting users of census data. Assisted faculty, staff and students programming in statistical packages.

CONSULTING (Various Clients):

Geo-demographic and site location consulting, GIS software training and litigation support.

REFEREED PUBLICATIONS – Click links to open .pdf format document

DawkinsC., M. Reibel and D. Wong. 2007. Further innovations in segregation and neighborhood change research. Urban Geography28:513-515.

Wong, D., M. Reibel and C. Dawkins. 2007. Segregation and neighborhood change: where are we after more than half a century of formal analysis. Urban Geography28:305:311.

Reibel, M. and M. Regelson. 2007. Quantifyingneighborhood racial and ethnic transition clusters in multiethnic cities. Urban Geography28:361:376.

Reibel, M. 2007. Geographic information systems and spatial data processing in demography: a review. Population Research and Policy Review26:601–618.

Reibel, M. and A. Agrawal. 2007. Areal interpolation of population counts using pre-classified land cover data. Population Research and Policy Review26:619–633.

Algert, S., M. Reibel and M. Renvall. 2006. Barriers to participation in the food stamp program among food pantry clients in Los Angeles. American Journal of Public Health 96:8-10.

Reibel, M. and M.E. Bufalino. 2005. A Test of Street Weighted Areal Interpolation Using Geographic Information Systems. Environment and Planning A 37:127-139.

Reibel, M. 2003. Measures of Geographically Uneven Subpopulation Group Change and Local Group Transitions: Examples from Los Angeles. Geographical Analysis 35:257-71.

Loo, D. and M. Reibel. 2003. Television News and the 1990s Crime Issue: The Emergence of a Social Problem. Journal of the National Social Science Association vol 20 no. 2, pp.87-94.

Reibel, M. 2000. “Geographic Variation in Mortgage Lending: Evidence from Los Angeles.” Urban Geography. 21:45-60.

Ellis, M., M. Reibel and R. Wright. 1999. “Comparative Metropolitan Area Analysis: Matching the 1980 and 1990 Census Public Use Microdata Samples for Metropolitan Areas”. Urban Geography 20:75-92

Wright, R., M. Ellis and M. Reibel. 1997. "The Linkage Between Immigration and Internal Migration in Large Metropolitan Areas in the United States". Economic Geography 73:234-254.

Fuguitt, G.V., C.L. Beale and M. Reibel. 1991. "Recent Trends in MetropolitanNonmetropolitan Fertility". Rural Sociology 56:475486.


M. Reibel. 2006. Immigrants at Work. Chapter in C. Airriess and I Miyares, eds. Contemporary Ethnic Geographies. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.

M. Reibel. 2004. Changing Faces, Changing Places: Mapping Southern Californians by James P. Allen and Eugene Turner. (Book Review). Journal of American Ethnic History 23:131-2

M. Reibel and D. Levitan. 2003. Art, Commerce and the Metropolis: Revitalization in Downtown Pomona, 1992-2002. Distributed in hard copy form and on-line (with additional color photos) at

Wright, R., M. Ellis and Reibel, M.. 1995. The Links Between Immigration and Internal Migration in the United States: a Comparison of the 1970s and 1980s. Working Paper No. 1, Rockefeller Center for the Social Sciences, DartmouthCollege.

Wright, R., M. Ellis and Reibel, M. 2001. The Linkage between Immigration and Internal Migration in Large Metropolitan Areas in the United States. In The Economics of Migration, K. Zimmerman and T. Bauer, Eds. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.


Plant Atlas GIS Data Model. $15,000 sub-contract to the Center for Geographical Information Science Research, from the Huntington Botanical Gardens, Pasadena to develop a data model and data collection protocol for key vegetation species monitoring using volunteer data collectors and global positioning systems (GPS). (Co-PI).

Leonard Transportation Center, CSU San Bernardino. 2008-2009. $73,609 to study GIS best practices for local transportation agencies in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Support post-doctoral and post graduate scholars; housed at CPP Center for Geographical Information Science Research.

GIS grant development fellow, Cal Poly Pomona. 2006-2008. Teaching release time for proposal development, identification of funding opportunities and outreach to Cal Poly Pomona faculty with GIS related research interests.

Curriculum development grant, CaliforniaStateUniversityGISSpecialtyCenter. $9,196. Teaching release time, spring 2006 to develop instructional modules for site selection decision support using Business Analyst extension to ArcGIS software.

California Agricultural Research Initiative: Co-Principal investigator with Susan Algert (Cal Poly Pomona Food and Nutrition Department) for Geocoding of Pomona Food System as a Tool in Community Organizing to Improve Local Food Sources(funded summer salary in 2004)

$42,017 grant from John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes foundation to study revitalization in Downtown Pomona. 2001-2002.

Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities Grant. 1999. CaliforniaStateUniversity. Summer research fellowship, two months' salary. Project title:Using Census Data and GIS to Study Black to Hispanic Neighborhood Transitions in Los Angeles. (Teaching release time).

Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities Grant. 2000. CaliforniaStateUniversity. Two courses teaching release, Spring Quarter, 2000. Project title:GIS Techniques for Matching Census Geography and Changing Area Data Over Time. (Teaching release time).


Reibel, M and Regelson, M. March 24, 2009. A Cluster Analysis of Neighborhood Racial and Ethnic Geographies in the Fifty Largest U.S. Cities. Association of American Geographers annual meeting.

Reibel, M. Feb. 18, 2009. Neighborhood Classification and Public Health Outcomes. Invited lecture, School of Community and Global Health, Claremont Graduate University.

Chan, K. and Reibel, M. Feb. 6, 2009. Regional Planning and Geospatial Data Issues Relating to California’s New Climate Change Prevention Laws. First Annual Leonard Transportion Center Transportation Research Conference, Cal State University San Bernardino.

Reibel, M., Chernobai, E. and Carney, M. April 17, 2008. House Price Change and Highway Construction: Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity. American Real Estate Society annual meeting (presented by E. Chernobai). Awarded $1000 prize for best modeling paper.

Reibel, M. and Regelson,M. April 17, 2008. Neighborhood Racial and Ethnic Geographies:
Combining Composition and Transition Using Prediction Strength Clustering. Association of American Geographers annual meeting.

Reibel, M. November 7, 2007. Housing Trends in the Inland Empire. EMPIRE Symposium, Cal Poly Pomona.

Reibel, M. and Agrawal, A. 2007. Areal interpolation of population counts using pre-classified land cover data. Association of American Geographers annual meeting.

Reibel, M. August 21, 2006. San Bernardino. Addressed Board of Directors, Arrowhead Credit Union, regarding recent volatility in home prices in San BernardinoCounty.

Korey, J. and Reibel, M. May 10, 2006. Co-plenary speaker, EMPIRE symposium, Cal Poly Pomona. Discussed community profiles of urban San BernardinoCounty and Los AngelesCounty communities from cluster analysis of community characteristics.

Reibel, M. 2006. Developing a Quasi-Seminar Using the Blackboard Learning Management System. Natl. Social Science Assn., Technology and Social Science Conference,Las Vegas, April 6.

Reibel, M. and M. Regelson. 2006. Cluster Analysis Techniques For Neighborhood Ethnic Change. Association of American Geographers annual meeting.

Reibel, M. and A. Agrawal. 2006. Areal Interpolation of Population Counts Using Pre-Classified Land Cover Data. Population Association of America annual meeting, Los Angeles, March 31.

Reibel, M. and A. Agrawal. 2005. Land Use Weighted Areal Interpolation. GIS Planet 2005 International Conference, Estoril, Portugal.

Algert, S., M. Reibel, A. Agrawal and T. Mambo. 2005. The Geography of Food Insecurity in Pomona, CA. Association of American Geographers Annual meeting. (Poster session).

Algert, S., M. Reibel, A. Agrawal and T. Mambo. 2004. Food Insecurity in Pomona. Agricultural Research Initiative showcase event, Agriscapes, Cal Poly Pomona, November 18, 2004.

Reibel, M. 2004. Estimating Population Trends for Census Tracts: Street Weighted Areal Interpolation Using GIS. Population Association of America annual meeting, Boston, MA, April 2.

Reibel, M. 2004. Street Weighted Areal Interpolation for Incompatible Zone Counts. Association of American Geographers annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA March 19, 2004

Reibel, M. and M.E. Bufalino. 2003. Local Housing Unit Counts and Changing Enumeration Districts: Street Weighted Areal Interpolation Using Geographic Information Systems. International Conference on Methodologies in Housing Research, Stockholm, Sweden, September 22, 2003.

Reibel, M. 2003. Cultural Landscapes as Assets for Economic Revitalization. Historic Preservation Symposium, CaliforniaStatePolytechnicUniversity, Pomona, May 16, 2003

Reibel, M. 2003. Spatial Assimilation of Central Americans in Greater Los Angeles. Association of American Geographers annual meeting, March 5, 2003

Reibel, M. 2002. Measures of Geographically Uneven Subgroup Population Change and Succession In Multiethnic Context. Poster Session presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Atlanta, GA, May 10, 2002

Reibel, M. Smart Growth, the New Urbanism, and the Inland Empire. Presented at the Inland Empire 2025 Conference, Riverside, CA, October 2, 2001.


Editorial Board, Urban Geography. Co-guest editor of two special issues of Urban Geography on new directions in segregation and neighborhood change research, 2007.

Chair, University Research Council, Cal Poly Pomona 2007-2008. Member, 2006-present.

Center for the Study of the Inland Empire and EMPIRE, Cal Poly Pomona. Help design commissioned targeted survey, plan and participate in regional research symposium program, help develop long-range plan to build a center for research on the region.

GIS: Key faculty participant in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Literate Campus initiative. Cal Poly Pomona representative to the California State University GIS Center Faculty Board. College representative to Cal Poly Pomona GIS Faculty Advisory Board. Involved in development of interdisciplinary GIS minor.

Chair of the CaliforniaStateUniversity (system wide) Social Science Research and Instructional Council (SSRIC) for academic 05-06. Promote quantitative research and teaching in the social sciences at the campuses of the CSU. Co-host of 2004 SSRIC student research conference at Cal Poly Pomona. Campus Representative to the SSRIC 2002 – present.

Cal Poly Pomona Designated Representative to the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), Ann Arbor, MI.

Referee for journals Demography, Geographical Analysis, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Journal of Urban Affairs, Journal of Urbanism,Population Research and Policy Review, Professional Geographer,Regional Studies, Urban GeographyandUrban Studies; textbookHuman Geography by Hobbs and Salter,

Referee for National Science Foundation and Economic & Social Research Council (research funding agency, UK).