SEND Pupil Progress Profile

Provides a framework to use for reference or as a means to collate information to demonstrate a school’s graduated response to meeting the needs of pupils with the most significant and complex needs.
This will include:

  • Pupils whose cognitive ability is such that their attainment is unlikely ever to rise above ‘low’ (Ofsted Handbook 187 – August 2016); pupils who are working below the national curriculum or well below age related expectations.
  • Pupils whose complex and severe special needs in other areas significantly impact on their ability to ability to engage with learning.

It is not intended to be used for all pupils with SEND.

The framework provides guidance to give a comprehensive evidence trail to show:

  • Enhanced measures in place to support tracking and monitoring; whole school data management systems may not capture this.
  • Range of additional assessment measures used by the school to identify underlying difficulties affecting progress and establish starting points.
  • Small step progress and achievements linked to the specific barriers to learning
  • Active engagement family and external agencies to support identification of needs and plan provision
  • Refinement and update of provision to respond to changing needs and other factors impacting on progress.
  • How impact of provision for individuals is used to inform development of wider school SEND provision.

Pupil Characteristics
Pupil’s Name: / Date of Birth:
NC Year (Displaced?): / Other characteristics – EAL, CP/CIN, Young Carer, FSM, Ever6, CLA?
Please circle:
SEN Support? EHCP? / Date started to receive SEND Support?
Pen Portrait (Details of barriers to learning and areas of strengths)
Any other additional needs/circumstances affecting progress? / Attendance and Exclusions?
Baseline assessments and other information gathering to identify underlying difficulties and establish starting points.
School Based Assessment Tools Used / Date of assessment (s) / Scores
Reports and assessments by external agencies:
Agency / Date of assessment/input / Recommendations/actions advised.
Information shared by parents (dates):
Pupil Views:
Provision over time to meet outcomes informed by assessments
Nature of support/intervention / Date / Staff involved/ Impact
How the skills of staff have been developed to address needs:


Year group / NC subject / Progress across year (including assessments in relation to NC Milestones and other measures/performance measures).
Autumn / Spring / Summer
Impact of provision/progress towards outcomes
Year group / Academic year / Area of need / Progress across year
Autumn / Spring / Summer
Communication and interaction
Social, emotional and mental health
Sensory and/or physical
Record of other factors Impacting on Progress and Actions taken:
Communication and interaction
Social, emotional and mental health
Sensory and/or physical
Record of other Factors Impacting on Progress and Actions taken: