Curriculum Vitae - Ashley Edwin Franks,PhD.

Ashley Franks, Curriculum Vitae. 20161

Professional Details:

Reader/Associate Professor

Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology

College of Science, Health and Engineering

La Trobe University

Victoria, 3086, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9479 1114

Fax: +61 3 9479 1222


Personal Details:

Address: 1504/8 Exploration Lane


VIC, 3000


Date of birth:6th July 1975

Nationality/Citizenship: Australian

Ashley Franks, Curriculum Vitae. 20161

University Leadership:

2016-Present: Acting Academic Coordinator (Research), College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University. Reporting to APVC-R.

Responsibilities: Support Strategic Planning for College Research Plan

2016-Present: Director of Research, School of Life Sciences, La Trobe University

Reporting to APVC-R and Head of School.

Responsibilities: Provision of high quality research leadership and management

Major Achievements: Administration of School Life Sciences Performance funding ($290,541) and promotion of research. Funding of 40 individual projects with a projected outcome of 53 potential HERDC publications and the development of 3 new industry partners. Co-ordination of infrastructure bids from the School of Life Sciences (8-9 successful in mid year round).

2016-Present:Chair of The School of Life Sciences Research Committee, La Trobe University

Reporting to: School of Life Sciences Executive Committee

Responsibilities: Establishment of an environment that promotes research activity within departments and across the school.

Major Achievements: Establishments of representative committee membership from across the school of life sciences. Staff enrolment in La Trobe University Mentoring Scheme and uptake of 3-5 year research plans.

2016-Present: Environmental Champion, Food, Water and Environment Research Focus Area, La Trobe University. Reporting to Food, Water and Environment RFA Director.

Responsibilities: Act in place of Director when required, co-ordinate environmental research activities within the RFA.

Major Achievements: Environmental cluster working group and forum. Linking members from cross colleges, school and departments with research within the environment. Member of “Future Landscape” big bid proposal and working committee.

2015-Present: Executive Member, Food, Water and Environment Research Focus Area, La Trobe University. Reporting to Food, Water and Environment RFA Director.

Responsibilities: Act in place of Director when required, provide leadership and oversight of RFA activities. Provide links to research community.

Major Achievements: Environmental cluster working group and forum. Linking members from cross colleges, school and departments with research within the environment. Member of “Future Landscape” big bid proposal and working comittee.

2015-2016:Reid Building Development Committee, La Trobe University

Reporting to: School Executive

Responsibilities: Overview of Reid Building Development for Research

Major Achievements: Reid building development agreed upon by all stake holders and development running ahead of schedule.

2014-Present:Executive Committee Member, School of Life Science.

Reporting to: Head of School.

Responsibilities: School of Life Sciences Research and Teaching

Major achievements: Development of research performance fund, research capabilities statement and promotion of research culture. Selection as Research Co-ordinator for the School of Life Sciences.

Professional experience:

2015-present: Reader/Associate Professor

Department of Microbiology

Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering

La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia

2011-2015: Senior Lecturer

Department of Microbiology

Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering

La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia

2009-2011:Assistant Professor (Research)

Research:Microbial extracellular electron transfer.

Environmental Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA.

2007-2008: Senior Research Scientist, Geobacter Project

Research:Structure and function of bacterial biofilms involved in microbial bioelectric systems.

Mentor: Professor Derek Lovley, Geobacter Project, Department of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA.

2005-2007: Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow in Science, Engineering and Technology.

Research: Functional genomics approaches to investigate novel host signal responsive transcriptional regulators that play a role in pathogenesis during bacterial-host interactions.

Mentor: Professor Fergal O’Gara. The Biomerit Research Centre, of Microbiology, National University of Ireland, University College Cork (UCC), Cork, Ireland.

2005:Postdoctoral Research Scientist.

Research: Investigation of novel bacterial genes modulating beneficialmicrobial-host interactions.

Mentor: Professor Fergal O’Gara. The Biomerit Research CentreDepartment of Microbiology, National University of Ireland, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.


1999-2005:Ph.D.Date of Conferral: 05 September 2005

“Identification and characterisation of an antifungal compoundproduced by the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas tunicata.” Advisor: Professor Staffan Kjelleberg University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

1999:Honours in Microbiology, First Class, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

1994-1998.Bachelor of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

1988-1993:Kelso High School, Kelso, N.S.W., Australia

Awards and Fellowships:

2011:Young Investigator Awardee, Montana Biofilm Meeting, Centre for Biofilm Engineering, Montana State University

2006:Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science, Engineering and Technology, Ireland.

2004:Pro-Vice Chancellor (Institutional Advancement) High Achiever Award, The University of New South Wales, Australia.

2004:James Vincent Award in Microbiology, The Australian Society for Microbiology, Australia.

1999-2003:Australian Postgraduate Award: Australia.

2001-2003:School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences Postgraduate Enhancement Award, Australia,

1999-2001School of Microbiology and Immunology Postgraduate Enhancement Award,Australia,

Grants and Funding (career total excess of $1.5 million):

Awarded Funding:

1:$65,000 2016-2017 Hill, E. Franks, A.E., Ravi“Microbiome engineering for behavioural change” Immuron research grant

2: $10,000 2016-2017 Franks, A.E. “Structure and functional abilities of the hydrocarbon-degrading microbial communityassociated to contaminant-tolerant grasses” ASIA institute

3: $14,450 2016Egidi, E., Franks, A.E., May, “Testing the potential of next generation sequencing for the detection of Tulasnella species associated with the endangered orchid species Diuris fragrantissima”Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

4:$3,700 Egidi, E., Franks, A.E., May, T. 2015-2016 “Testing the potential of next generation sequencing for the detection of Tulasnella species associated with the endangered orchid species Diuris fragrantissima” Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

5: $29,653 2016 van den Buuse, M.,Franks, A.E., Dissanayake, C “Investigating changes in the gut-brain axis in mouse models of autism.” La Trobe University Understanding Disease Research Focus Area

6:$798,080 ($310,000 ARC, $257,740 AOARD, $230,340 in kind) Franks, A.E. Labbate, M., Strycharz-Glaven, S., Chen, J. 2015-2016 “Synthetic Biology Derived Electroactive Whole Cell Microbial Biosensors” ARC Linkage Project LP140100459

7: $24,000 Green, P., Franks, A.E. “Do microbe-plant interactions contribute to the maintenance of tree diversity tropical forests?” Securing Food, Water and the Environment Research Grant.

8:$30,000Franks, A.E. 2014.Synthetic Biology Production of Electric Biobricks. Defense Science Institute research extension grant

9:$65,000 Franks, A.E. 2014-2016. Application of electromicrobiology to sewer corrosion. Western Water Development Grant

10:$397,000 Franks A.E.2013-2016. Synthetic ElectricMicrobes. Office of Naval Research Broad Agency Announcement 13-001 of long‐ range Office of Naval Research scientific projects

11:$75,000Franks, A.E. 2013.Synthetic BiologyBiosensors. Defense Science Institute and Defense Science and Technology Organization enabling grant.

12: $12,000 Franks A.E., and Stanisich2012 FSTE Grant. “Structure of Electric Biofilms”

13:€96,000 FranksA.E., 2005-2007 Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET). “Functional genomics on the targets of a novel transcriptional regulator that determines host specificity in bacterial-host interactions”

14:$3,000 Franks A.E. 2004Centre for Marine Biofouling and Bio-Innovation travel grant

15:$5,000 Franks A.E. 2001 Adrian Lee Travel fellowship: Collaboration with Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott, Exeter University, Exeter, United Kingdom. “The effect of an antifungal compound produced by the marine bacterium P. tunicata on fungal biofilms”


Scholarly Book Chapters:

  1. Semenec L, Aracic S, Mathews E, Franks A.E. 2016.Functional Electrodes for Enzymatic and Microbial Bioelectrochemical Systems. Energy and Environmental Science. Editor V. Flexer. Publishing House. In press.
  2. Hensly, S. A., Vargas, M., and Franks, A.E. (2012) The Microbiology of Microbial Electric Systems. In Microbial Biotechnology: Energy and Environment. Editor: R. Arora. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK
  3. Miller, S. H., Mark, G. L., Franks, A. and O'Gara, F. (2008). Pseudomonas-Plant interactions. In Pseudomonas: Model organism, pathogen, cell factory, pp. 353-376. Editor: B. H. A. Rehm. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
  4. Franks, A., Ryan, R., Abbas, A., Mark, L., and F. O'Gara. (2006), Molecular tools for studying plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). In: The Molecular Approaches to Soil, Rhizosphere and Plant Microorganisms. Editors: Cooper and Rao. Pp 131-151. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK

Peer reviewed articles

  1. Wood, J. L., Tang, C., & Franks, A. E. (2016). Microbial associated plant growth and heavy metal accumulation to improve phytoextraction of contaminated soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 103, 131-137.
  2. Wood, J. L., Liu, W., Tang, C., & Franks, A. E. (2016). Microorganisms in heavy metal bioremediation: strategies for applying microbial-community engineering to remediate soils. AIMS Bioengineering, 3(2), 211-229. doi:
  3. Tan, Y., Adhikari, R. Y., Malvankar, N. S., Ward, J. E., Nevin, K. P., Woodard, T. L., Smith, J. A., Franks, A. E., Tuominen, M. T., & Lovley, D. R. (2016). The Low Conductivity of Geobacter uraniireducens Pili Suggests a Diversity of Extracellular Electron Transfer Mechanisms in the Genus Geobacter. Front Microbiol, 7, 980.
  4. Sivasubramaniam, D., & Franks, A. E. (2016). Bioengineering microbial communities: Their potential to help, hinder and disgust. Bioengineered, 0. doi:10.1080/21655979.2016.1187346
  5. Liu, W., Wang, B., Wang, Q., Hou, J., Wu, L., Wood, J. L., Luo, Y., & Franks, A. E. (2016). Characteristics of metal-tolerant plant growth-promoting yeast (Cryptococcus sp. NSE1) and its influence on Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-9.
  6. Guzman, C. E., Bereza-Malcolm, L. T., De Groef, B., & Franks, A. E. (2016). Uptake of milk with and without solid feed during the monogastric phase: Effect on fibrolytic and methanogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of calves. Anim Sci J, 87(3), 378-388. doi:10.1111/asj.12429
  7. Egidi, E., McMullan-Fisher, S., Morgan, J. W., May, T., Zeeman, B., & Franks, A.E. (2016). Fire regime, not time-since-fire, affects soil fungal community diversity and composition in temperate grasslands. FEMS Microbiology Letters, fnw196.
  8. Butterly, C. R., Phillips, L. A., Wiltshire, J. L., Franks, A. E., Armstrong, R. D., Chen, D., Mele, P. M., & Tang, C. (2016). Long-term effects of elevated CO 2 on carbon and nitrogen functional capacity of microbial communities in three contrasting soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 97, 157-167.
  9. Semenec, L., & Franks, A. E. (2015). Delving through electrogenic biofilms: from anodes to cathodes to microbes. AIMS Bioengineering, 2(3), 222-248. doi:
  10. Liu, W., Wang, Q., Wang, B., Wang, X., Franks, A. E., Teng, Y., Li, Z., & Luo, Y. (2015). Changes in the abundance and structure of bacterial communities under long-term fertilization treatments in a peanut monocropping system. Plant and Soil, 395(1-2), 415-427.
  11. Liu, W., Wang, Q., Wang, B., Hou, J., Luo, Y., Tang, C., & Franks, A. E. (2015). Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria enhance the growth and Cd uptake of Sedum plumbizincicola in a Cd-contaminated soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(5), 1191-1199.
  12. Hou, J., Liu, W., Wang, B., Wang, Q., Luo, Y., & Franks, A. E. (2015). PGPR enhanced phytoremediation of petroleum contaminated soil and rhizosphere microbial community response. Chemosphere, 138, 592-598.
  13. Guzman, C. E., Bereza-Malcolm, L. T., De Groef, B., & Franks, A. E. (2015). Presence of Selected Methanogens, Fibrolytic Bacteria, and Proteobacteria in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Neonatal Dairy Calves from Birth to 72 Hours. PLoS ONE, 10(7), e0133048. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133048
  14. Bereza-Malcolm, L. T., Mann, G., & Franks, A. E. (2015). Environmental Sensing of Heavy Metals Through Whole Cell Microbial Biosensors: A Synthetic Biology Approach. ACS Synthetic Biology, 4(5), 535-546. doi:10.1021/sb500286r
  15. Bereza-Malcolm, L. T., & Franks, A. E. (2015). Coupling anaerobic bacteria and microbial fuel cells as whole-cell environmental biosensors. Microbiology Australia, 36(3), 129-132.
  16. Aracic, S., Manna, S., Petrovski, S., Wiltshire, J. L., Mann, G., & Franks, A. E. (2015). Innovative biological approaches for monitoring and improving water quality. Front Microbiol, 6.
  17. Smith JA, Tremblay PL, Shrestha PM, Snoeyenbos-West OL, Franks AE, Nevin KP, et al. (2014). Going wireless: Fe(III) oxide reduction without pili by Geobacter sulfurreducens strain JS-1. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 80(14):4331-40.A.
  18. Aracic, L. Semenec, A.E.Franks.Investigating microbial activities of electrode-associated microorganisms in real-time. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2014:5:663
  19. Shrestha PM, Malvankar NS, Werner JJ, Franks AE, Elena-Rotaru A, Shrestha M, et al. (2014). Correlation between microbial community and granule conductivity in anaerobic bioreactors for brewery wastewater treatment. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. 174, 306-310
  20. Semenec L, Franks AE. (2014). The microbiology of microbial electrolysis cells. MICROBIOLOGY AUSTRALIa. 35(4):201-6.
  21. Rosenbaum MA, Franks AE. (2014). Microbial catalysis in bioelectrochemical technologies: Status quo, challenges and perspectives. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 98(2):509-18.
  22. L. Bereza-Malcolm, G. Mann, and A.E. Franks (2014) Environmental Sensing of Heavy Metals Through Whole Cell Microbial Biosensors: A Synthetic Biology Approach. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY. DOI: 10.1021/sb500286r
  23. Jin J, Tang C, Robertson A, Franks AE, Armstrong R, Sale P. (2014). Increased microbial activity contributes to phosphorus immobilization in the rhizosphere of wheat under elevated CO2. SOIL BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. 75:292-9.
  24. Jayasinghe N, Franks AE, Nevin KP, Mahadevan R. (2014). Metabolic modeling of spatial heterogeneity of biofilms in microbial fuel cells reveals substrate limitations in electrical current generation. BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL. 9(10):1350-61.
  25. Bereza-Malcolm LT, Mann G, Franks AE. (2014). Environmental Sensing of Heavy Metals Through Whole Cell Microbial Biosensors: A Synthetic Biology Approach. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY. DOI: 10.1021/sb500286r
  26. Leang, C., N. S. Malvankar, A. E. Franks, K. Nevin and D. R. Lovley (2013) Engineering Geobacter sulfurreducens to Produce a Highly Cohesive Conductive Matrix with Enhanced Capacity for Current Production. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. 6, 1901-1908
  27. Thomas, A. W., L. E. Garner, K. P. Nevin, T. L. Woodard, A. E. Franks, D. R. Lovley, J. J. Sumner, C. J. Sund and G. C. Bazan. A lipid membrane intercalating conjugated oligoelectrolyte enables electrode driven succinate production in Shewanella. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. 6, 1761-1765
  28. Zhang, T., H. Nie, T. S. Bain, H. Lu, M. Cui, O. L. Snoeyenbos-West, A. E. Franks, K. P.Nevin, T. P. Russell and D. R. Lovley. (2013). Improved cathode materials for microbial electrosynthesis. ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 6: 217-224
  29. Nikhil S. Malvankar, Joanne Lau, Kelly P. Nevin, Ashley E. Franks, Mark T. Tuominen and Derek R. Lovley. (2012). Electrical Conductivity in a Mixed-Species Biofilm. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY.78(16): 5967–5971.
  30. Franks,A.E., R. Glaven, and D.R. Lovely. (2012) Spatialreal-time gene expression within a current producing biofilm using shorthalf-lifegfp.CHEMSUSCHEM.5(6):1092-1098.
  31. Lovley, D. R., T. Ueki, T. Zhang, N. S. Malvankar, P. M. Shrestha, K. A. Flanagan, M. Aklujkar, J. E. Butler, L. Giloteaux, A. E. Rotaru, D. E. Holmes, A. E.Franks, R. Orellana, C. Risso, and K. P. Nevin (2011) Geobacter: The microbe electric's physiology, ecology, and practical applications. ADVANCES IN MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY. 59:1-100.
  32. Malvankar, N. S.,Vargas, M., Nevin, K. P., Franks, A. E., Leang, C., Kim, B.-C., Inoue, K.. Mester, T., Covalla, S. F., Johnson, J., Rotello, V. M., Tuominen,M. and D. R. Lovley. 2011. Tunable metallic-like conductivity in nanostructured biofilms comprised of microbial nanowires. Nature Nanotech.In Press.
  33. Morita M, Malvankar NS, Franks AE, Summers ZM, Giloteaux L, Rotaru AE, Rotaru, C.and D. R. Lovley (2011) Evidence for direct cell-to-cell electron transfer in anaerobic methanogenic wastewater aggregates MBIO, 2:e00159-11.
  34. Nevin, K. P., Zhang,P.,Franks,A. E.,Woodard, T. L., and D. R. Lovley. 2011. Anaerobes unleashed: Aerobic fuel cells of Geobacter sulfurreducens. Journal of Power Sources.191 (18):7514-7518
  35. Nevin, K.P., Hensley, S.A., Franks, A.E., Summers, Z.M., Ou, J., Woodward, T., Snoeyenbos-West, O.L, and Lovley, D.R. 2011. Electrosynthesis of Organic Compounds from Carbon Dioxide Catalyzed by a Diversity of Acetogenic Microorganisms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology doi:10.1128/AEM.02642-10
  36. Summers, Z.M., Fogarty, H., Leang, C., Franks, A.E. Malvankar, N.S., and Lovley, D.R. 2010. Direct Exchange of Electrons Within Aggregates of an Evolved Syntrophic Co-Culture of Anaerobic Bacteria. Science. 330 (6009):1413-1415.
  37. Inoue, K., Leang, C., Franks, A.E., Woodard, T.L., Nevin, K.P., and Lovley. D.R.,2010. Specific localization of the c-type cytochrome OmcZ at the anode surface in current-producing biofilms of Geobacter sulfurreducens. Environmental Microbiology ReportS3 (2):211-217.
  38. Franks, A.E., Nevin, K.P., Glaven, R. and Lovely, D.R. (2010) Microtoming coupled to microarray analysis to evaluate the spatial metabolic status of Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilms. The ISME Journal. 4(4):509-519.
  39. Klimes A., Franks A.E., Glaven R.H., Tran H., Barrett C.L., Qiu Y., Zengler K. and Lovley D.R. (2010) Production of pilus-like filaments in Geobactersulfurreducens in the absence of the type IV pilin protein PilA. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 310(1): 62-68
  40. Franks, A.E., Malvankar, N., and Nevin, K.P. (2010) Bacterial Biofilms, The Powerhouse of a Microbial Fuel Cell. BioFuels. 1(4):589-604.
  41. Franks, A.E., andNevin. K.P., (2010) Advances in Microbial Fuel Cells, a Current Review. Journal of Energies. Special Issue "Fuel Cells". 3:899-919.
  42. Franks, A.E. (2010) Transcriptional analysis of current producing biofilms, the pitfalls of microbes in diverse physiological states. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 307(2):111-112.
  43. Nevin, K.P., Woodard, T.L., Franks, A.E., Summers, Z.M., and Lovley, D.R. 2010. Microbial electrosynthesis: feeding microbes electricity to convert carbon dioxide and water to multicarbon extracellular organic compounds. mBio 1(2)
  44. Zhang, T., Gannon, S.M., Nevin, K.P., Franks, A.E., and Lovley, D.R. 2010 Stimulating the anaerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated sediments by providing an electrode as the electron acceptor. Environmental Microbiology 12(4):1011-1020.
  45. Strycharz, S., Gannon, S., Boles, A., Franks, A.E, Nevin, K., and Lovley, D.R. (2010) Reductive dechlorination of 2-chlorophenol by Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans with an electrode serving as the electron donor. Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2(2):289-294.
  46. Williams, K.H., Nevin, K.P., Franks, A. E., Englert, A., Long, P.E., and Lovley, D.R. 2010. Electrode-based approach for monitoring in situ microbial activity during subsurface bioremediation. Environmental Science and Technology 44(1):47-54.
  47. Yi, H., Nevin, K. P., Byoung-Chan, K., Franks, A. E., Malvankar, N., Haveman, S. A. and D. R. Lovley. (2009) Selection of a Variant of Geobacter sulfurreducens with Enhanced Capacity for Current Production in Microbial Fuel Cells. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 24(12):3498-3503.

Named 20th Best Invention of 2009, Time Magazine

  1. Franks, A.E, Nevin, K. P. Jao, H,. Izallalen, M., Woodard, T. and Lovley D. R. (2009) Novel Strategy for Three-Dimensional Real-Time Imaging of Microbial Fuel Cell Communities: Monitoring the Inhibitory Effects of Proton Accumulation within the Anode Biofilm. Energy and Environmental Science. 2:113-119.
  2. Nevin, K. P., Byoung-Chan, K., Glaven, R. H., Johnson, J. P., Woodard, T. L., Methé, B. A., DiDonato. R. J., Covalla1, S. F.Franks, A. E., Liu, A. and Lovley, D. R. (2009) Anode Biofilm Transcriptomics Reveals Outer Surface Components Essential for High Density Current Production in Geobacter sulfurreducens. Fuel Cells. PLoS ONE4(5):e5628.
  3. Franks, A. Mark-Byrne, G.L., Dow, J. M., and O’Gara F. (2008) A putative RNA-binding protein has a role in virulence in Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000. Molecular Plant Pathology. 9(1):67-72
  4. Ryan, R. P., Germaine, K., Franks, A., Ryan, D.J and Dowling, D. (2008). Bacterial endophytes: recent developments and applications. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 278 (1):1-9
  5. Franks, A., Egan, S., Holmström, C., James, S., Lappin-Scott, H. and S. Kjelleberg. (2006) Inhibition of fungal colonisation by Pseudoalteromonastunicata provides a competitive advantage during surface colonisation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 72: 6079-6087.
  6. Kiely, D.P., Haynes, J.M., Higgins, C.H., Franks, A., Mark, G.L., Morrissey J.P. and F. O’Gara. (2006) Exploiting New Systems-Based Strategies to Elucidate Plant-Bacterial Interactions in the Rhizosphere. Microbial Ecology. Apr;51(3):257-66.
  7. Mark, G.L., Dow, M.J., Kiely, P., Higgins, H., Haynes, J., Baysse, C., Abbas, A., Foley, T., Franks, A., Morrissey, J., and F. O’Gara. (2005) Transcriptome profiling of bacterial responses to root exudates identifies novel genes involved in microbe-plant interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. 102 (48):17454-17459.
  8. Franks, A., Haywood, P., Holmström, C., Egan, S., Kjelleberg, S. and N. Kumar (2005) Isolation and structural elucidation of a novel yellow pigment from the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas tunicata. Molecules10: 1286-1291
  9. Franks, A. Mini-review: A Promising Future for Marine Natural Products. 2004, Microbiology Australia, Feb, 5-8.
  10. Holmstrom, C., Egan, S., Franks, A., McCloy, S. and S. Kjelleberg, (2002) Antifouling activities expressed by marine surface associated Pseudoalteromonas species. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 41(1), 47-58.

Non-peer reviewed publications

  • Franks, A. Bacteria may provide the last line of defence. Today’s Life Science (2003), 5, 12-18.


  • Franks, A., Holmstrom, C., Egan, S., James, J., Kumar, N. and Kjelleberg, S. Antifungal Compounds and Use Thereof. PATENT. Australian Patent Office (2005).

International Society Board Positions: