Year Group: 2

Curriculum Overview 2016-2017

Term - Weeks / Term 1
7 weeks / Term 2
8 weeks / Term 3
6 weeks / Term 4
6weeks / Term 5
6 weeks / Term 6
7 weeks
Topic Question: / Choose where you would rather live: Hythe, UK, or Hastings, Australia / Discuss why the Great Fire of London was important. / Imagine life on an undiscovered island. / Decide if you’d rather live now, or when your grandparents were children. / Justify if eating McDonalds every day is OK. / Design an advert for the British Seaside.
Trips/Visitors / Hythe / Fire Service / Possible theatre trip?
Library / Grandparents – interview / work with etc / Tesco / Hythe beach / RHD railway
Special Events / Work alongside – topic based / Diwali
Christmas / Island adventure day / Bring your grandparents to school afternoon / End of term picnic party / Joint trip to Hythe / Dymchurch including RHD railway and beach.
English / Non chronological reports – Australian animals / trip to Hythe.
The Rainbow Bird T4W / Explanation text: Why did the Great Fire get so out of control?
The Magic Finger T4W / Leaflet about an island.
Description of an island.
Writing a creative story: Katie Morag island stories T4W / Report about life when our grandparents were young.
Instructions on how to play an old fashioned game.
Fantastic Mr Fox – T4W / Invitation to a picnic
Persuasion: eating healthily
The Magic Key – T4W / Advert for the British seaside / Hythe.
The Lighthouse keepers Lunch – T4W
Maths / Number and Place Value
Recognise numbers written in digits.
Make 2 digit and 3 digit numbers.
Write numbers to 100 in words and numerals.
Measure - Time
Read times o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
Begin to read times to 5 min intervals. / Addition and subtraction
Add using objects, Numicon, number lines, base 10, Diennes.
Subtract using cubes, objects, Numicon, base 10.
Understand commutative rule.
Understand – is inverse of +.
Measure – Properties of shape
2D: identify and describe properties o 2D shape – square, rectangle, and circle – number of sides, corners.
3D: identify and describe properties of 3D shape – cube, cuboid, and cylinder – number of edges, faces, and vertices. / Multiplication and Division
Understand multiplication as repeated addition through use of Numicon, number lines, Cuisenaire and drawing pictures.
Understand division as repeated subtraction through use of Numicon, number lines, Cuisenaire and pictures.
Understand multiplication is the inverse of division.
Geometry – Properties of shape
2D: identify and describe properties of 2D shapes – triangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon – number of sides, corners.
3D: identify, explore and describe properties of 3D shapes – sphere, square base pyramid, cone, tetrahedron and triangular prism – number of edges, faces and vertices.
Identify 2D shapes on the faces of 3D shapes. / Fractions
Recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, ¼,2/4 and ¾ on different shape, lengths, sets of objects and quantities.
Pupils count in fractions.
Measure – Weight, mass, volume and capacity
Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure mass (Kg/g), capacity (l/ml) to the nearest labelled unit, using scales and measuring vesicles.
Compare and order mass and record results using greater than < > less than and equals =.
Solve problems using money with addition and subtractions.
Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p).
Combine amounts to make a particular amount.
Measure – linear (length and height), temperature.
Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (metres/cm) to the nearest appropriate unit using rulers.
Choose and use standard units to estimate and measure temperature to the nearest labelled unit using thermometers. / Calculations
Solve problems with addition and subtraction by using concrete objects and pictorial representations.
Apply an increasing knowledge of mental and written methods.
Geometry – position and direction
Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement of both objects and themselves.
Interpret, construct and ask and answer simple questions about simple tally charts, pictograms, block diagrams and simple tables.
Science / Living things and their habitats:
Teeth / Australian animals
I can identify different types of teeth and their uses.
UI can describe a simple food chain. / Electricity –
Identify common appliances that run on electricity Construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers Identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery / Living things and their habitats:
Identify things that are living, dead, never lived
Describe how animals find their food.
Simple food chains
I can name some different sources of food for animals. / State of matter:
Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C) Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature. / Animals including humans:
I can explain the basic stages in a life cycle.
I can describe what animals and humans need to survive.
I can describe why exercise, a balanced diet and good hygiene are important for humans. / Plants:
I can describe how seeds and bulbs grow into plants.
I can describe what plants need in order to grow and stay healthy.
Computer Science / Research – Australian animals
PowerPoint about Hythe. / Send an email from a character in the story.
Know technology is used in and out of school. / Purple Mash: programming / Create a digital scrapbook about childhood. / Create an invitation to a picnic. / Create an advert for Hythe.
Art / Making aboriginal clay pots / mixing brown paint / Pictures involving fire: creating effects using charcoal, pencil and pastel. / Tartan Patterns
Recreating the art of Ritchie Collins / Paint a character portrait from a chosen story:
Use different grades of pencil, look at how artists have used colour, and investigate famous portrait artists. / Fruit and vegetable prints
Pop Art – Andy Warhol / As above using IT paint package.
DT / N/A / Make a 3D model of London / Design your own island habitat
Create an island in a box. / N/A / Design a healthy meal. Plate. / Make a dish for the picnic: design a new sandwich.
Geography / Compare and contrast Hythe with Hastings Australia:
Locate areas on a map
Compare and contrast / N/A / I can say what I like / dislike about a place I live.
I can explain how an area has been spoilt or improved and give reasons.
I can explain the facilities that a village, town and city may need and give reasons – link to islands. / N/A / Where does our food come from?
I can name the capital cities of England / Wales / Scotland and Ireland.
I can identify continents and locate them.
I can name and locate world oceans.
I can find where I live on a map pf the UK. / The British Seaside – recapping T1.
Looking at the Kent coast and its seaside towns, locating on maps, comparing and contrasting.
History / N/A / The Great Fire of London
I know about events beyond living memory.
I can answer questions by looking at books and the internet. / N/A / What was life like when our grandparents were children?
I can find out about the past by talking to an older person.
I can give examples of things that were different when my grandparents were children. / How has our food changed? / The history of the British seaside.
I can recount the life of someone famous who lived in the past – FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE.
I can research the life of someone famous from the past using different sources of evidence.
RE / Christianity and Harvest / Christianity / Hinduism
Linking to light / celebrations / Christingle / Christianity
The Bible / Hinduism
Stories / Hinduism
Celebrations / Hindusim
Belonging / symbolism
PE / Dance – Aboriginal
Outside: Ball skills
Rolling / hitting / kicking a ball / Dance linked to Christmas production. / Football:
I can use hitting, kicking and rolling in a game.
I can decide the best place to be in a game.
I can use one tactic in a game.
Gymnastics using apparatus. / Netball
I can use hitting, kicking and rolling in a game.
I can decide the best place to be in a game.
I can use one tactic in a game.
Dance: creating a dance from when their grandparents were children. / Practise for sports day events / Athletics skills
Music / Aboriginal music / Australian National Anthem / Sing a round of London’s Burning.
Christmas production songs. / Create a piece of music for your island.
Celtic music / Music from the 60s/70s.
Plan a piece of music for Mr Fox’s banquet. / Create a piece of music on Purple Mash to accompany our picnic. / Seaside music. Learn shanties, seaside songs and ditties.
PSHE / Community / Getting on and falling out / Going for goals / say no to bullying / Good to be me / Relationships / Changes
Sex education
MFL / Hello / Goodbye / Asking for packed lunch / school dinner / Please and thank you / Making friends (“my name is…” etc) / Food / Items to take to the beach.
Outdoor Learning / Trip to Hythe
Rainbow bird outside / Collecting twigs for 3D Great Fire of London.
Great Fire of London re-enactment in outdoor classroom (Smells etc)
Year 2 common exception word activities. / Island life imagination: outdoor classroom.
Collecting items for an island in a box.
Living things – identification and classification / Growing our own food: beans /carrots / etc for picnic. Link to “Dig for Victory”.
Measuring to link with plants.
Measure problems outside. / Growing our own food: beans /carrots / etc for picnic.
Measuring to link with plants.
Measure problems outside.
Measuring temperature and comparing. / Trip to the beach.
Investigating plants in our outside area.
Lighthouse keepers lunch re-enactment picnic.