Curriculum Map Year 3
Subject / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2History/
Geography / What makes the Earth angry? / Local history study / Who first lived in Britain? / Why do so many people go to the Mediterranean for their holidays? / Has Greece always been in the news?
Science / What do rocks tell us about the way the Earth was formed? / How far can you throw your shadow? / How can Usain Bolt move so quickly? / Are you attractive enough? / How did that blossom become an apple?
R.E. / Creation Stories / Christmas - Lights / Special People – Martin Luther King / Easter / Belonging Ceremonies – Christian Community / Belonging Ceremonies – Sikhism
Art / Patterns in the environment / Drawing:
Sketching the body / Drawing/Painting:
Mediterranean artist Paul Cezanne / Sculpture: creating clay mythical beasts
DT / Structures- Design and make a working volcano / Levers and Linkages: Board games using magnets / Food: Greek salad
P.E. / Games / Gymnastics / LSSP: Dance / Swimming / Outdoor/Adventurous activities / Athletics-
Greek Olympics
Computing / Mrs Mac- Scratch Coding, robotics & gaming / Collecting, Exploring & Recording data / Produce, Edit & Publish Media / Digital Communications & the Web / Mrs Mac- Audacity
Create & Share Digital Artefacts / Problem Solving & Real World Tech
Languages / Spanish
Music / Samba Drumming
Performing- Singing Christmas Carols / Famous musicians of Europe. / Composing
PSHE / Being me in the world / Celebrating difference / Dreams and goals / Healthy me / Relationships / Changing me
Educational Visits / Croxeth Hall
Victorian Christmas / Museum of Liverpool Stone Age workshop
Special Days / Angry Earth
assembly for parents / Anti-bullying week / Greek Olympics for parents