651 Great Falls Road, Rockville, Maryland 20850
Telephone 301-279-3979 FAX 301-517-8216
Craig W. Staton,Principal LaDonna A. Fletcher, Assistant School Administrator
H. Dudley Davidson, Assistant Principal Nancy Deprey, IBMYP Coordinator
Erin L. Martin, Assistant Principal
March 2015
Dear Sixth Grade Parents/Guardians:
Outdoor education can be one of the most beneficial and memorable experiences in your child’s school years. This year the program will be three days at Skycroft Conference and Retreat Center, 9621 Frostown Road, Middletown, Maryland 21769.
The Outdoor Educationexperienceisveryrewarding.The program aligns with the sixth grade curriculum and all students are encouraged to participate. Here are a few examples to give you a more specific idea of some of the things your children could be studying. The areas of emphasis will be: 1) Ecology; 2) Forestry; 3) Map & Compass; 4) Plant & Animal Communities; 5) Local History; 6) Conservation; 7) Team Building. Evenings will be devoted to astronomy, storytelling, games, singing, and guest presenters.
When is Outdoor Education?
Outdoor Education will take place in three sessions during the month of May. Students will be attending Outdoor Education based on their math class.
Session A: Monday May11, 2015 to Wednesday May13, 2015
(Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Polesnak (Hast) C2.0 Math 6 classes; Mr. Saari Lang Math B class)
Session B: Wednesday May13, 2015toFridayMay15, 2015
(Ms. Lyons and Mrs. Polesnak (Hast) IM classes; Ms. Lyons C2.0 Math 6 classes;
Ms. Zook C2.0 Math 6 classes)
Session C:Monday May18, 2015 to Wednesday May20 2015
(Ms. Casey, Mr. Irving, and Mrs. Wood C2.0 Math 6 classes)
What is the cost?
The cost of this program is $80.00per child. This basic camp fee covers renting the camp, food services, evening snacks, paying a nurse, evening programs and securing medical reimbursement insurance. A check payable toJulius West Middle School should be sent to the school with the completed registration forms. If the price of this trip imposes a financial hardship, contact Ms. Tara Seek, Outdoor Ed Coordinator, for aninstallment plan for all or part of the cost. We want all children to participate in this valuable learning experience.
Day of Departure
Students will need to be brought to the school on the morning of departure at 9:00 A.M. Students are not permitted to ride regular school busses on the morning of departure. Students should not arrive at Julius Westbefore9:00 A.M. and should report directly to the cafeteria for attendance. To make the most of our time, we are planning to leave school as soon as the buses arrive and are loaded. Luggage will be transported directly to the outdoor education center on a separate bus. Students will leave their bus one to three miles from the center and hike into the camp.
The first meal to be served will be dinner the first evening. Therefore, it will be necessary for all students to bring a bag lunch in a disposable bag (no glass) with them on the day they leave for camp. Names should be written on the bag as lunches will be boxed and transported on the luggage bus. If needed, please contact Ms. Seek if student needs a bagged lunch from the cafeteria.
If you wish to write to your child while he or she is at the outdoor education center, and we hope you will, please put your child’s name on the outside of the envelope and place it in the Outdoor Ed Mailbox when you drop your child off on the day of departure. The mailbox will be located in the cafeteria where students will meet before leaving for camp.
Returning to Julius West
We expect to arrive back at school between 1:00 and1:15 P.M. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up at this time. Students are not permitted to wait for their regular school busses and we prefer that they do not walk home with their luggage.
Required Forms
All forms must be signed and returned to First Period teachers by Friday May 1, 2015.
- ParentPermission form (MCPS 345-7) should be filled out, SIGNED, with payment included
- Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication form (MCPS 525-13) should be filled out for prescribed medication and/or over-the-counter medication (see attached letter for details)
**These forms are enclosed for your convenience, but they also can be found on the MCPS web site.
Please direct all questions regarding Outdoor Education to Ms. Tara Seek, O.E. Coordinator at (best way to get in contact) or the main office at 301-279-3979.
Packing for Camp
Your child’s clothing and possessions should fitinto one piece of luggage, which he or she can carry. Each child will have his or her own bed but should bring blankets, bedroll, or a sleeping bag, which can be carried in addition to the suitcase. All possessions should be clearly identified. It is not necessary to purchase new clothing for this trip. In fact, old clothing is more appropriate for most outdoor activities. It would be helpful if your child’s clothing and other possessions were labeled.
Below you will find a list of things your child should bring and a list of things which should be left behind.
Essential Equipment
Boots/sturdy hiking shoes (1)
Tennis shoes (1)
Long pants (2-3)
Shirts-long/short sleeved (2-3)
Socks (4-6)
Underwear (2-3)
Sheets and blanket or sleeping bag
Laundry bag
Reusable water bottle
Toilet articles: bath towel, wash cloth, comb, brush, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant
Optional Equipment
Flip flops for shower
Insect repellant
Lip balm
Shorts (recreation time only)
Small games
Gum, candy, food
Bottled drinks
Cell phone
Aerosol sprays
Hair dryer
Curling iron
Electronic games
MP3 player, radio
As in all schools, weapons, firearms, and matches are not permitted.
Craig W. StatonTara Seek
PrincipalOutdoor Education Coordinator