Autumn 17 weeks / Autumn 2
8.5 weeks / Spring 1
5 weeks / Spring 2
5 weeks / Summer 1
7 weeks / Summer 2
6 weeks
Phonics / Daily structured phonics (Letters & Sounds, Bug Club) + extra practice for target pupils
Reading Comprehension / Simple guided reading x 2 per week to develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read and increase understanding
Daily class book time: to hear, share & discuss a wide range of poetry, stories & non-fiction
2, building up to 3X comprehension whole class lessons
1:1 reading with an adult at least x 1 per week, x 2 for target pupils
Writing / Stories with familiar settings
Information text: Labels, lists captions
Recount / Stories from a range of cultures
with predictable language
Non-chron report / Traditional stories and Fairy tales (including plays)
Diary / Poetry
Traditional stories and Fairy tales (including plays) / Narrative/non-fiction/ poetry – to exhibit evidence required to meet standard as per LA moderation and writing analysis / Narrative/non-fiction/ poetry – to exhibit evidence required to meet standard as per LA moderation and writing analysis
G & P / Capital letters & full stops/question mark/exclamation mark, commas in lists, apostrophes for contracted form. Sentences with different forms (statement, question, order). Noun phrases. Subordination (if, that, because) & co-ordination (or, but, and). Grammar of word structure & grammatical terminology in Appendix 2 of new framework
Spelling / Segmenting words into phonemes. Common homophones. Suffixes: _ment, _less, _ful & _ness. Spellings ain Appendix 1 of new framework
Handwriting / To embed forming capital letters, lower case letters and digits 0 – 9 correctly (from Y1).
To embed joining letters correctly, understanding when not to join letters.
Daily handwriting practice x 15/20 mins
Maths / Numbers to at least 100
Comparing & ordering Addition
Recognise the inverse
Counting in 2s, 3s, 5s & 10s
2D shapes (names & properties)
Length/height (estimate measure, read scales)
One step problems / Numbers to 100
Sorting & ordering Addition
Counting in 2s
Concept of sharing
2D shapes (symmetry)
Weight (estimate measure, read scales)
Position (3/4 turn, clockwise/anti)
Time (1/4 past, ½ past, ¼ to)
Problem solving
Tally charts/block graphs *linked to science forces / Numbers to 100
Place value
Addition Subtraction
Counting in 10s Doubling & halving
3D shapes (names & properties)
Capacity (estimate measure, read scales)
Problem solving / Numbers to 100
Place value
Addition Subtraction
Counting in 5s
Concept of sharing
Revise & draw 2D & 3D shapes
Time (to 5 mins)
Fractions (1/3, ¼, 2/4, ¾)
Revise data handling
Problem solving
Simple pictograms / Fractions (2/4 = ½, counting on in fractions up to 10)
Position (right angles)
AfL to close the gap
Problem solving/
using & applying / Revision
Temperature (estimate measure, read scales)
Data Handling
Time (intervals)
Open-ended maths investigations
*Post test maths linked to geography
weeks / Scientific Enquiry
Ask simple questions, observe closely using simple equipment, perform simple tests, identify & classify, use observations & ideas to suggest answers to questions, gather & record data to help answer questions
Living Things & their Habitats
Explore/compare differences between things living/dead/never been alive
Identify most living things live in habitats to which they are suited. Describe how habitats provide for basic needs & how they depend on each other.
Identify & name variety of plants & animals in their habitats incl. micr-habitats.
Simple food chains.
Identify & name different sources of food / Use of Everyday Everyday Materials
Identify & compare everyday materials & their uses
Find out the shapes of some materials can be changed by stretching, squashing, twisting & bending. / Animals including Humans
Animals have offspring that grow into adults (lifecycles)
Describe the basic needs of animals (incl. humans)
The importance of exercise, diet & hygiene, including dental hygiene, for humans. / Plants (incl trees)
Observe how seeds & bulbs grow into mature plants.
A comparative test to show that plants need light, water & a suitable temperature to grow healthily.
Differences between boys/girls
Main body parts
Plants: Pupils should use the local environment (local park, playground planters, classroom plants) throughout the year to observe how plants grow & mature
History / Study significant historical events, people & places in own locality. Leicester through history – e.g. Romans, Richard III/Bosworth, Daniel Lambert & history of democracy in Leicester, Lady Jane Grey, Mary Linwood
Understand & use simple vocabulary relating to the passing of time
Know where people/events studied fit within a chronological framework and compare the way of life in different periods / Changes within living memory – to reveal aspects of change in national life from then to now.
E.g. The sixties, 70s, 80’s and changes in the way of life, transport, clothes, technology, food, emigration/immigration, jobs, leisure / The lives of significant individuals in Britain’s past who have contributed to national and international achievements (choose people so as to compare different aspects of life in different periods).
E.g. Queen Victoria, Elizabeth 1, Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, William Caxton, LS Lowry, Rosa Parks, Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale, Emily Davison etc.
Develop an awareness of the past. Use a wide vocab of every day historical terms. Ask & answer questions. Show they know key features of events. Understand how we find out about the past.
Geography / Locational Knowledge:
Use world/UK maps, atlases and globes to
name, locate and identify the characteristics of the 4 countries, the capital cities of the UK and its surrounding seas.
Locate Leicester on a map of the UK. (From Y1)
Geographical skills and Fieldwork:
Use simple fieldwork to study the geography of the school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding local environment.
Use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to:
- recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features using geog vocab to refer to physical & human features such as river, soil, ocean, forest, hill and city, factory, house, office, shop, church
- devise a simple map
- use and construct basic symbols in a key
Use world maps, atlases and globes to:
- name & locate the world’s 7 continents and 5 oceans
- name & locate the chosen countries in the comparative study below
Understand geographical similarities & differencesthrough studying the human & physical geography of a small area of the UK and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country e.g. in Australasia or Asia, / Locational Knowledge:
Use world maps, atlases and globes to:
- name & locate the world’s 7 continents and 5 oceans
- identify the Equator and the North & South Poles
Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK & the location of hot and cold areas of the world - at the Equator and North & South Poles
Computing / Common Uses of IT/e-safety
Can use IT to create, organise, store, edit & retrieve digital content (using Word & PPT) / Algorithms
- Understand what algorithms are
- how they are implemented as programs on digital devices
- that programs execute by following precise, unambiguous instructions
- create & debug simple programs
- use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
Art & Design / To use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
To use drawing, painting & sculpture to develop their ideas, experiences and imagination
To develop a wide range of art & design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space / Learn about the work of a range of artists, craftsmen and designers & understand the historical & cultural development of their art forms. Describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, making links to their own work.
D & T / To design & make through a variety of creative & practical activities:
- To design purposeful, functional, appealing products as per design criteria
- To generate & develop ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and IT
- To build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger/stiffer/more stable
- To explore & use mechanisms in their products (levers, sliders, wheels & axles)
- To select & use a range of tools to perform practical tasks (cutting, shaping, joining & finishing)
- To select & use a wide range of materials (textiles, ingredients & construction materials)
- To explore & evaluate a range of existing products
- To evaluate their own ideas & products against the design criteria
To use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes
To understand where food comes from
Music / Play tuned & untuned instruments musically / Listen with increasing concentration & understanding to arrange of high-quality live & recorded music / Experiment with, create, select & combine sounds using the interrelated dimensions of music / Play tuned & untuned instruments musically / Listen with increasing concentration & understanding to arrange of high-quality live & recorded music / Experiment with, create, select & combine sounds using the interrelated dimensions of music
Use their voices expressively & creatively by singing songs & speaking chants & rhymes
P.E. / Basic movement
(Balance, agility, co-ordination) / Gymnastics (Balance, agility, co-ordination) / DANCE Performing dances using a range of movement patterns / Athletics
Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control & balance
Games / SAQ/fundamental skills
Throwing, catching, running, jumping developing balance, agility & co-ordination / Competitive invasion Games
e.g. Football
Develop & use & apply simple attacking & defending tactics / Invasion Games
Handball, netball, basketball
Develop & use & apply simple attacking & defending tactics / Competitive net & wall games
Develop & use & apply simple attacking & defending tactics / Striking & fielding
Competitive team games/sportsmanship
Throwing, catching, running, jumping developing balance, agility & co-ordination
KS1 Alternate years
2017/18 / Celebrations
Why are they important?
Christianity (Christmas)
+ Islam (Eid) / What do people believe about God, humanity and the natural world?
Different words and art that represent God, how people pray & meditate, religious views create a caring attitude, the cycle of life, places of worship
Main 4 religions as per Leicester SACRE
KS1 Visit to Hindu temple / Inspirational Leaders
Significant figures from Christianity and Hinduism from whom believers find inspiration
2018/19 / Celebrations
Why are they important?
Christianity (Christmas) + Sikh Vaisakhi
Hindu Diwali / Why are some stories sacred and important in religions?
Sacred stories from Christianity/Islam/Sikhism/
Hinduism / Symbols
How they express religious meaning
PHSE / See PHSE Whole school Programme of Study