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  1. Login to the VPN client via your computers “Start” button.
  2. Select the CDUCallistaThinApp Bubble via the “Start” button.
  3. Click on login to Callista.Use your Callista username and password to login.
  4. Scroll down to the Proposals heading and click on the chevron.
  1. Click on Proposals (PAAW1000).
  2. Login to Callista SMS using your Callista username and password.

Creating a Proposal: If the screen is blank click on the Proposals tab on the left side of the screen. Then click on Proposals (PAAW1000) and select from Create a Unit QA or Create a HE Course QA at the top of the page.

  1. If you select Create a HE Unit QA a popup will appear asking you to choose whether the new proposal is to be basedon Existing Course/Unit Information or from a Blank Proposal. Select your preferred option. If you selected Existing Course/Unit Information, follow steps 2 onwards.
  2. If you selectCreate a HE Course QA, search for the course by typing in the corresponding course code or course description in the Course or Unit Code search box.
  1. From the displayed data, click on the latest version in the course or unit version column. Do not create your course/unit QA from a Proposal ID – or the information in the R&P will not be pre-populated.
  1. Select .Complete the Timeline & Description information.
  1. Ensure that when completing the description, you use the description convention of course/unit code, proposal type, and accreditation cycle year, eg. ECM215 Unit QA 2017 or WACC01 Course QA 2017.
  2. Click on . Data will pre-populate into the Course/unit QA.
  3. Complete any items which are not pre-populated. For example on the first screen this item should be completed.
  1. Check all pre-populated data remains correct.
  2. If changes are required, ring or email immediately as changes may affect the information published in SATAC and in the CDU course catalogue. Additionally write changes required in the text box at the bottom of the page.

Importing Data from Previous QA Proposals

  1. Click on at the top of the page.
  1. Click on Import Section.Use the search to find a previous QA proposal and click on the Proposal ID.
  1. Click Import from Current View, and the section will be imported into the new proposal. Note in the previous screenshot, the 17 core units will be imported.
  2. Click, and the next screen in the proposal will display.

Adding an Editor to a Single Proposal

  1. Click on the icon found at the top of each proposal screen.
  2. Click on About this Proposal
  3. Click on
  4. Click on the button.
  5. Search for the person by clicking on the magnifying glass. Type either their given or surname into the blank field and push the enter key.
  6. Click on the name of the person so it is highlighted.
  7. Click onthe button at the bottom of the page and the person is added as an editor.
  8. Click on .

Adding an Editor to All Proposals Created by a Proposer

  1. In a proposal click on the Proposals menu on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click on My Proposal Preferences (SECW0066)
  1. Click on Add under the Editors tab
  2. Follow steps 4 onwards from the above section.

Navigating within a proposal:To navigate through the different sections of the proposal:

  1. Click on the Proposal Overview at the top of each proposal page.
  2. Click on the heading within the proposal that you wish to move to.
  3. The proposal overview also displays if there are any attachments or comments that have been added to each section.

Note: Any mandatory item is indicated with a red asterisk and must be completed or the proposal will not be able to be submitted.

Multiple Entries – When a response requires multiple sets of data you will be asked if you are ready to enter information in that section.

  1. Click on yes and enter information.
  2. Click on next at the bottom of the screen.
  3. If you wish to add new information click on the New icon.
  4. Repeat until all information has been added then click on Next.

Printing a Proposal – To print a proposal:

  1. Open the proposal.
  2. Click on the icon at the top of the screen to view the print preview.

NB The print function only displays and prints fields that contain content.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click then follow the prompts for your individual printer settings. Ensure you select Landscape as the paper orientation.

Deleting a Proposal – You may delete a proposal at any time before submission.

  1. From the My Proposals table select the row of the proposal you wish to delete. Do not select the Proposal ID number or the proposal will open.
  2. With the selected proposal/s highlighted click the Deletebutton.
  1. Note: This is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

Submitting a Proposal: To submit a proposal, complete all required sections; including mandatory questions.

  1. Ensure the appropriate HE School or Schools are selected, so the correct workflow is applied to the proposal.
  1. Click next.
  2. Click on the button.
  3. Click Yes to submit the proposal.
  1. All sections need to be marked in the proposal overview before you can submit the proposal.
  2. You will be advised if your proposal has been successfully submitted.