Curriculum and Standards

Asnuntuck Program Modification

Note: Additional BOR paperwork is needed for modifications that present new certificates of 30 credits or more, course or course substitution modifications of 15 credits or more, programs to be offered at a new off-campus location, and change in program or degree title. The proposer and the Academic Dean will complete this paperwork after the program modification is approved.


2.Program title:

3.Fulltime faculty member proposer: ______Date: ______

4.Semester effective:

5.Description of the proposed program modification

6.Rationale for the proposed program modification, including intended student population and benefit.

7.Impact on student enrollment or other attributes (time to completion, tuition costs, etc)

8.Impact on other disciplines, programs,or certificates at the college.

9.Alignment with similar programs in system and region.

10.Impact on transfer and/or accreditation within the system or at other colleges or universities.

11.Additional resources needed.




d)Specialized equipment

e)Other new costs


Discipline/program coordinator:______Date: ______

Department:______Date: ______


Current / Cr. / Proposed / Cr.
ENG* 101 / Composition / 3 / ENG* 101 / Composition / 3
SOC* 190 / Self and Others: Dynamics of Diversity / 3 / SOC* 190 / Self and Others: Dynamics of Diversity / 3
HSE* 101 / Introduction to Human Services / 3 / HSE* 101 / Introduction to Human Services / 3
PSY*111 / General Psychology I / 3 / PSY*111 / General Psychology I / 3
MAT* XXX / Math Course above MAT* 100 / 3-4 / MAT* XXX / Math Course above MAT* 100 / 3-4
15-16 / 15-16
ENG* XXX / ENG* 102 or higher / 3 / ENG* XXX / ENG* 102 or higher / 3
PSY*133 or PSY*143 / Peer Counseling Training OR Counseling Skills / 3 / PSY* 112 / General Psychology II / 3
SOC* 101 / Principles of Sociology / 3 / SOC* 101 / Principles of Sociology / 3
HSE* 241 / Human Services and Organizations / 3 / HSE* 241 / Human Services and Organizations / 3
COM* 173 / Public Speaking / 3 / COM* 173 / Public Speaking / 3
15 / 15
Gen Ed / Open Elective / 3 / PSY* 143 / Counseling Skills / 3
PSY*201 or PSY*245 / Life Span Development OR Abnormal Psychology / 3 / PSY*201 or PSY*245 / Life Span Development OR Abnormal Psychology / 4
POL*111 or POL*112 / American Government OR State and Local Government / 3 / POL*111 or POL*112 / American Government OR State and Local Government / 3
HSE*236 or PSY*212 / Legal Issues in Human Services OR Health Psychology / 3 / HSE*236 or PSY*212 / Legal Issues in Human Services OR Health Psychology / 3
Gen Ed / Fine Arts Elective / 3 / Gen Ed / Fine Arts Elective / 4
15 / 15
HSE* 281 / Human Services Field Work I / 3 / HSE* 281 / Human Services Field Work I / 3
Gen Ed / Science Elective / 3-4 / Gen Ed / Science Elective / 3-4
Gen Ed / Three Open Electives / 9-12 / Gen Ed / Three Open Electives / 9-12
15-19 / 15-19
Minimum Total / 60 / Minimum Total / 60
