Physical / 201 / DSNL / 3
Physical Lab / 211 / DSNL / 1
Human / 202 / DSHS / 3
Career Development / 212 / 1
Geography Gateway: 12 credits / Course Number1(circle one per line) / Credits / Semester Completed / Grade
Human (H) / 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, or other ______/ 3
Physical (P) / 301, 340, or other______/ 3
Upper Level Geography Elective[2] / 3
Quantitative Course / 306* / 3
Upper Level Cartography, GIS, and Remote Sensing Electives:
15 credits / Course Number1
(circle one per line) / Credits / Semester Completed / Grade
Remote Sensing (RS) / 372 / 3
GIS and Cartography (C) / 373 / 3
Programming (PG) / 376 / 3
RS/GIS/C/PG / 416,417,472,473,475,476,477,498J,498K,498V,____ / 3
RS/GIS/C/PG / 416,417,472,473,475,476,477,498J,498K,498V,____ / 3
Supporting Courses:
15/16 credits[3] / Course Number1 / Credits / Semester Completed / Grade
Calculus / MATH 120 or MATH 130 or MATH 140 / 3/4
Advisor Approved Course / 3
Advisor Approved Course / 3
Advisor Approved Course / 3
Advisor Approved Course / 3
***Students must select a faculty advisor once they have reached 60 credits***
Benchmark 1: GEOG majors must complete the following courses within two semesters (30 credits) of entering the major:
Academic Writing with D– or higher
Calculus (Math 120/130/140) with C- or higher
Additional Gen Ed course 1 with C– or higher
Additional Gen Ed course 2 with C– or higher
GEOG 201/211 or GEOG 202 with C– or higher
Additional GEOG course of choice {excluding GEOG 100} with C– or higher
Upper Level Geography Systematic (Non-technical) Elective Courses – May choose from Human, Integrated, or Physical
Human / Integrated / PhysicalGEOG 330 GEOG 413
GEOG 331 GEOG 431
GEOG 332 GEOG 432
GEOG 333 GEOG 498L
GEOG 335 / GEOG 310 GEOG 421
GEOG 312 GEOG 422
GEOG 415 GEOG 423 / GEOG 301 GEOG 441
GEOG 340 GEOG 442
Course Schedule and Currently Approved Supporting Area Courses for GIS/Cartography Concentration
GIS Course Schedule Offering
Fall / Winter / Spring / Summer I / Summer IIGEOG306
GEOG498K / GEOG306*
GEOG376 / GEOG372
GEOG476 / GEOG306
GEOG473 / GEOG306
Special Course Information
*GEOG306: Intro to Quantitative Methods for the Geographic Environment
*GEOG 306; credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451,
GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, PSYC200, or SOCY201
*GEOG376: Intro to Computer Programming (offered only in Spring)
is mandatory for GIS Concentration
*GEOG476: Object-Oriented Computer Programming (offered every other fall)
Art Studio
Artt 255—Into to Digital Art & Design Processes (S,F)
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Aosc 200 -- Weather and Climate (S,F)
Aosc 201 -- Weather and Climate Laboratory (S,F)
Aosc 375 -- Introduction to the Blue Ocean (S,F)
Aosc 400 – The Atmosphere (F)
Aosc 401-- Global Environment (S)
Any AOSC 300 or Above (S,F)
Bsci 103 – The World of Biology (S)
Bsci 105 -- Principles of Biology I (S,F)
Bsci 106 -- Principles of Biology II(S,F)
Bsci 124 -- Plant biology for Non-Science Students (S)
Bsci 125 -- Laboratory in Plant Biology (S)
Bsci 361 -- Principles of Ecology (S,F)
Business and Management
Bmgt 301 – Introduction to Information Systems (S,F)
Bmgt 302 -- Business Computer Application Programming
Civil Engineering
Ence 200 -- Engineering Information Processing I (S,F)
Ence 201 -- Engineering Information Processing II (S,F)
Computer Science
Cmsc 122 -- Intro to Computer Programming via the Web (S,F)
Cmsc 131 -- Object-Oriented Programming (S,F)
Cmsc 132 -- Object-Oriented Programming (S,F)
Environmental Science and Technology
Any ENST 300 or above (S,F)
Math and Statistics
Math 111-- Introduction to Probability
Math 120 or Higher -- Elementary Calculus I (S,F)
Math 130 -- Calculus I for the Life Sciences (S,F)
Math 140 or higher -- Calculus I (S,F)
Stat 100 -- Elementary Statistics and Probability (S,F)
Stat 300 or higher
Phys 106--Light, Perception, Photography, and Visual Phenomena (S)
Phys 107--Light, Perception, Photography, and Visual Phenomena (S)
Phys 115 -- Inquiry to Physics (S,F)
Phys 121 -- Fundamentals of Physics I (S,F)
Phys 122 -- Fundamentals of Physics II (S,F)
Phys 260 -- Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism (S,F)
Phys 261 -- Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism (S,F)
Phys 270 -- Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern (S,F)
Phys 271-- Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern (S,F)
Phys 272 -- Introductory Physics: Fields (S,F)
Phys 275 -- Experimental Physics I: Mechanics, Heat, and Fields (S,F)
[1] All courses must be completed with a grade of C- or higher and a major GPA of 2.0 or higher
[2]No technical courses will be applied to the Upper Level Geography Electives (372, 373, 376, 416, 417, 472, 473, 475, 476, 477, 498J, 498K, 498V, etc.)
[3] A Geography advisor must approve supporting courses, see back for pre-approved courses. Credits (15/16) dependent on Calculus course taken.
*GEOG 306; credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, PSYC200, or SOCY201