
Ward population estimates / 2,648
Total number of community facilities
Total number of ‘dedicated’ community facilities
Total number available for public hire / 25

Current provision

There are six dedicated community facilities within the ward, all of which are village halls. These are located in the main settlements within the ward at Fawley Green (CFHAM001), Frieth (CFHAM002), Turville (CFHAM014), Hambleden Village Hall/Parish Rooms (CFHAM025), Skirmett (CFHAM021) and Medmenham (CFHAM034).

There are also an additional 19 community facilities including places of worship, schoolsand sports clubs. There is no information about the availability for public hire at 9 of these facilities, but two of them (Turville Park Cricket Club and Old Luxter’s Barn) are available for community use.

Deficiency analysis

  • Due to the sparse population there is no geographic deficiency. Although there are some households in the ward that are outside a 30 minute catchment when walking, there is no pressing need for additional community facilities.
  • With a population of fewer than 4,000, it would not be expected that there should be more than one community facility to cater for the ward population so there is no deficiency in terms of the number of community facilities in the ward as there are already six.
  • None of the available facilities meet the recommended 575 square metres and a number of them are quite small but there is no overall deficiencywithin the ward in terms of size as the total square metres of bookable space available exceeds this level. As the individual settlements are quite small there would be no justification for a single large facility as it would be out of the catchment for a majority of the residents.

Planned developments (as of 2013)

There are no large planned developments in the ward.

How can any shortfall be met?

There is no deficit in community facilities in HambledenValley