Current Freight Issues Group

meeting notes

Date/Time: 11th September 2012 9:45 to 11:45


Meeting Room M 203

University of Westminster,

35 Marylebone Road,

London NW1 5LS

Notes of meeting held on 11th September 2012


Michael Browne (Chair) University of Westminster/CLFQP

Dennis Lynch CLFQP

Mike Bracey Brewery Logistics Group

Hugh Brennan London Borough of Westminster

Jolyon Drury CILT PPC

Colin Garner PIE

Freddie Talberg PIE

Jerry Ward John Lewis Partnership

Charlie Allen DHL

Robin Parr-Davies Triangle Management Services

Liz Halsted TfL

Ian Wainwright TfL

Matthew Jaffa Federation of Small Businesses

Matthew Noon Cross River Partnership

Julian Allen Westminster University

Sally Crew London Borough of Southwark

Neil Herron Activ8 VPS

Item 1

Welcome, introductions and apologies.

Mike Browne welcomed everyone, introductions were made and apologies accepted.

Item 2

Notes of the last meeting (Current Freight Issues Group meeting of 10th May 2012).

The meeting notes were agreed.

Outstanding issues from the previous meeting:

1 It was agreed “actions” would be highlighted on future CLFQP notes.

2 A meeting has been arranged with TfL (Dan Johnson) for the 19th September to discuss their input on the possible Cycling Project.

3 No comments were received on the Work Review Paper (2011/12) Issued by Dennis.

All other items will be covered under the current agenda.

Item 3

Virtual Loading Bay update

Neil Herron from Activ8 gave a comprehensive update on his Virtual Loading Bay project.

He confirmed they were now working with “Serco” along with the London Borough of Westminster. The current trial is to cover 250 locations and will start with a “booking system”. The aim of the system is to reduce PCN’s and to make better use of “Kerbside” space.

A copy of the presentation is attached. A full animation of this presentation can be seen at (

The following points were raised after the presentation:

1 There is no cut off date for the trial.

2 Neil would like to work with any other operator or Borough who would like to be involved in a trial of the system.

3 Each Borough will be responsible for the administration of the scheme.

4 There will be no change to “Kerbside” signs.

5 Further information can be obtained from Neil Herron direct.

Action The CLFQP will keep members informed of further progress.

Item 4

Olympics “how was it for you?”

Ian Wainwright gave a comprehensive update on the current review being undertaken by TfL. Below is a list of the main points/issues Ian raised:

1 The success of the transport arrangements for both sets of games had been attributed to marginal gains across the whole spectrum of changes made during the Games period.

2 The question is now how to establish what needs to be in place to ensure the legacy of these benefits are captured and developed.

3 Data confirms that over 30% of Londoners made changes to their regular journeys. Patterns of freight and servicing were also adapted to take account of Games times travel conditions.

4 Deliveries generally worked well, with very few missed.

5 The key now is to gain advantages of these changes.

6 The Journey Planner was used extensively. Games lanes were an issue but necessary for the success of ”Official” movements.

7 Initial results from data analysis shows that deliveries between 7 and 11 am were down approximately 20% and up 25% between 9pm and 12 mid-night.

8 There had been some issues with night-time noise reported.

9 Consideration should be given to the development of more Out of Hours deliveries.

10 A Freight Forum will take place on the 29th October details of which can found on the TfL website.

11 TfL are undertaking work to establish a comprehensive feed-back from the Freight Industry.

The following points were raised following Ian Wainwright’s presentation:

1 Positive feedback was received from Parcel Carriers suggesting the TfL communication was excellent during the Games.

2 Many of the journeys were quicker because of the “Out of Hours” deliveries and lower volumes.

3 Residents complaints were generally lower than expected but were estimated to be 3 times higher than normal.

4 There may be an issue with the LLCS in extending “Out of Hours” deliveries.

5 The CLFQP were asked to collate a list of all Freight benefits perceived by all its members.

Action CLFQP to draft a questionnaire on Freight benefits achieved during the Games. To be returned to Dennis Lynch by 28th September.

Item 5

Demonstration of Urban Freight Electric Vehicles for Clean City Logistics Project

Matthew Noon outlined a new Project in which the Cross River Partnership were lead partners. This is a European Funded Project, with a completion date of 2017. Attached is Matthews’s full presentation.

Regular updates will be proved by Matthew via the CLFQP.

For any further information contact Matthew Noon ()

Item 6

Electric Vehicle Charging Points Project (TTR)

Dennis confirmed the final draft report had been issued to the working group for comments. Dennis will liaise with TTR for the final report to be issued to all members and placed on the CLFQP website.

Item 7

Members update / any other business

Hugh Brennan confirmed that the Parking Sensor Scheme details were on the Westminster Borough website.

Item 8

Date of next meeting

27th November 2012 at University of Westminster