Current Contract Information
Contract No. 02504-Amendment
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State of Washington
Current Contract Information
Effective: September 1, 2010
Revision Date: August 24, 2010
Contract number: / 02504 / Commodity code: / 9751Contract title: / GENETIC TESTING SERVICES
Purpose: / Extend Contract 02504 under a short term extension of 60-days. All terms, conditions, and pricing remain the same.
Original award date: / 06/16/04
Current Contract period: / 07/01/09 / through: / 10/31/10
Contract term: / Not to exceed SIX years or 10/31/10
Contract type: / This contract is designated as MANDATORY use.
Scope of contract
/ This contract is awarded to multiple contractor(s).Primary user agency(ies): / Department of Social & Health Services, Division of Child Support (DSHS/DCS)
For use by: / DSHS & Political Subdivisions/Non Profits)
Contractor: / LabCorp of America
Orchid Cellmark / See Page 3
See Page 3
Services available: / Testing Services, Genetic, DNA, Paternity
Ordering information: / See page 2 Note III
Ordering procedures: / See page 2 Note II
Contract pricing: / See page 4
Term worth: / $325,508.02/Yr
Current participation: / $0.00 MBE / $0.00 WBE / $325,508,02 OTHER / $0.00 EXEMPT
MBE 0% / WBE 0% / OTHER 100% / Exempt 0%
This page contains key contract features. Find detailed information on succeeding pages. For more information on this contract, or if you have any questions, please contact your local agency Purchasing Office, or you may contact our office at the numbers listed below.
Contracts Specialist: / Tariq Ohab / Office Assistant: / Customer ServicePhone Number: / (360) 902-7412 / Phone Number: / (360) 902-7400
Fax Number: / (360) 586-2426 / Fax Number: / (360) 586-2426
Email: / / Email: /
Visit our Internet site:
I. Best Buy: The following provision applies to mandatory use contracts only. This contract is subject to RCW 43.19.190(2) & RCW 43.19.1905(7): which authorizes state agencies to purchase materials, supplies, services, and equipment of equal quantity and quality to those on state contract from non-contract suppliers. Provided that an agency subsequently notifies the Office of State Procurement (OSP) State Procurement Officer (SPO) that the pricing is less costly for such goods or services than the price from the state contractor.
If the non-contract supplier’s pricing is less, the state contractor shall be given the opportunity by the state agency to at least meet the non-contractor’s price. If the state contractor cannot meet the price, then the state agency may purchase the item(s) from the non-contract supplier, document the transactions on the appropriate form developed by OSP and forwarded to the SPO administering the state contract. (Reference General Authorities document)
If a lower price can be identified on a repeated basis, the state reserves the right to renegotiate the pricing structure of this agreement. In the event such negotiations fail, the state reserves the right to delete such item(s) from the contract.
II. State Agencies: Submit Order directly to Contractor for processing. Political Subdivisions: Submit orders directly to Contractor referencing State of Washington contract number. If you are unsure of your status in the State Purchasing Cooperative call (360) 902-7415.
III. Only authorized purchasers included in the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC) and State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP) listings published and updated periodically by OSP and DAS may purchase from this contract. It is the contractor’s responsibility to verify membership of these organizations prior to processing orders received under this contract. A list of Washington members is available on the Internet, and a list of the Oregon members is available at contractors shall not process state contract orders from unauthorized users.
IV. Contract Terms: This Document includes by reference all terms and conditions published in the original IFB, including Standard Terms and Conditions, and Definitions, included in the Competitive Procurement Standards published by OSP (as Amended).
Special Conditions:
1. 5/18/09: Contract Amendment to extend contract for last 12 month term, effective 7/1/09-6/30/10, and update Orchid Cellmark’s pricing based on discount offered to the state.
2. 06/23/08: Contract Amendment to extend contract for 12 months, effective 7/1/08-6/30/09, and
3. 06/23/08: Update pricing for Lab Corp to reflect price reduction in both testing with & without phlebotomy.
4. 06/13/07: Update contract to reflect 12 month extension period effective July 1, 2007 through
June 30, 2008, and accept price decreases from both contractors; updated pricing identified on page 4.
5. 02/23/07: Update Office of State Procurement’s Contract’s Specialist and Office Assistant.
6. 06/29/07: Update contract worth.
7. 06/29/07: Added contract value (see page three).
Contractor Information
Contractors: / Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp.)1440 York Court Extension
Burlington, NY 27215 / Orchid Cellmark
(formerly Orchid GeneScreen)
2600 Stemmons Frwy.
Suite 133
Dallas, TX 75207
Contract Administration: / Angie Miller / Anna Longuski or
William J. Thomas
Phone: / 800-742-3944
ext. 67355 / 800-837-1504 or
(609) 750-2200
Fax: / 336-538-6572 / 517-349-6879 or
Email: / /
Customer Service/Assigned Coordinator: / Gini Vascellaro / Diana Holland
Phone: / 800-742-3944 ext. 67415 / 800-443-2383
Fax: / 336-538-2200 / 937-294-3385
Email: / /
Technical Support: / Dr. George C. Maha / Dr. Marco Scarpetta
Phone: / 800-742-3944, ext. 67307 / 800-837-1504
Fax: / 336-538-6572 / 517-349-6879
Email: / /
Web catalog address: /
Federal ID No.: / 13-3757370 / 22-3392819
Supplier No.: / 4502 / 4504
Order placement address: / Same as above / Orchid Cellmark
5698 Springboro Pike
Dayton, OH 45449
Payment address: / LabCorp
P.O. Box 8029
Burlington, NX 27216-8029 / Orchid Cellmark
P.O. Box 827026
Philadelphia, PA 19182-7026
Delivery time (normal):
Delivery time (stat): / 14 Calendar Days
5 days / 14 Calendar Days
2 Days
Payment terms: / Net 30 Days / Net 30 Days
Shipping destination: / FOB destination / FOB destination
Freight: / Prepaid & Included in pricing / Prepaid & Included in pricing
Fingerprinting: / Available / Available
Contract Value: / $562,043 / $24,990
1. COST/INDIVIDUAL W/ PHLEBOTOMY: / $42.00 / $43.75
2. COST/INDIVIDUAL W/O PHLEBOTOMY: / $38.00 / $39.75
3. HEEL STICK / Included / Included
4. BUCCAL CELL COLLECTION / Included / Included
5. CORD BLOOD / Included / Included
6. PLACENTA TISSUE / Included / Included
7. AMNIIOTIC FLUID / Included / Included
8. MOTHERLESS CASE / Included / Included
11. KINSHIP ANALYSIS / Included / Included
13. COST OF TRAINING STAFF / Included / Included
The Department of Social and Health Services/Division of Child Support (DCS) is federally mandated to obtain genetic testing for the purpose of establishing paternity, by blood or buccal swab samples, from parents and children. DSHS/DCS requires an average of approximately 1330 tests per month with a high concentration of testing in King, Pierce, Spokane, Snohomish, Clark, Kitsap and Yakima counties.
Any other authorized contract user other than DCS which requests testing retains full responsibility for payment of any services which it receives from any laboratories which have been awarded this contract.
DCS will remit payment only for those tests which are done to establish and collect child support and which are identified by a unique IV-D number. The IV-D number must be provided at the time of the request for testing and must be referenced on all test results, analysis, invoices and summaries.
The following specifications are specific to DCS in establishing paternity for the purpose of collecting child support. These specifications may or may not meet other participating offices' testing requirements. Other offices may require modifications.
Any testing specifically requested by DCS and not specifically defined in the contract shall require DCS's written approval prior to testing.
As used throughout these specifications, the following terms have the following meanings.
Client / Mother, child, alleged father who has a case with DCS. (This term is not used in its ordinary sense. It shall not be construed or understood to create or imply an attorney-client relationship between DCS and those receiving child support enforcement services, nor between DCS's representative and those receiving child support enforcement services).Representative: / Staff of Offices of Prosecuting Attorneys in any of 39 counties in Washington State and Staff of the Attorney General of Washington State.
2.1.1. Laboratory must meet the accreditation requirements of Chapter 26.26 RCW.
2.1.2. Laboratory shall provide with bid response a list of licensed medical doctors, Ph.D., and other professional staff who are qualified as expert witnesses on paternity cases in Washington State. These individuals will be required to serve as expert witnesses in court proceedings at the request of DCS or its representatives at no cost to DCS or its representative.
2.1.3. Laboratory shall provide with bid response the name of the laboratory director and the process to gain immediate access to this individual.
2.1.4. After award of this contract, Laboratory shall notify DCS and State Procurement Officer in writing of any change in the list of expert witnesses and any change of the laboratory director.
2.2.1. Blood draws must be taken by a certified/licensed phlebotomist and, upon request of DCS or its representative, buccal swab samples must be taken by a certified/license phlebotomist.
2.2.2. Specimen collection sites must be in compliance with all Washington State laws, rules and regulations.
2.2.3. All samples shall be tested in accordance with current Standards for Parentage Testing Laboratories published by the AABB, current edition and/or in accordance with current genetic testing standards as published by the accreditating body.
2.2.4. Laboratory shall provide testing kits and instructions to DCS and representatives to facilitate sample collection and provide for shipment of samples to the laboratory for testing purposes at no cost to DCS or its representatives.
2.2.5. Laboratory shall provide positive identification of each client, including taking a photograph and obtaining a signature. The phlebotomist shall compare this photograph and signature with the client's photographic identification, such as a driver's license, student or military identification card. If the client does not posses photographic identification, the phlebotomist shall note this in his/her records. When necessary, the phlebotomist shall act as a witness to the specimen collection.
2.2.6. Laboratory shall indicate with bid response whether it has the ability to fingerprint clients (Reference Section 3.2., para. 3.2.7.).
2.2.7. Laboratory shall provide DCS and its representatives with training necessary to perform collection of buccal swabs.
2.2.8. DCS shall not pay laboratory for phlebotomy or shipping costs as separate items. Phlebotomy and shipping costs shall be part of total cost of test.
2.3.1. Laboratory shall perform testing whenever an analysis can be completed on collected sample(s) even though the known biological mother is unavailable for sample collection, or a man alleged to be the father of the child is unavailable for sample collection, or a man alleged to be the father of the child is deceased.
2.3.2. If the laboratory cannot do a complete test on a sample, it shall do a partial test and preserve the sample/test at no cost to DCS or its representative pending receipt of other necessary samples.
2.3.3. Laboratory shall provide DCS with specific procedures that the laboratory uses to establish chain of custody that demonstrates compliance with Chapter 26.26 RCW. Laboratory shall indicate how they maintain records and samples from the time the samples are taken, transported, delivered, analyzed by the laboratory, and the results are returned to DCS or its representative. Laboratory shall submit written procedures which address the following:
· Identification of samples, including labeling, name, date, and/or unique cataloging of samples;
· Record keeping policies of the laboratory regarding identifying information including name, relationship, race, place and date of collection of samples;
· Handling of samples including storage, tampering, substitution and contamination of samples;
· Laboratory shall provide one sample of each type of test kit which it uses.
2.3.4. Laboratory shall submit with bid response a copy of the written format that it uses to report test and analysis to DCS. This format must meet the requirements of Chapter 26.26 RCW and is subject to review and acceptance by DCS.
2.3.5. When the laboratory finds it necessary to re-collect a sample, laboratory shall inform DCS within 14 days of the original collection.
2.3.6. Laboratory shall be responsible for all costs necessitated by the redrawing of samples which are lost, misplaced, or improperly handled by the laboratory.
2.3.7. Laboratory shall be required to administer no less than three DNA systems when conducting DNA analysis.
2.3.8. Laboratory shall submit test results and analyses within 14 calendar days of receiving a complete set of samples. (Sample from child and both parents). Laboratory shall be granted an additional seven calendar days when there are extenuating circumstances, provided that laboratory notifies DCS or representative of these circumstances within 14 calendar days of receiving a complete set of samples.
2.3.9. Laboratory shall propose in bid response the number of days from date of specimen collection to submittal of test results and analysis on a STAT (quick turn around time) basis.
2.3.10. Laboratory must perform a battery of DNA tests that has an average cumulative Power of Exclusion (POE) of 99.0%.
2.3.11. All exclusions must be based on multiple exclusions (a minimum of two).
2.3.12. Laboratory must report all inclusions with at least a 99% probability of paternity, using a prior probability of 0.05 as calculated by using the combined paternity index obtained in the testing; and a combined paternity index of at least 100 to 1.
2.3.13. Laboratory shall indicate whether it has immediate capability of electronic computer transfer of specific case information to DCS and its representatives. If laboratory has such capability, laboratory shall indicate how it works and what it would cost DCS.
2.3.14. In the event that a report is not made within 14 calendar days after collection, there shall be no charge for the report. Exception to this is a Motherless case or a case which requires kinship analysis, cases in which blood or tissue samples from deceased persons are involved, or cases in which there are extenuating circumstances, as set forth in Section 3.3.4. Should a recollection of an individual's sample be deemed necessary, the laboratory shall inform DCS or its representative of the recollection need by the 14th calendar day after the last sample has been collected? If the laboratory requests recollection later than the 14th day, the laboratory will waive its fee for that portion of the case.