
Current and future jobs – WS5

Q / Key idea / Accept / Marks / Reject
1i / widen her horizons
before deciding on the direction of her professional life / broaden her experience
before deciding on career path / 1
1ii / important to speak to someone you know well
especially if you have problems / to be with someone you know well / 1
1iii / pick grapes / help with the wine harvest / 1
1iv / earn money
improve her French / 1
2i / India / 1
2ii / orphanage / 1
2iii / food
board / meals
lodgings / 1
2iv / plant trees / 1
2v / Great Barrier Reef / 1
2vi / she will learn a lot of things
she will have time to discover what to do with her life
she will become more independent / time to think about her future / 1

Environment – WS4

Q / Key idea / Accept / Marks / Reject
1i / cycle tracks installed / cycle lanes / 1
1ii / every weekday / 1
1iii / it is free / nothing / 1
1iv / installed showers (for employees) / 1
2i / number of traffic jams has decreased / fewer traffic jams / 1
2ii / half (of the population) / 50% / 1
2iii / there is a big pedestrian area in the town centre / 1 / must include reference to the town centre

Environment – WS5

Q / Key idea / Accept / Marks / Reject
1i / takes more showers than baths
turn off taps when brushing her teeth
use dirty water to water plants / washing up water / 1
1ii / prevent factories from pouring poisonous substances into the sea and rivers / industries
toxic / 2 / 1 mark lost if “sea” or “river” not mentioned
1iii / pollute the rivers / kill fish / 1
2i / walk instead of asking for a lift especially for short journeys
do not buy cars which pollute a lot
drive more slowly / 1
1 / must mention “short journeys”
must mention “a lot”
2ii / sort rubbish
do not use sprays which contain CFC gases
buy biodegradable products / recycle / 1
1 / must mention “sprays”