Curious & Active

Old Testament Scripture
Noah’s Ark
Exodus meaning ‘going out.’ God used Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.
The Passover-escape from Egypt
The Psalms give thanks to God for the wonders of Creation
1 Samuel 17: David and Goliath
/ New Testament Scripture
The Birth of Jesus- The shepherds and wise men were curious about the new born King and active in their journey to see Him.
The Presentation in the Temple- Mary and Joseph were curious when Simeon said ‘Thy soul a sword shall pierce’ and that Simeon knew that Jesus was the Son of God.
The Baptism of Jesus- Jesus travelled to John the Baptist
The Call of the Disciples-Jesus was active in calling His disciples to follow Him and the Disciples were active in their willingness to follow Him
Miracles and Parables
Zacchaeus was curious to see Jesus
Luke 10: The Good Samaritan actively helped the man who had been attacked
The Prodigal Son was curious to see what was out in the world and active in his travelling
The Transfiguration
The Resurrection, appearances of Jesus and Ascension
Pentecost-curiosity as to what was happening and Jesus being active in sending the Holy Spirit as He had promised.
Acts of the Apostles and Letters from Paul- References to the disciples spreading of the Word around the world. They were active in the formation of the Church. / Prayers & Hymns
These are the days of Elijah
Prayers written by people around the world
The Creed
The Mystery of Faith
If I were a butterfly
Colours of Day
Walk with me oh my Lord
One more step along the world I go
One Life music: Dan Callow
Liturgical Links
The Christmas Story
The Easter Story
Changes in the seasons (Liturgical) / Lives of the Saints
St Teresa of Calcutta
St Francis of Assisi
Class/school saints
St Isidore of Seville-Patron saint of computers
Jan: St Timothy (follower)
Feb: St Valentine (active love in our life)
March: St Joseph
April: St Bernadette
May: St Joan of Arc
June: St John the Baptist
July: Sts Joachim and Anne
Sept: St Theresa of Calcutta
Oct: St Theresa of Avila
Nov: All saints
Dec: St Nicholas / Church & Society in Action
Mission Today
Supporting food banks
St Chad’s Sanctuary- A voluntary project and place of welcome for asylum seekers, immigrants and refugees
Local parish links
Diocesan Vocations-
Visits to/from Oscott, Seminarians, Religious communities, other faiths
Engaging with the wider community-invitations to school events e.g. carol singing, school plays.
Retreat days
Year 6 Unit K- Belonging to the Church Community / People Today
Religious leaders/ prominent people from other faiths who have had a positive impact on the world.
Pope Francis: Catholics across the world are curious about his mission to embrace the poor and make our church relevant to people today.
Laudato Si- The Pope’s Encyclical on the environment.
St Teresa of Calcutta- Example of Catholic mission and service working with the most vulnerable members of our community
Retreat leaders e.g. Alton Castle.
Home School Links
School website
Sacramental preparation
Volunteering, e.g. PTFA
Prayer bag
Wednesday Word
INSPIRE workshops / Multicultural Links
Community links to other faiths, e.g. Sikh dancing
Learning about other faiths
World Faith Week
Learning about religious leaders from other faiths and their positive impact on the world.
Parents of different faiths to speak to the children about their faith. / Stories/Poems
Roleplay of stories e.g. Noah
Out of the Ark CDs
Using atlases
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe- CS Lewis
The Reluctant Disciple-David Wells (staff)
The Little Prince-Antoine de Saint / Music and Songs
Out of the Ark music
One Life Music-Dan Callow
If I were a butterfly / Art
Creation pictures
Night and day shadow work
Self portraits
‘Picturing Jesus’ pack