Culworth Parish Council Agenda 12th September 2017


You are requested to attend a meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 12th September 2017 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.If you are unable to attend, please notify the Clerk on or 01295760571.

Members of the public and Councillors are advised that under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, members of the public are permitted to photograph, film, broadcast and report on the meeting, subject to the efficient running of the meeting not being disrupted

4th September 2017 Josephine Rowling

Clerk to Parish Council


  1. Councillors present:
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Members of public present
  4. OPEN MEETING members of public can address the Parish Council on any matter with prior notice to Clerk to Parish Council
  5. FUSION-Amanda Cooper Community Liaison Assistant Ecology dept of HS2- cancelled
  6. Street Light on Schoolpath en route to defibrillator
  7. RBL Alan Watson re security for Remembrance Service at War Memorial
  8. Declarations by councillors of interest on items on agenda
  9. To confirm minutes of July and brief August meetings
  10. Matters arising not on agenda
  11. Cricket field update
  12. Highway matters. Non attendance of Community Enhancement Gang. Drains cleared.
  13. Berry Hill Close Cllr Mumford Mowing, trees. Animal Shelter ? misuse
  14. Defibrillator check. Cllr Leadbeater and Clerk checked apparatus on 25th July and 21 August. No problems recorded.
  15. Street Lighting.
  16. Finance
  17. Annual Audit completed satisfactorily by BDO. One minor issue re charities which doesn’t apply to Culworth PC
  18. Internal Auditor comments
  20. Second half of precept due in late September from SNC by BACS
  21. Mrs M Mumford Hire of Cricket Field for 23 September £250
  23. Cartwright Landscapes Mow glebe field and mound June £307+£61.40 =£368.40 (000966) DM/BL
  24. 1/8 Mrs JM Rowling for sustainable furniture for cricket field £391.67+£78.33=£470 (000967)DM/BL
  25. JEMumford Mowing June Burial Ground £81,Recreation Field 210, Cricket Field £170=£461(000968) DM/BL
  26. Texprep Photocopying , Newsletter £83.80 =£0.10 VAT=£83.90 (000969) DM/BL
  27. 21/8 Anglian water 1/6-28/7 £18.41 (000970)DM/BL
  28. JEMumford Mowing July Burial Ground £59,Recreation Field £105=£164 (000721) DM/BL new cheque book
  29. G. Taylor Mowing 31/7 and 16/8 £140 (000722) DM/BL
  30. AJR fit new defibrillator cabinet £90+£18=£108 (000723) DM/BL
  31. BDO Annual Audit £100 +£20=£120(000724) DM/BL
  32. TO pay Mrs JM Rowling Salary July- September, Use of house as office, Broadband, Expenses
  33. Current Account£12964.86
  34. Business Deposit Account £18971.13
  35. Date for budget meeting. Cllrs Rolt, Lamb and Mumford with Clerk.PCC request for financial assistance with electronic winding of Church Clock – a public clock (Parish Councils Act 1957 ss2 and 6)
  37. Applications from SNC
  38. S/2017/2038/HS2 Plans and specifications submission under Schedule 17 to HS Rail( London to West Midlands) Act 2017 for earthworks and fencing associated with Culworth Habitat at Culworth Ecological Mitigation Site Banbury Lane Culworth
  39. S/2017/2188/TCA Remove one cherry tree Elmdene Queen Street OX17 2AT
  40. Decisions from SNC
  41. S/2017/1765/FUL South View Cottage Demolition of existing detached garage widening of access and erection of detached dwelling Approved
  42. S/2017/1907/NMA Falkland Cottage High Street… to add a side window and alter material from timber to UPVC Approved
  43. S/2016/2852/FUL Park Farm Banbury Lane Erection of building for rearing of pigs Approved
  44. LOCAL PLAN Part 2 presubmission draft consultation from 4/9/2017- 12noon 10th November 2017 Cllr Leadbeater and Clerk to attend forum on 20th September. All councillors to read document.
  45. Correspondence mostly emailed
  46. Clerks Councils direct
  47. SLCC
  48. NCALC notice of AGM
  49. Any other business for November 14th meeting
  50. Meeting closed