Discover * Interact * Renew * Evolve * Communicate * Transform


Please fill out the following and send via e-mail to: . Please fill out a separate form for each course you would like to offer. Although we cannot guarantee that your course will be offered in the time, space or format that you recommend, we would like to work with you collaboratively to plan our program and successful future together. Feel free to erase the lines and boxes as you type.

Course title: We want to promote the idea of creative and exciting names for our courses. For example, old title: “Japanese for Everyone” New Title: “From Transistor Radios to Anime: Japanese Language and Culture” Please propose your course title here:

Course Description: Please write an eye catching advertisement for your class in no fewer than 50 words, and no more than 100 words here:

Audience: Please describe your expected audience (age-ranges, ability levels, other demographics)

Marketing Plan: Please suggest ways you would like Culver City Adult School to market your class, as well as ways you plan to market it outside of what we can do. If you have special connections for ad space and/or other distribution methods (access to an e-mail list you or we can use, etc.), please let us know here:

Dates, Times and Places: In the past, we may have been restricted to specific semesters (Spring/Summer), times of day (7-9PM), and days of the week (Mon-Thu). Although we may ultimately consolidate our classes in this way due to resource considerations, at this time, we would like to hear your hopes for the ideal location within the CCUSD premises, your preferred day(s) of the week (including Saturdays), and potential time(s) of day, given that K-12 schools generally occupy our space between 8am-3pm.

How long will your course last? We consider a standard D.I.R.E.C.T. class to be two hours in length, and to be planned as a 5-week session. In the space provided, please tell us if two hours for five weeks sounds good, or if you have other ideas. Please explain and support other thoughts you may have on course duration.

Please include a short\ (100-200 words), prose, bio, and photograph (we may or may not use the photograph; please tell us if you have a preference either way.

Please write in your preferred date/time (between 3-7pm, Mon-Thu) for a meeting of all teachers and staff in mid-November, prior to the start of our programs in January: