Culture of Health Elderly Population Draft Framework

Elderly Population Group Member List

Contact Name / Organization / Email
Erin Johnson / Steering Committee- Group Co-Chair /
Nancy Frietag / Steering Committee- Group Co-Chair /
Jenny Senti / Steering Committee /
Tara Brandner / Steering Committee Co-Lead /
Lois Ustanko / Steering Committee /
Tracee Capron / Steering Committee Member /
Jessica Reier / Steering Committee Member /
Josh Askvig / AARP /
Shelly Peterson / ND Long Term Care Association /
Heather Wendorf / VA Dementia Care Clinic /
Lynn Mcgarry / Grand Forks Senior Center /
Donald Jurovick / UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences /
Nancy Joyner / Nancy Joyner Consulting /
Mary Ann Devig / Calvary Lutheran Church /
Jane Strommen / North Dakota State University /
Tammy Theurer / ND Association for Home Care /
Nancy Nickolas-Maier / ND Aging and Disability LINK/ Adult Protective Services/Ombudsman Program /
Delores Rath / Co-Chair Governors Aging Committee /
Tracy Regimbal / Quality Health Associates of ND /
Judy Beck / Quality Health Associates of ND /
Celeste Carlson / VA Community Health Nursing Services /
Trisha Chadduck / VA Caregiver Support Program /
Kathy Bauer-Kottenbrock / VA Hospice/Palliative Care /
Kari Jensen / Altru Health System /
Michelle Meyer / Wowicala Community Health Training & Consulting /
Margret Brown, RN / Spirit Lake Nation Senior Service Program /
Heather Lawrence, Director / Spirit Lake Nation Senior Service Program /
Mary Anne Marsh / ND Center for Nursing Board /
Karen Semmens / University of North Dakota School of Nursing and Professional Disciplines /
Kris Hendrickx / University of North Dakota School of Nursing and Professional Disciplines /
Carey Haugen / University of North Dakota School of Nursing and Professional Disciplines /
Becky Pfau / Hospice of the Red River Valley /
Gail Grondahl / ND Center for Nursing Board /
Darleen Bartz / ND Department of Health / Darleen Bartz

Andrea Lang – LSS – Erin Johnson

Good Samaritan society? Nancy Freitag

Dept of health? Patricia to email director

Making Health a Shared Value: How can individuals, families and communities work to achieve and maintain health?

Driver 1: Mindsets and Expectations: Awareness of how our individual health affects others- and how the health of our communities influences our own- is key to building a culture of Health. Do our policies reflect our communities needs and values? These measures reflect how we as individuals, families and communities, and as a nation- think about health and well-being.

Examples: Value on Health Interdependence, Value on well-being, public discussion on health promotion and well-being.

What is happening in North Dakota for this driver? Is there work being done in this area now? Use Asset map information and expertise of group members to fill in framework. Add additional rows as needed.

Entity/Organization / Brief description of Action / Location / Funding Source
Aging Services Division / Foot care clinics and education, rapid inspection health assessment, nutrition education at meal sights and home delivery programs. / Senior Centers / Older Americans Act
Alz. Assn / Education and consultation, families, public/community / State-wide program / State funds
UND college of nursing / Virtual dementia tour – simulation
Center for Rural health
Sanford Health
CHI/St. A’s / Community HealthAssessments / Community (any town with a hospital = 36 critical access hospital) / ACA, federal and private
NDSU extension / Education – variety of topics on well being of older adults / counties / State and county
UND geriatrics / Needs on geriatric education / Grand Forks / No funding
Churches – GF / Memory cafes – support, speakers / Fargo (new to Fargo), Grand Forks

What are ND’s gaps (geographic and programmatic) for this driver?

  • Ageism
  • Denial of cognitive changes in late life
  • Interest in decreasing burden to adult children
  • Lack of understanding of geriatric expertise and its value
  • Lack of providers’ knowledge and skills in geriatric principles of care

#4 and #5: Federal funding through workforce program – improving geriatric education; family members through health professionals. Opportunities to redesign HCS to implement geriatric principles into primary care.

Ongoing efforts to provide interprofessional education in geriatrics through post-graduate training programs in family medicine, internal medicine, NP programs.

Making Health a Shared Value: How can individuals, families and communities work to achieve and maintain health?

Driver 2: Sense of Community:Residents of socially connected communities are more likely to thrive. Research suggests that individuals who feel a sense of security, belonging, and trust in their environment have better health. People who don’t feel connected to the community are less inclined to engage in health-promoting behaviors or work together for positive change. These measures indicate to what extent people feel a part of their communities.

Examples: Sense of community, social support.

What is happening in North Dakota for this driver? Is there work being done in this area now?Use Asset map information and expertise of group members to fill in framework. Add additional rows as needed.

Entity/Organization / Brief description of Action / Location / Funding Source
Senior services / MOW (meals + informal welfare checks), social activities, nurse/foot care, bone builders / Various communities / MOW – Older Americans Act;
Federal, state, local mix. United Way, memorials/donations
Community rec center / Silver sneakers
VA? / Senior olympics
Faith organizations / Informal and formal (bone builders) / Various communities
Senior services / Stepping on; injury prevention (maintain in home and socialization, meals) / Spirit lake nation / Fed gov. grant; federal funds
Sanford / Home visit program by paramedic / Fargo ND
AARP and YMCA / Social and exercise, health-focused programs / Bismarck ND
AARP / Driving program / Is this being offered anywhere??? / Yes—The AARP also offers a Smart Driver course for seniors. To locate a course near you go to therapists will do clinical assessment to determine if there is a decline in driving skills. To get a clinical driving assessment The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) provides a nationwide database of driving programs and specialists.
Online communities? Chat rooms
UND / Senior philosophy program – monthly gathering of seniors around philosophical issues / EGF library
Lutheran Social Services / Companion program and senior volunteering program
Parish/church / Companion program
BeFrienders, Stephen Ministers / Nativity, others?
Multiple congregations across the region / Churches pay to have these volunteers trained for these ministries—the training follows national curriculum
VA / Respite volunteers and companion program – weekly basis / Grand Forks, Fargo VA CLC
Senior Corps / National – do we have a state chapter?
Faith org / Grassroots – volunteers go to nursing homes/hospitals/homes: communion distribution, outings which may include to church, etc
Faith Community Nurses-there are several hundred trained FCNs across the state. / Grand Forks, Spirit Lake
Both Grand Forks and Fargo have networks which can identify specific communities where there are FCNs. / Altru Health brings the FCNs together quarterly. Lori Reimer at and Carma Hanson at are contacts for this group. Sanford Health meets with FCNs monthly and provides stipend funding to help churches start FCN positions. Sanford also offers the Foundations for Faith Community Nursing course each fall. Lois Ustanko at is the contact person.
PACE program / Jamestown, Minot, Bismarck area

What are ND’s gaps (geographic and programmatic) for this driver?

  • PACE – limited geographically? Special requirements
  • Rural and frontier conditions influence availability of services.
  • People don’t necessarily understand the importance of community for the elderly. Social isolation occurs as people lose the ability to drive.
  • ND folks do not necessarily like to participate in “programs” or ask others for ongoing help.
  • Cultural gap – how you approach tribal communities – unique needs
  • Transportation – difficult to participate in programs when can’t drive, resistance to using other types of transportation.
  • There are numerous transportation services within the Fargo metro area—document sent to Patricia Moulton does need updating. All counties in North Dakota have transit service 3 to 5 days a week. ... everyone, the general public, students, veterans, the elderly and persons with disabilities. See the Transit Providers map by county at
  • Portland, OR has free public transportation – how do they do this?
  • Don’t want to wait for public transportation
  • Confusion/worried about using transportation services
  • Senior rider in Grand Forks through area transit – reluctance to sign up (financial?)
  • Senior center offers half price tickets for eligibility criteria

HRSA grants, pop. 300-400, bone builders “we exercise and then we go have pie”

Various ages and functional abilities –do we have programs

Making Health a Shared Value: How can individuals, families and communities work to achieve and maintain health?

Driver 3: Civic Engagement- Civic engagement creates healthier communities by developing the knowledge and skills to improve quality of life. Voting and volunteering are among the many measures of an engaged population. In both cases, people’s actions show they care about the outcomes of their community or their nation, and they want to cultivate positive change. These Measures reflect whether individuals feel motivated and able to participate and make a difference.

Examples: Volunteer engagement, voter participation,

What is happening in North Dakota for this driver? Is there work being done in this area now?Use Asset map information and expertise of group members to fill in framework. Add additional rows as needed.

Entity/Organization / Brief description of Action / Location / Funding Source
Lutheran Social Services of ND / Senior Companions:Senior Companions are volunteers age 55 and over who make a difference by providing assistance and friendship to adults who have difficulty with daily living tasks, such as shopping or paying bills. We help these adults remain independent in their homes instead of having to move to costlier institutional care. / Most counties in the state of ND.
Contact Sonja Mickelson for information about western ND and Andrea Lang for information about eastern ND.
701-271-3247 or 1-800-450-1510 / A federally funded program called Senior Companions assigns older volunteers to visit and assist elders who are frail and in need companionship.
Senior Corp of North Dakota. / Through the Senior Companion Program, people age 60 and older provide assistance and friendship to homebound adults. Senior Companions serve frail older adults and their caregivers, adults with disabilities, and those with terminal illnesses. Senior Companions usually serve two to four clients on a weekly basis, serving 20 hours a week. If you are interested in being a Senior Companion, you must meet income eligibility requirements, and for your time you will receive a modest, tax-free stipend to offset the cost of volunteering. Other benefits include reimbursement for transportation, some meals during service, an annual physical, and accident and liability insurance while on duty. Pre-Service and monthly training sessions provided.
More than 3,000 seniors in North Dakota contribute their time and talents in one of three Senior Corps programs. / Devils Lake—RSVP
Grand Forks—Red River Valley FGP thru NEHS Center
Minot—LSS Senior Companions
See pdf at
Senior Corps ND / The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) which is an independent, federal grant-making government agency whose mission is to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic participation through service and volunteering.
Mike Chausee (Bismarck State Office)
League of cities? / Voting. Engagement in policy making, voting, / Statewide
Someone that helps with seniors that need absentee ballots for voting?
Meals on Wheels has volunteer opportunities for seniors also.
Church congregations assist with absentee ballots and voting?

What are ND’s gaps (geographic and programmatic) for this driver?

  • Inability to drive prevents elderly from voting.
  • Lack of engagement may inhibit awareness.

Note: Many of the volunteer opportunities fall under the Senior Corps Programs of Foster Grandparents, RSVP, or Senior Companions. In addition, seniors may be involved with established programs such as Big Brothers, Boys Scouts of America and so forth. Many (hundreds) of seniors also volunteer at their local hospital or skilled nursing facility contributing thousands of hours of service. In addition, many seniors volunteer in their local church in programs such as BeFrienders or Stephen Ministries.

Fostering Cross-Sector Collaboration to Improve Well-being: Are Individuals, institutions and communities doing all they can to prevent illness and promote health?

Driver 1: Number and Quality of Partnerships: Research indicates that building relationships among partners is the most challenging aspect of creating change. Measures look at how organizations are working together to improve health and well-being.

Examples: Health department collaboration with community organizations, school districts, workplace health promotion

What is happening in North Dakota for this driver? Is there work being done in this area now?Use Asset map information and expertise of group members to fill in framework. Add additional rows as needed.

Entity/Organization / Brief description of Action / Location / Funding Source
Parish Nurses
Also known as Faith Community Nurses. / Diabetes prevention programs. Getting info out. Encouraging individuals to join these groups.
In collaboration with Extension offices and ND Dept of Health. Falls prevention programs.
Advanced care planning, health care directives. / More common in larger communities / Aging Services division
Streets Alive Collaboration with NDSU ExtensionAlyssa Johnson at
Senior Housing group / Wellness/Fitness
Pub Crawl for St Patrick’s Day / Fargo/Grand Forks
Wahpeton / DMF Impact Foundation
YMCA programs / Wellness/Fitness / Check on programs offered and where
Senior Centers
Refugee programs
Senior Housing Projects
Storm, Nola
Mobile: (701) 793-8888
Wood, Jack
Stories about Growing Together

/ Nutrition/Community Gardens / Grand Forks Senior Center along with Meals in Wheels. Congregant meals in the Senior Center. Meal Sites in other counties. / Aging Services and Older Americans Act Funds and would have the list of all the sites across the state
Quality Innovation Networks (i.e. QIN Advance Care Planning)
Work with Communities to have Coalitions for programs such as Advanced Care Planning in partnerships with healthcare facilities and other stake holders / Collaborative efforts to create awareness about the importance of advance care planning and to provide assistance to community members in writing a healthcare directive.
Provide training for DSME education. / Fargo and Grand Forks
Minot and Bismarck but essentially most of the state.
Contact Quality Health Associates of North Dakota at (701) 852-4231 for more information. / This is part of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) QIO Program
Honoring Choices North Dakota / Honoring Choices North Dakota is a collaborative group of statewide community partners who have a shared vision of creating a culture across North Dakota where continuous (on-going) advance care planning is the standard of care and every individual’s informed preferences for care are documented and upheld. / Statewide—most visible activity is occurring in eastern North Dakota. For more information, call (701) 989-6228. / Grant funded—administrative assistance from Quality Health Associates of North Dakota and the Center for Rural Health.

Collaborate with Alzheimer’s organization?

What are ND’s gaps (geographic and programmatic) for this driver?

  • Many of these are community based and not statewide. Websites have great info and links for elderly but there is no funding for marketing to advertise.
  • Many gaps are geographical – most resources concentrated in larger cities and eastern part of state.

A Directory of Faith Community Nurses and Aging Services Department? Somewhere that people naturally go to get help.

Is there a part for Seniors in some of the community Marathons or 5Ks? Rory Beil- Lois will contact

Subject:RE: Promoting Physical Activity for Seniors and Those with Disabilities

StreetsAlive was funded by multiple sources: DMF, BCBSMN, Sanford, Essentia, BCBSND. Currently it is run by the non-profit Great Rides that operates alongside Great Northern Bicycle company.

I don’t recall there being any specific groups to/for seniors. StreetsAlive does still exist, however, and I am sure they would welcome a discussion on this. It is a great venue to promote your cause/activity. A couple thousand people travel along the route during each of its events.

I can connect you with the director if you would like.

I am not aware of any senior specific initiatives except that Fargo Parks has talked about trying to attract the Senior Games to Fargo.


Huge need for a comprehensive Directory of Services. Aging Services has a link that has many of these services. Would be important to add to that list as we go forward. How do we connect the current links. Need one true source for people to go to. Then how to get the word out to everyone.

Aging Services phone number 855-462-5465 weblink carechoice

Fostering Cross-Sector Collaboration to Improve Well-being: Are Individuals, institutions and communities doing all they can to prevent illness and promote health?

Driver 2: Investment in Cross-sector Collaboration: In addition to measuring the quality and quantity of cross-sector collaborations, it is important to track investments that support these partnerships. Corporate and federal contributions have the power to influence our nation’s health, both directly and indirectly. Measures help identify whether there is adequate financial support to enable cross-sector partnerships.