Culture and Psychology
1. What is the name of your journal?
Culture and Psychology.
2. Give a one sentence summary of what your journal is about or what its mission is. You can often find this right on the main website, or on a section called “About Us.”
This is an interdisciplinary journal that balances organization and coherence with cross-disciplinary excitement exploring “the centrality of culture to our understanding of human behavior, identity, intersubjective experiences, emotions, development and language.”
3. How long has the journal been published?
Since March of 1995.
4. What is the city, the state, and the country of publication?
Sage Publications in Thousand Oaks, California, USA.
5. What is the intended audience for the journal? If this is not stated directly, you may have to infer it.
Interdisciplinary academicians and professionals in psychology, sociology, anthropology, education, ethnography, cultural history, linguistics, philosophy, and communication studies.
6. Is the journal sponsored or affiliated with any organization or publication?
Sage Publications.
7. About how many full‐length articles do there appear to be in each journal?
8. What categories of articles appear in the journal besides full‐length articles? (book reviews, poetry, fiction, etc.)
Essays and commentary.
9. What is the cost of each journal?
I could only locate the institutional rate: $215 per journal.
10. Of a subscription?
Institutional rate: $797 per year.
11. Do they have online subscriptions or paid access to individual articles?
12. Do they have free online content?
No. Only the current table of contents.
13. What is the frequency of publication?
14. Is the journal peer reviewed or refereed? If not, who appears to make editorial decisions?
There is an editorial board of forty-five international scholars, six associate editors and one editor.
15. What are the submission guidelines for the journal?
Submissions must be original and not under review elsewhere. Articles are eight thousand words in length including endnotes and references. Manuscript should be typed double space, twelve point font and should include a Title Page, Abstract with six keywords, Acknowledgment and APA style references. Manuscripts can be submitted to the editor via email in MS Word or as rft attachments.
16. Pulling up a recent table of contents, list three or four article titles. 1) Appropriations: Dynamics of domestic space negotiations in Italian middle-class working families. 2) A discovery of meaning: The case of C. G. Jung’s house dream. 3) Review essay: the locus of subjectivity in cultural studies.
17. Write up a summary for your classmates about the viability of publishing in this journal or publication. What sorts of writing have you all done at Pacifica that might be a fit for this journal? How “academic” is the writing? How much is it geared toward case material or the practice of psychotherapy? Can you tell the sorts of people they publish (academics, clinicians, “average joes,” etc.)?
The writing in this journal seems to be quite scholarly and academic, rich in the vocabulary of hermeneutics and phenomenology. The emphasis is on meta-theory and analysis rather than case material or clinical illustrations. All of the authors are in academia. Overall rating: Most Pacifica students would not have material with a high enough level of specialized knowledge to be appropriate for this publication. If someone enters the field of Depth Psychology with previous work in an area of specialization such as sociology or education, that person might have something appropriate to submit.