Due to the variability of soils and conditions found in various locations and their affects on plant and soil responsivenessto our products, we cannot guarantee all these benefits will occur in all locations and situations.
BioVam's viabilityis guaranteed for one year from date of shipping from the manufacture, Mike Brock.
* Appropriate types of Fertilizers: Note: Use of BioVam Mycorrhiza requires that fertilizers have low soluble phosphorus levels. Phosphorous levels < or = 2% by weight are safe to use. Higher levels of free phosphorus MAY be detrimental to the beneficial Mycorrhiza fungi. Examples of appropriate fertilizers: *Biosol Forte 7-2-1, *Ringers All Natural 10-2-6, *Milorganite 6-2-0, *Cottonseed Meal 6-2-1, *Planters II.
Partial list of plants benefited by BioVamMycorrhiza:Acacia, Agapanthus, Alder, Alfalfa, All Bulbs, All Citrus, All Grapes, All Maples, All Melons, All Palms, All Squash, Almond, Apple, Apricot, Artichoke, Ash, Asparagus, Avocado, Bamboo, Banana, Basil, Bayberry, Bean, Begonia, Black Locust, Blackberry, Box Elder, Boxwood, Burning Bush, Cacao, Cactus, Camellia, Carrot, Cassava, Ceanothus, Cedar, Celery, Cherry, Chrysanthemum, Clover, Coconut, Coffee, Coral Tree, Corn, Cotton, Cottonwood, Cucumber, Currant Cypress, Dogwood, Eggplant, Elm, Euonymus, Fern, Fescus, Fig, Forsythia, Fountain Grass, Fuschia, Gardenia, Garlic, Geranium, Grass, Hibiscus, Holly, Impatiens, Jojoba, Juniper, Kiwi, Leek, Lettuce, / Lily, Magnolia, Mahogany, Mahonia, Mango, Marigold, Mesquite, Millet, Morning Glory, Nasturtium, Okra, Olive, Onion, Pacific Yew, Pampas Grass, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Palms, Paw Paw, Pea, Peach, Peanut, Pear, Pecan, Pepper, Pistachio, Pittosporum, Plum, Poinsettia, Potato, Raphiolepis, Raspberry, Redwood, Rice, Rose, Russian Olive, Ryegrass, Sagebrush, Sourwood, Soybean, Strawberry, Sudan Grass, Sugar Cane, Sumac, Sunflower, Sweet Gum, Sweet Potato, Sycamore, Tea, Tobacco, Tomato, Walnut, Wheat, Yam, Yellow Poplar, and Yucca. (partial list).
Note: Plants in the following families respond to ectomycorrhizal fungi and the bacteria in BioVam: Birch, Eucalyptus, Heath, Pine, Oak, Rush, Protea, Sedge. The following do not benefit from BioVam Mycorrhiza, but do benefit from the other ingredients: Beet, Cabbage, Carnation, Mustard, Orchid, and Spinach.
Mycorrhizal fungi can be endo (within the root and cells), or ecto (on the outside of the root and cells). BioVam contains Endomycorrhizae and Ectomycorrhizae, Trichoderma Fungi, and Aerobic Bacteria.
Asparagus, citrus, melons, onions, peppers, squash, Tomatoes, and most flowers are extremely responsive to BioVam’s Mycorrhiza. BioVam works best when applied to the roots of seedlings or new transplants.
T & J Enterprises
International Distributor
BioVam Mycorrhiza
2328 W. Providence Ave.
Spokane, Washington99205
© Copyright 1998 - 2011 by T & J Enterprises. All rights reserved. * These are ®-registered trademarks of their respective companies and are not in any way associated with T & J Enterprises or responsible for the content of this document.
TLC Lawn care, Spokane, 509-325-3963 / All About
Natures Own Growing System
Featuring: BioVam Mycorrhiza
Plant Root Inoculant
What Is It?
How Does It Work?
How Do You Use It?
Plants Benefited by it.
(Partial List)
Using BioVam Is Like
Adding Thousands of Tiny
Extra Roots To Your Plants!
Environmentally Friendly!
Safe Around Children, Pets
and Wildlife!
BioVam is a Mycorrhizal Root
and Soil Inoculant, Auxiliary Soil
and Plant Substance (Biotic).
Non-Plant Food product
Natures Own Growing System Product List
- BioVam Mycorrhiza
- Biosol Mix 7-2-3 organic fertilizer
- Planters II Trace Mineral Fertilizer
- Natures Own Growing System Microbe Tea
- Yucca Extract
BioVam's Mycorrhiza fungidevelops a network of microscopic filaments (hyphae) in the soil and when they come into contact with roots they thread their way between and into the cells of plant roots. There, an exchange of nutrients takes place that allows for the survival and growth of both plant and fungi. The wide dispersion of the fungi filaments (hyphae) in the soil gives the fungi access to a volume of soil, up to 1,500 % larger than the roots of the plant. The fungi provide a sustained flow of nutrients to which a plant would not normally have access via its root system. The plant in return furnishes nutrients such as sugars and amino acids to the fungi to support its life and growth.
Plants treated with BioVam are better nourished, moreresistant to transplant shock, develop increased protection against environmental stresses including drought, cold, salinity, and pollution. The relationship between the plant and fungi also tends toreduce the incidence of root diseases and minimizes the harmful effects of certain pathogens. The symbiotic relationship between plants and Mycorrhiza fungi results insustained vitality and vigor of colonized plantsand often results inimproved resistance to diseases, higher yields, better flavor, higher mineral and vitamin levels, lower spoilage rates, and less attraction to destructive insects.
This symbiotic relationship allows plants to uptake as much as ten times more nutrients than their roots alone.
Note: Mycorrhiza is particularly sensitive to soluble phosphate fertilizers and certain fungicides (see our nutrient levels and precautions information in our “How to Apply” brochure.) / Once plants are treated with BioVam, we recommend that an application of Biosol Mix 7-2-3 be applied to the ground around your plants. This is an excellent fertilizer that provides organic material for soil microbes as well as low levels of nutrients that the Mycorrhiza can feed to your plants.
We also recommend annual application of Planters II Trace Mineral Fertilizer around all of your BioVam treated plants. Mycorrhiza fungi are effective at getting a variety of minerals into your plants to improve plant mineral and vitamin content.
It is not naturalfor most plants to exist without the assistance of Mycorrhizae in their root system and their absence forces the grower to continually "feed" plants. This is a needless waste of time and money, and over application of artificial "miracle" fertilizers will eventually destroy the biological health of the soil.
Periodic or annual re-applicationof BioVam, Biosol Mix 7-2-3, and Planters II Trace mineral fertilizeris highly recommended to maintain peak performance of your plants, and to replenish needed micronutrients and Organics that the Mycorrhiza and microbes need in order to feed your plants.
It is highly probablethat use of BioVam will achieve significantly reduced expenditures on fungicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizer use. Cottonseed meal, Gypsum, Planters II, or Rock Dust products can also be applied to plants treated with BioVam to enhance and replenish soil nutrients.
BioVam Mycorrhizais not seasonally or weather dependent or limited in application or usage - apply anytime: Spring, Summer or Fall on non-frozen soils. Apply even in winter if your local area remains mild in that season. BioVam begins working upon root contact. / BioVam Mycorrhizaenhances plant root development, vitality, vigor, growth, and quality through improved organic methods - and aids in creating healthy soil conditions.
We recommend mulching around your plants with compost or uncomposted organic materialssuch as grass clippings or shredded leaves. Spread the uncomposted organic materials out on the soil and then brew up Natures Own Growing System Microbe Tea. Add ½ cup Yucca Extract per gallon of concentrated tea at the end of the brewing process. Weekly or twice a month, spray your plants and the mulch down with diluted tea using a hose end sprayer or a pump sprayer. The bacteria and fungi in the microbe teawill decompose the mulch materials and earthworms will pull it all down into the ground and reduce it all to worm castings. This builds up soil tilth and becomes a primary source for beneficial fungi and bacteria to break down into plant nutrients.
If mulch sources (lawns and trees) are treated with BioVam, Biosol Mix 7-2-3, Planters II trace minerals, and Natures Own Growing System Microbe tea with Yucca Extract added, that mulch material will become a rich source of nutrients for your plants as the earthworms, fungi, and bacteria reduce it all into plant nutrients.
A list of products you will want to purchase:
- BioVam mycorrhiza
- Biosol Mix 7-2-3 organic fertilizer.
- Planters II Trace Mineral Fertilizer.
- Natures Own Growing System Microbe Tea Brewing Kit (1 gallon or 5 gallon brewer).
- Yucca Extract.
- Rock Phosphate and Gypsum.