GRAZ conference
22 – 26 September 2004
WORKSHOP 2.2: Thursday afternoon / Gilbert Deketelaere
Sint Godelievecollege, Gistel
The PROZA instrument: total quality management based on self-assessment and dialogue
The PROZA instrument ( diagnoses strengths and weaknesses in the school organisation. The instrument is based on the EFQM quality model.
PROZA is divided into nine areas depicting the quality of the school. They are:
A. Input Factors
• Leadership
• Policy and strategy
• Human resources policy
• Means
B. Process Factor
• Education processes
C. Output Factors
• Personnel satisfaction
• Pupil and parent satisfaction
• Impact on society
• Results
Each area is further divided into several focal points e.g. teaching, evaluation of pupils, guidance and counselling, etc.
PROZA is an instrument of dialogue. All parties that are involved can take part in the process: the head teacher, teachers, technical staff, coordinators, pupils, parents,…
PROZA is based on individual analysis and on consultation with others in teams. A self-assessment group gathers to answer 25 items of a specific focal point with “yes” or “no” (or “not applicable”). Some examples of items:
- Have general principles been formulated with regard to training opportunities? (item in phase 1)
- Are there attempts at making an inventory of training needs? (item in phase 2)
- Does the school make a (yearly updated) inventory of the needs of the personnel, and are the needs also being analyzed/evaluated? (item in phase 3)
- Is the training policy attuned to the mission statement, the needs and the priorities of the organization? (item in phase 4)
- Is the policy and plan with regard to professional development an example of good practice for other organizations? (item in phase 5)
Each member first scores individually. Then the self-assessment group agrees in consensus on the score of the item. While discussing the 25 items specific goals of improvement are suggested. These are selected according to priority and written down in a self-evaluation report. For each selected goal, an action plan is to be drawn up by a steering group or management. Effective quality development is the most important goal of PROZA.
The 25 items of a focal point are grouped into 5 phases. After having scored the items the level of quality management can be deduced. When you have reached phase 1 quality is variable or linked to the individual. In phase 2 the school starts to work systematically. There is initiation of process-based thinking or acting. Phase 3 stands for professionalism. Quality is guaranteed. There is systematic innovation and continuous improvement in phase 4. Phase 5 aims for excellence. There is a high level of quality.
The fruits of a PROZA quality scan are double: you get some precious quality improvement suggestions and you know the level of quality management.