Focus: Our goal is to enrich our lives and lives of those around us by studying our culture and the culture of others.
A. Community projects
1. Volunteer as a reading prompter for children and adults in your community.
2. Promote enrollment in and assist 4-H Clubs.
3. Emphasize patriotism by voting in elections and reviewing flag etiquette.
B. Exploring Oklahoma
1. Visit a museum in your district
a. Secure information on senior discounts and group rates and share with other clubs
2. Attend a festival of another culture, i.e., Red Earth, student cultural diversity event at OSU Campus, Pow Wow, etc.
C. Heritage Skills
1. Learn new quilting techniques
a. Redwork
b. Paper Piecing
c. Crazy Quilting and other
2. Promote an Ethnic cooking class
D. Provide Financial Aid or Scholarships
1. Norma Brumbaugh Scholarship
2. Student Scholarship
3. Pennies for Friendship (Associated Country Women of the World “Water for All” Project)
4. Nickels for Leadership (for Leadership Training Conference in odd years)
1st , 2nd , 3rd Place County Award Book $20, $15, $10
1st ,2nd , 3rd Place Local Group Award Book $20, $15, $10
Small County Award, $20
Connie LaGrow, Co-Chairman
Rochelle Smith, Co-Chairman
Violet Mansfield, Member
Slogan: Educate families to strengthen developmental skills for present and future generations.
Objective: To help families unite and improve community life.
1. Increasing Socialization Among Families
a. Senior Citizens Centers
b. Meals on Wheels
c. Support Homebound OHCE Members – Past and Present
d. Adopt a Family/Senior
e. Family Fun Night
2. Developing Community Outreach
a. Building a Community Coalition, alliance with other community and county organizations.
b. Small community service projects. “SAMPLES” Tooth fairy Pillows, Cool Ties, Nursing Home Projects, Holiday and/or Community related
c. Ice Cream Social
d. Neighborhood Community Potluck Supper
e. Reading to , tutoring or mentoring community children or adults
f. Support and develop stronger alliance with youth groups such as 4-H youth.
g. Supporting Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan’s Purse
3. Protecting Your Family
a. Record your family tree medical history
b. Post Emergency Contact Information –Personal and Emergency
c. Designate a safe location for original records and update when needed.
d. Neighbor Watch Party
e. Host community blood drive
4. Life Essay
a. Each county conduct a life essay contest according to the state guidelines as listed. County winners should be submitted to the state awards chair for judging.
b. Write about ONE EVENT OR TIME IN LIFE, for the purpose of providing future generations a written picture of life. Spelling and punctuation are not judged, but clarity of ideas is important
c. The goal is to compile the best stories as deemed by the family committee members into a possible future publication as a fundraiser for OHCE.
Rules of the Life Story Essay Contest
a. Two entries per county
b. One entry per person
c. Entry must be written by an OHCE member in good standing.
d. Entries will only be judged if they are placed in a brad folder for 8½ x 11 paper. The information needed in the following order; Life story, name of the author, address, county, district and year written in the upper right hand corner of the folder.
e. The essay must be written on a typewriter or computer using Times New Roman font 10 or 12 size and double-spaced with a 1½ inch left hand margin. It should be at least two pages, but not exceeding 3000 words in length.
f. Do not include photographs, clipart, or news clippings
g. All life essays submitted for state judging must include the signed Life Essay “Release Form” statement by the author giving OHCE the right to read publicly and publish by without further financial compensation to the author.
h. County winner essays must be submitted to the OHCE Awards Chair before February 1, 2009.
i. A short paragraph summary must accompany the report.
1st , 2nd ,3rd County Award Book $20, $15, $10
1st ,2nd , 3rd Local Group Award Book $20, $15, $10
1st , 2nd , 3rd Life Essay $20, $15, $10
Honorable Mentions will be determined by the committee.
Fran Ridenhour, NE Member/Chair
Retha Robertson, SW Member
Nancy Roberts, SW Member
Viola Allen, SE Member
I hereby authorize Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Inc. (OHCE) to read publicly and publish without further financial compensation my entry for the Life Essay Contest.
By signing this form, I agree to release all rights to the essay that I have entered.
I understand that my essay may be published in book form and sold as a fundraiser with OHCE receiving all the profits.
Story Title______
Print OHCE Member’s Name: ______
City & State______
Telephone Numbers ( )______( )______
OHCE Member Signature: -______
Date: ______
Healthy Living
State Goals 2009
Slogan – Believe It or Not I Can!
Health Issues
Suggested Emphasis
1 “Water for All” project
2 Healthy eating and active living
3 Stress management/depression
Suggested Project:
1 Increase awareness of new vaccines for the prevention of shingles and cervical cancer, meningitis etc.
2 Collect funds at local, county and state events to help fund “Water for All” project.
3 Support Farm to You interactive exhibit when in local community
4 Increase awareness of local food sources – farmers’ markets, community gardens
Safety Issues
Suggested Emphasis
1 Safe use of motorized vehicles (scooters, ATVs, motorcycles etc.)
2 Disaster preparedness
3 Home safety (carbon monoxide monitor/alarm, fire extinguishers, radon emission of granite materials, indoor air quality)
4 Imported products (foods, toys, personal hygiene products, pet items, etc.)
Suggested Project:
1. Toy inspection for safety (size, lead-free paint, cleanliness, condition, etc.)
1st, 2nd , 3rd County Award Book $20, $15, $10
1st, 2nd , 3rd Local Group Award Book $20, $15, $10
Donnita Hall, SW/Chair
Marcy Lee Hurd, NW
Doris Young, SW
Shirley Emde SE
State Goals 2009
Mary Jo Bullis, Ch. 405-828-4413
A. At the county and/or group level, establish an OHCE Leadership Development chair and/or committee with the following suggested duties:
1. Attend OHCE State Leadership Training (offered in October in odd years)
2. Offer classes for members on leadership. Possible topics:
a. Ethical leadership
b. Leadership styles
c. Conducting effective meetings
d. Conflict management
e. Networking
f. Public deliberative forums
g. Public speaking
h. Audiovisuals/presentation software
i. Parliamentary Procedure
B. Participate in the governing process. Possible activities:
1. Attend Legislative Day
2. Make your voice heard – VOTE
3. Conduct or attend a candidate or issue forum
4. Run for office
C. Encourage OHCE members to apply for grants from outside groups such as Ambassadors and/ or LDCE (Leadership Development and Citizen Engagement). See OHCE website under Resources for grant forms.
D. Encourage members to become involved citizens
1. Participate/conduct public deliberative forums
2. Attend the Oklahoma Moderators and Recorders Academy. (OHCE scholarships are available).
Leadership Project of the Year award - $100
1. Report submitted by a county of local group.
2. Written in story form in 500 words or less
3. Support materials (photos, newspaper articles, etc.) optional.
Committee Members:
Linda Burcham, SW 580-683-4365 Mary Jo Bullis, NW 405-828-4413
Dorothy Driver, SW, 405-840-1188 Debra Stevenson, SW, 580-357-4049
Emphasis: To Increase Overall Membership
Goal: Recruit new members, focusing on people who are under-represented in our current membership, emphasizing age, different ethnic and religious groups, genders and those with disabilities.
A. Marketing and Promotions
2. Emphasizing recruitment of younger members through one on one invitation and through participating in school and other related activities.
3. Promote membership and participation by informing your community what OHCE membership involves. Develop a brochure describing local, county, and state activities and projects.
4. Take every opportunity to make OHCE and its’ logo visible. i.e., labels, iron-ons and decals. Use the decal on personal correspondence, as on the envelope seal.
5. Encourage OHCE members to wear OHCE item, i.e., name badges, t-shirts, etc., to non-OHCE functions
6. Place small articles in newspapers periodically.
7. In advance, advertise upcoming events, special interest workshops, local group meetings; in community calendars. Research their availability.
8. Encourage prospective members to visit OHCE Membership Recruitment interactive tab on the website,
B. Membership Recognition Project
1. Opportunities to recognize former, current and future members
2. New members’ induction teas/brunches
3. Promote membership recruitment events appropriate to the season, holiday, or special occasion, etc. OHCE week is an excellent opportunity.
4. 5/10/15 etc. year local and county member recognition
5. Involve former members, groups and prospective members, using their pictures in newspaper articles. Use as many individual pictures as space will allow and spread the coverage out over the course of several weeks to allow more exposure in your community.
1st, 2nd, 3rd County Award $20, $15, $10
1st , 2nd , 3rd Local Award $20, $15, $10
C. Membership Recruitment
1. An award will be given to the county and local group with the greatest percentage of growth. This percentage is the number of new members in a calendar year divided by the number of members reported at the beginning of the calendar year.
2. Use the Membership Recruitment Award form and submit this to the State Awards Chair by February 1, 2009. Submit one for county and one for local. A short paragraph or summary must accompany the report.
1st ,2nd , 3rd County Award $20, $15, $10
1st , 2nd , 3rd Local Group Award $20, $15, $10
D. OHCE Week--May 4-8, 2009
1. During this week we encourage members to distribute OHCE brochures in any creative way you desire. These brochures have been distributed to each county. Check with your county Extension Educator for availability.
2. Ask each local or county group to write an article about activities they plan to do or have done different from their regular meeting, &/or write a Feature Article for the local newspaper etc.
3. Please send, in a folder, including a one-page report of your activities and 1 page of pictures and newspaper articles, etc. when available to Diane Snethen, 10765 East 2nd St. Claremore, OK 74019 by June 1, 2009. Timely submission assures your report will judged.
4. These will be shared in some form at the OHCE State Meeting, July 12-14, 2000.
1st , 2nd , 3rd County Award $20, $15, $10
1st , 2nd , 3rd Local Group Award $20, $15, $10
E. County Photography
1. Photo must be an OHCE activity, in color with photo no larger than 5 x 7 inches. Please mount photo on mat board and do not attach to a folder. LABEL should be placed on back of mat board and include name, county and district.
2. Photography must be by an OHCE member during the current year.
3. Each county may submit 3 entries (may or may not be taken by the same person).
4. County name, name of contestant, address and district must be on upper right hand corner of the back of the mounting.
5. Photos become property of OHCE for promotional purposes.
6. Photos are due to the Membership Awards Chair, Darline Ruyle, 1525 N. Beard, Shawnee, OK., 74804, by February 1, 2009.
1st Place $20
2nd Place $15
3rd Place $ 10
F. 50, 60 plus -year Members and Groups
1. 50, 60 plus-year members and groups should submit forms for recognition to the State 50-Year Chair, Sherril Whitlow, P. O. Box 292, Jet, OK 73749 by April 1, 2009
2. Please include personal story or remembrance of individual.
Committee Members:
Shirley Burns, SW Chair
Diane Snethen/Shirley Burns, SW 1st Timers Chair
Darline Ruyle, SE Photography Chair
Sherril Whitlow, NW 50-60 plus-Year Member Chair
Diane Snethen, NE OHCE Week Chair
Entry Deadline: February 1, 2009
Send entries to: OHCE Reports and Awards Chair
Name of County______
Name of local group (if applicable) ______
a. Number of current members as of Jan 1, 2008 ______
b. Number of new members gained from Jan 1, 2008 to Dec 31, 2008
Percentage of growth (b divided by a) ______
Person submitting entry ______
Address ______
Phone ______E-mail ______
This award will be given to a county and to a local group.
County will receive: 1st , 2nd , 3rd place $50, $15, $10
Local group will receive: 1st , 2nd , 3rd place $50, $15,$10
This award report will be 2 pages only:
Page 1: Entry form (this sheet)
Page 2: Description of projects or activities, which lead to this growth.
If you have county and local groups to submit - you MUST submit each one as a separate award entry.
A. Focus Area I: “Consumer Check List”
Objective: Increase awareness of issues involving consumer decisions. Direct individuals/families toward more proactive consumer behaviors as they plan for their future.
1. Action
a. Gambling the risk and the odds
b. Volunteer Income Tax Income Assistance (VITA) Recruitment volunteers to assist low income families with tax preparation.
c. Youth Financial Literacy: Money On The Bookshelf
d. Scams and Frauds
2. Resources
a. Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Unit
4545 North Lincoln Blvd, Suite 260
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3498
b. Consumer Credit Counseling Service
National Foundation for Credit Counseling - Web site:
c. OSU County Educators and OSU State Specialists
d. Better Business Bureau – 17 S. Dewey, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-239-6081
e. Federal Trade Commission - Web site:
f. State Office of Consumer Credit
g. Annual free credit reports -