Culminating Assessment Task|Creating an Application


You and your two partners own a new innovative company that designs software applications. In this activity you will create an new software application using Python, Scratch and HTML. This application must be marketed and advertised to the world using the World Wide Web. Applications related to gambling, violence, gaming and inappropriate themes are NOT allowed, if in doubt, check with me first. Here is the breakdown of the project:

  1. Company Logo
  2. You will be creating a company name and logo using a graphics program
  3. This logo will be presented on all information and papers you are handing in
  1. Detailed Application Outline
  2. Before your company begins with this activity you will hand in a detailed document of the items that make your application
  3. Here is the expectations of this document:
  4. Title Page with company name and logo with group members and job titles
  5. Table of Content
  6. Opening paragraph-Proposal
  • Explaining what the application is
  • Explaining why you chose to create this application
  • Explaining the audience that will be using your program
  • List group members
  • Detailed Calendar (See Attached Sheet)
  • You will write down the tasks you and your partner will be doing each day
  • Job Description (See Attached Sheet)
  • You and your group members all be assigned a job description
  • Write down which person has each job description
  • The descriptions can be seen on the attached sheet
  • Python and ScratchDesign
  • Draw a rough sketch of how ap January look like
  • Web Site Sketch
  • Draw a sketch of the web site you will be designing for this project
  • List all the menus you are going to place on the site
  1. Python and Scratch Application
  2. This is where you use Python and Scratch to design your application
  3. Remember to use proper coding techniques and internal documentation
  4. The program must be free of any bugs
  1. Marketing Web Site
  2. You are to use HTML to create a website to market your application
  3. This site should contain:
  4. Introduction of your company, the employees and job descriptions of each employee
  5. A contact Page – where people to get your company address, phone numbers and email
  6. Help files for the user to get help when using the application
  7. Additional Pages
  1. Presentation
  2. You and your group members will be presenting your application to the class
  3. The presentation should include an HTML slide show using a minimum of 8 web pages
  4. The goals of the presentation are:
  5. Introduce the members and the job descriptions
  6. Introduce your application and the philosophy behind it
  7. To educate the class about your program and how to use it
  8. Show your marketing website
  9. Demonstrate your program


Culminating Assessment Job Descriptions

Project Manager
Name: / Chief Programmer
Name: / Web Master

 Is the only member that can ask questions to the teacher
 Responsible for keeping the group on task
 Will be introducing the company members during the presentation
 Responsible in creating the outlines for the project forms and web pages
 Responsible for final detailing, error checking and final editing
 Will aid chief programmer in creating code
 Aids the webmaster when needed
Helps the Chief Programmer when needed /
 Responsible for the main programming product
 Will be creating code for the application
 Responsible during presentation to explain coding structure and how the application works
 Helps the Web Master when needed /
 Responsible for designing the website
 Creates graphics for the web site
 Responsible for presenting the website to the class
 Creates the company logo
Helps the Chief Programmer when needed

Culminating Assessment Task Schedule | ICS2O

Please write out the job tasks each person will perform each day. You January write out the tasks in point form.

May19th / May20th
May23th / May24th / May25th / May26th
May30th / May31st / June1st / June2nd / January 3rd
June 6th / June 7th / June8th / June9th / June10th
submission due at end of period for all groups
no extensions or late penalty
June 13th
PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / June 15th / June 16th / June 17th


Culminating Assessment Task | ICS2O


written proposal

| 16 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
problem definition / Two components of the input, process and output model is not complete / One component of the input, process, output model is not complete / Expresses the proposal in terms of required results, the process required to reach these results and the necessary inputs / Clearly expresses the proposal in terms of required results(output), the process required to reach these results and the necessary inputs
able to state a problem clearly / Problem is not stated clearly, major improvement required / States problem, some improvement in wording required / States problem clearly, minor points need clarification / States problem or situation clearly
identifies and provides all information required / Information is missing and or ambiguous / Some information is missing / Most relevant information has been identified and provided / All information is identified and provided
written document / Document lacked professionalism and has several errors. / Document was partially word-processed with spelling or/and grammatical errors. Some formatting missing. / Word-processed document was professionally written with no spelling or grammatical errors or handwritten text. / Document was professionally written with no spelling or grammatical errors. The document was innovative.

website development

| 16 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
tables / Tables were used with limited success / Tableswere used correctly to some degree / Tables were used correctly and effectively / Tableswere used correctly while using innovative features.
graphics / Minimal success with graphics. Student rarely modified graphics. / Graphics were used with some success. Student did not modify or create any graphics. / Most graphics were created entirely by the student. They were suitable file sizes. / All graphics were created entirely by the student. They followed the web theme with creativity.
XHTML source code / Many errors found in page. / Many errors in source code. / Few errors in source code. / No errors in source code.
overall page / Many expectations were not met. Student did not use time in class effectively / Page met some expectations. Student did work in class. / Overall appearance of page is professional and creative. Student used most tags learned in class. / Overall appearance of page is professional, creative and innovative. Student spent all time in class working on project.

application development

COMMUNICATION | 12 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
internal documentation / Internal documentation was not used effectively. / Internal documentation was only used for Input, Process and Output. / Student used internal documentation for major components of the project. / Student used internal documentation for all structures of the project. No section was missing.
naming conventions / Proper naming convention was used for a few variables and classes. / Proper naming convention was used for some variables and classes. / Proper naming convention was used for most variables and classes. / Proper naming convention was used for all variables and classes.
presentation / Presentation was not representative of project content. / Presentation missed critical information about the project. / Presentation was descriptive. Missed some information. / Presentation was comprehensive anddescriptive.
| 15 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
complexity / Student was able to only incorporate few ofthe programing structures. Design left out many of the topics learned in class. / Student was able to incorporate some programing structures. Design left out some of the topics learned in class. / Student was able to incorporate most programing structures. Design left out some of the topics learned in class. / Student was able to incorporate all programming structures into a sophisticated design.
use of variables / Few variables were properly applied. Few variables were initialized when needed. / Some variables were properly applied. Some variables were initialized when needed. / Most variables were properly applied. Most variables were initialized when needed. / All variables were properly applied. All variables were initialized when needed.
selection statements / Many errors were found while using selection statements.. / Some errors were found while using selection statements.. / Few errors were found while using selection statements.. / Selection statements used correctly. Student was able to use nested if, case and logical operators effectively.
loopstatements / Project did not make use of Iteration. / The project made used of Iteration with some success. / The project made used of Iteration with success. Only 1 type of loop was used with success. / The project made used of Iteration with great success. Both while and for loops were used. Nested loops were applied to project.