Cullison-Leeper – December 25, 1937

Cullison-Leeper Nuptials Celebrated Christmas

At high noon on Christmas day Miss Vera Leeper, daughter of Mr. Fred Leeper, Dacoma, became the bride of Mr. Jess Cullison, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cullison, Attica, Kansas. The ceremony took place in the farm home of the bride’s grandfather. Mr. C. Leeper and aunt, Mrs. Ida Wiln. Rev. J. S. C. Hivner, pastor of the First Baptist church in Anthony, Kansas, officiated, using the double ring ceremony.

The couple was attended by Miss Jadena Leeper, cousin of the bride and Mr. Eugene Chafey, Bluff City, Kansas. Calvin Leeper, small son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Leeper was ring bearer.

Preceding the ceremony Miss Leota Leeper and Miss Waunita Leeper, cousins of the bride, sang “I Love You Truly” accompanied by Miss Emogene Cox. Miss Cox also played Mendelssohn’s Wedding March, and during the ceremony played “Melody of Love” by Englemann and “Thine Own” by Lange.

The vows were exchanged under a white arch decorated with wedding bells and lilies of the valley and banked with baskets of chrysanthemums and potted ferns.

The bride wore a street length dress of royal blue velvet with silver accessories and carried an arm bouquet of Johanna hill roses. Her maid of honor was dressed in black crepe and wore a shoulder corsage of white chrysanthemums. The groom and his attendant wore navy blue suits with white carnation boutonieres.

Following the ceremony a three course wedding dinner was served by three of the bride’s aunts, Mrs. Ida Wiln, Mrs. J. Leeper and Mrs. W. H. Leeper. The bride’s table was centered by a three tiered wedding cake, topped with a miniature bride and groom, and flanked by white tapers in crystal candelabra.

Guests for the dinner included Rev. J. S. C. Hivner, Mr. Eugene Chafey, Mr. Fred Leeper, Miss Edythe Leeper, Mr. C. Leeper, Mrs. Ida Wiln, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leeper, Miss Jadena Leeper, Miss Leota Leeper, Calvin Leeper, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Leeper, Eldon Leeper, Miss Waunita Leeper, Mrs. Eliza Wilson, Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wilson, Mr. James Leeper, Clinton Wilson, Mr. James Leeper, Mr. Durward Brown and Miss Emogene Cox.

Mrs. Cullison is a graduate of NorthwesternStateTeachers college and during her college work was an active member of Gamma Gamma chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority. For the past four and one half years she has been assistant financial secretary at the college, and sponsor of the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority.

Mr. Cullison is also a graduate of NorthwesternStateTeachers college, and both Mr. and Mrs. Cullison are members of Delta Eta chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary scholastic fraternity. Mr. Cullison was principal of the schools at Corwin, Kansas for a number of years, and last year was elected county superintendent of Harper county. After January first, the couple will be at home at 216 North Springfield, Anthony, Kansas.