CTC-ONS 2013 Board and Committee Meeting November 13, 2013

Location: Good Samaritan Hospital

Attendees: Debbie Heim, Carol Amfahr, Sue Partusch, Lynne Brophy, Monica Feiler, Gigi Robison, Sharon Sanker, Marla Skoog-Prues

Absent: Ruth Gholz, Nancy Murrin, Carol Turner, Amy Voris

Call to Order: 6:00 pm

Topic / Information / Action / Target Dates, F/U
Secretary report-Carol Amfahr / Approval minutes for August / Minutes approved by Marla and Sue. / To be placed on vc
President report-Debbie Heim / 1.Still working on Strategic Plan, but the changes in national has had an impact on this process.
2. We have listed by national ONS 289 members, do we want to invite all for chapter meetings? However we know that this is not a true number. We have made announcement on the vc then the listed members receive an email. This is because we had a small response to the chapter meetings. Debbie has noticed that the national ONS list is not matching with our email list. She is trying to continue to cross reference the two lists. For January meeting Debbie will send to our email list and the national list.
Treasurer report-
Marla Skoog-Prues, Sue Partusch (elect) / Checking $29,648.16
Saving $1,363.47
Marla received a letter stating national ONS has sent our membership dues. Payments are sent quarterly. We did receive $600.
Director At Large-Lynn Brophy / Need member names for member “spot light” on website. She would feedback on how the vc is working.
Ruth Gholz, / Newsletter deadline is ?
Ruth reported that the person who was doing the publishing of our newsletter wanted a flat fee of $200 per newsletter verses the $20/hour for typically 4 hours of work. We are pleased with her work. Would she be willing to negotiate the cost of $150? If no, then we will accept the $200 cost. Or do we find someone else and spend the time in training again? We will ask Ruth to email her.
Sue Partusch/Sharon Sanker / Gigi received a $1000 check from Celgene . We would need 5 pharmaceuatical reps to help support us for our monthly meeting, so she recommended to send out a letter similar to our products fair. The pharmaceutical company would be the only one to display at the meeting. Sue mentioned that we do have a good savings in our checking account to help us pay for these meetings. Perhaps select a nice venue 2-3 per year and pay for through our checking account. We know we have a significantly better turn out of members when it is at a nice restaurant.
2. Sue is planning to email out the products fair letter. Gigi recommended attaching our calendar of events to avoid conflict with pharma dinners.
3. Sue recommended for Sharon to check with Debbie Heidrich to see if people who paid for the year are on the current list.
Carol Turner / Carol Turner is ill/absent. The board recommended make a nominating committee of 3 or more (Gigi and Ruth) and they will send out an email to the members to help drum up nominees. We agree to do electronic voting. Do weekly reminders. Plan 3 weeks to complete it all.
Monica Feiler/Amy Voris / Nothing to report.
Gigi Robison / Nothing to report.
Outreach Ohio-
Nancy Murrin / Meeting is Saturday November 16.
Voting Process / Need to form a slate of nominees and then to do it electronically.
Board meeting dates for 2014 / TBA

This meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Submitted by Carol Amfahr, secretary