CSY2027 Group Project – BSc/HND Computing
AssignmentDue for Issue
(week commencing): / Date for
Agreed Date for late submission: / Module Tutor:
Signed: / Scott Turner
Student Name:
Student ID:
Assessment Feedback
Aspect (& weighting) / Excellent / Very Good / Satisfactory / Needs some more work / Needs much more work
Programs success
Testing and conclusions
Report writing
Specific aspects of the assignment that the marker likes: / Specific aspects of the assignment that need more work:
Tutor’s Signature: / Date: / Grade:
NB.By entering your name(s) and student ID(s) you are asserting that this submission is entirely your own individual (or group)
You must hand in this assignment sheet along with the work you produce through NILE.
Produce a novel student tool for Higher Education computing students either at Tresham or Northampton.
The application produced must:
- Provide information suitable for the students.
- The system overall must be usable of three desktop browsers and two mobile devices.
- Have the usuability of the system central to the build this must be evident in the report.
- NOT cause offence or discriminate any group. The content within the application must also not cause offence or discriminate.
Your group’s deliverables for this should include the following: A single report per group is to be submitted with the following two parts
- 1.Main report with the following
- Front sheet with all the names of students within the group
- Introduction to the problem with any necessary references.
- An explanation of any theory, background research and references that is need for the reader to understand the problem.
- The approach you are taking and its justification. Including clear evidence of more than one approach being investigated.
- An explanation of the methods used within the work.
- Description of the implementation.
- Results.
- Testing.
- Conclusions.
- An appendix containing any code.
- 2. Evidence of group work. The form of this is up to you, but suggestions for items to include are statements of how the work is split-up; records of meetings, emails, etc.
Please see the marking scheme on the next page for further guidance on the grading criteria for the project overall grade.
Below D- / any of these:- Not developed the front-end of the system.
- Inadequate report, including missing sections.
- Very limited understanding of the problem and what has been developed before.
- Limited evidence of group work
- Limited evidence of considering the needs of the user at all stages.
Grade D- to D+ / Must include all of the following:
- Developed the front-end of the system.
- Satisfactory report, with all sections present.
- Limited understanding of the problem and what has been developed before.
- Some evidence of group work
- Some evidence of considering the needs of the user at all stages.
Grades C- to C+ / Must have all these:
- Developed front-end of the system with a simple database.
- Satisfactory report with all sections present.
- Satisfactory understanding of the problem and what has been developed before.
- Satisfactory evidence of group work
- Satisfactory evidence of considering the needs of the user at all stages. Including usuability testing
Grades B- to B+ / Must section 1 and have at least three from features 2-5 in this section.
- All the features of the C grades.
- Developed some of the technically challenging features.
- Good understanding of the problem and what has been developed before, as well users needs.
- Clear evidence of the group understanding of underlying theory or technologies of the areas discussed.
Grades A- to A /
- All the features of the B grades plus (2 or 3)
- Exceptional work on the technically challenging features includingconsideration of different levels.
- Clear evidence of the group understanding of underlying theory and applying this theory of the areas discussed.
Grade A+ / Must have all the features of A- to A grades.
Personal Development & Key Skills (for your PDP)
This assignment provides an opportunity to add to your personal development
portfolio as indicated below:
Key Skills / Y/N1 Managing the Learning Process: Ability to evaluate learning
styles, identify strategies for approaching study tasks, manage and
organise oneself taking responsibility for decision-making, targetsetting
and delivery of action. / Y
2 Communication Skills: The ability to express, discuss and
present knowledge, ideas and viewpoints to a variety of audiences
with confidence and clarity. / Y
3 Groupwork: The ability to work harmoniously and productively as
a member of a group in a variety of roles, demonstrating an
awareness of group dynamics, appropriate inter personal and
interactional skills. / Y
4 Information Skills: The ability to identify information needs,
access and evaluate a range of relevant sources, organise and use
information efficiently and effectively for both academic and
professional purposes. / Y
5 Problem Solving: The ability to identify problems and to apply
concepts, principles and techniques in order to generate solutions,
choose between alternatives and take appropriate action. / Y
6 Use of IT: The ability to effectively use key information technology
and appropriate software to assist in the learning process through
research and retrieval, communication and manipulation of
information in various forms. / Y
7 Application of number: The ability to understand, interpret and
use numerical and graphical information accurately and effectively. / Y
Remember to consult and completing your Key Skills Checklist or Skills
Development Plan as appropriate, to help you to identify current strengths
and how you can build on these, as well as highlight areas that need improving.
At the end of each year you can complete a new skills checklist/plan, based on
your learning experiences.
Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3
Group Work Contribution Score – confidential
This will not be seen by other team members, but can be viewed by the examiners.
Please enter your estimate of the percentage contribution to the project (including your own). These percentages contribution should add up to 100. Scores that do not add up to 100% will be normalized to account for this.
Group NumberTeam Member Name / %Contribution to the work
Team Member1
Team Member2
Team Member3
Team Member4
Team Member5
Each team member will also include this form individually through NILE. This sheet has your individual view of the relative contribution to the project of each team member.Example: If there are four team members each contributing equally all would get 25%.Please note any of these forms not returned it will be assume the contribution for each person is the same.
The median percentage score for each team member will play a part in producing the individual score. The median scores are used to avoid extreme valuesExample: a team of four give one member of the team the following scores 0%,8%, 10%, 100% median value=9%
Formula used :
individual score= (median score as a precentage) *Number of Team Members * (project score as a percentage)
If individual score>100 then final individual score=100
else final individual score=individual score.
Example: A team of four gives one member of the team a median score of 9%, project score is 80% the individual would get 29% score (F Grade) another member of the same team had a median score of 25% would get 80%(A+ grade).
Please note tutors reserve the right to adjust the individuals score in the individual student’s favour, if they believe the individual peer marking to be unfair
An example is. giving a student 0% who has been present in the class or has taken part, in some form or other.
If this is done it will recorded and justified and it may still lead to a failing grade for the student.
© Scott Turner: October 27, 2018BSc Computing