Unapproved Minutes of the

IEEE Educational Activities Board

16 September 2013

Via WebEx Telecon Page 2 of 2



Minutes of the Meeting

16 September 2013

(via WebEx Telecon)

These minutes were approved during the 23 November 2013 EAB Meeting.

(Privileged Information, Subject to Confirmation)

51.  Call to Order. The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) met on 16 September 2013 via Web Ex telecon. Dr. Michael Lightner, IEEE Vice President, Educational Activities and Chair, Educational Activities Board (EAB), called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. (EDT). A member quorum was confirmed and attendance was as follows:


Michael Lightner, Chair

Eleanor Baum

Elizabeth Burd

Joseph Hughes

J. Keith Nelson

John Orr

S.K. Ramesh

Edward Rezek

Saurabh Sinha

Yatin Trivedi

T. L. Prasanna Venkatesan


Sorel Reisman


Tariq Durrani

Ashutosh Dutta

James Irvine

Elya Joffe

Mini Thomas


Kristi Brooks


Fern E. Katronetsky, Manager, EAB Administration & IEEE-HKN

Elizabeth Kurzawa, Educational Outreach Program Manager

Yvonne Pelham, Senior Manager, Educational Outreach

Carolyn Solimine, Senior Administrator

52.  Review and Approval of Agenda. It was moved and seconded that the agenda be approved as submitted. The motion passed.

53.  Consent Agenda. It was moved and seconded that the Consent Agenda be approved as submitted. The motion passed with the following results:

53.1  Approved the minutes of the 29 June 2013 IEEE Educational Activities Board meeting, as submitted. (Reference Agenda Item # 201)

53.2  Approved the minutes of the 15 June 2013 IEEE Educational Activities Board meeting, as submitted. (Reference Agenda Item # 202)

54.  Vice President’s Remarks. Vice President Lightner advised of the purpose of the WebEx telecom, which is to review the 2013 E-Scientia initiative, funded by the Humanitarian Ad Hoc Committee, and accept the Conflict of Interest Disclosure that would allow the principal initiator’s company to bid on the project. Ms. Yvonne Pelham, Senior Manager, Educational Outreach, advised that there are two sites requesting the E-Scientia exhibit, where local manufacture is not feasible, and the company currently providing the exhibits has decided to no longer provide its service to build these exhibits for IEEE.

55.  Approval of COI Disclosure Issue for Manufacturing E-Scientia Exhibits. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to accept the Conflict of Interest Disclosure, providing that no conflict of interest exists for Markel Engineers to bid on the E-Scientia project. It was moved to amend the motion to allow the principal initiator to bid on the projects whose sites and specifications have already been approved. Failure to receive a second, the amended motion failed. The EAB returned to the original motion and a roll call vote was taken. The original motion failed with one in favor, eight opposed, and one abstention. (Reference Agenda Item # 6)

56.  Old Business. No Old Business was discussed.

57.  New Business. No New Business was discussed.

58.  Next Meeting. The next face-to-face meeting of the IEEE Educational Activities Board will be on Saturday, 23 November 2013 at the Hyatt Regency – New Brunswick in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, which will be preceded by the IEEE EAB Awards Ceremony on Friday evening, 22 November 2013, also in New Brunswick, NJ.

59.  Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. (EDT).

Submitted by,

Douglas Gorham, Ed.D.

Managing Director& Secretary

IEEE Educational Activities