
CSI is a Corporate Health Hero!!!

Congratulations are in order to all employees of CSI

The College of Southern Idaho is a 2006 Health Hero, recognized by the South Central District Health Department. I received the award on March 29, on behalf of President Beck, the Board of Trustees, and the faculty and staff of CSI. The plaque contains the following message:

“The College of Southern Idaho consistently works toward protecting, promoting, and enhancing the health of citizens in south central Idaho. Some examples of these efforts during 2005 include: Building a beautiful new recreation center which will provide increased opportunities for students, staff, and community members to exercise regularly; providing dental sealant and fluoride varnish services for low income children through the Dental Assistant Program in partnership with District Health, the Caring Foundation, area dentists, and Head Start; training students nurses on how to conduct foot exams for diabetics and then providing free, community screening clinics through the Nursing program in conjunction with District Health and area podiatrists; and the College’s efforts to establish policies to become a “smoke free” campus. The College of Southern Idaho is truly an asset to the entire region.”

It was a great honor to receive the award.

Only seven weeks left until graduation. It would be really easy to catch some spring fever. I am sure that there are some sunny days coming right up. I encourage all of us to get outside and walk around the college grounds. Flowers are coming up by the TaylorBuilding; the trees are budding along the sidewalk to the new RecCenter, and the McManaman rose garden is leafing out. Take a deep breath and think about all the good that you (each and every one of you) do for the students, for the faculty, for the administration, and for yourselves. I appreciate the professionalism and courteous behaviors that I see in you each day.

The District Health Department awarded CSI for its physical health attributes and contributions; I am also encouraging all of us to have emotional health. I know it may sound trite, but just a smile from a co-worker can give each one of us an uplift. I encourage each of you to smile at each other and to speak positive comments to each other. Happy Spring!! And congratulations to all of you Health Heroes!!!


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Second Wednesday at 2:00

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New Faces on Campus since January, 2006

Twin Falls has become my new home, now that my husband has decided to quit farming and go back to school at CSI. Before moving here my husband and I lived in Raft Rive Idaho Area for the last four years where he farmed full time with his father and then later on his own, while I commuted to and from Pocatello to attend IdahoStateUniversity. I have just recently graduated with a Bachelor’s in Secondary Education (major: Business Education, minor: English) and feel fortunate to be working with the refugees; helping them start their new lives in America. I am enjoying being in the Twin Falls area where I can take advantage of the opportunities that a big city (bigger than RaftRiver anyway) has to offer.

I am what you would consider a computer nerd and enjoy learning new software especially when it pertains to video and photo editing, and website design. I also enjoy taking pictures, reading and spending time with my husband.


I was born and raised in Gooding, Idaho. I received a Bachelors degree in Physical Education from ISU and a Masters degree in Education-Recreation & Sports Management from Bowling GreenStateUniversity in Ohio. I have one son, Chase, who is 14 months old and I am happily married to Erica Smith of Burley, Idaho. We are very excited to be back in Idaho and close to home. I love the outdoors and participate in all areas of recreation. I have coached and played men’s volleyball at college so CSI is a great fit for me and my love for volleyball. I am very excited to be starting the new Coordinator position for the new RecreationCenter. The StudentRecreationCenter is a beautiful new building. Look for great things to come in the near future.


My name is Joseph Lemoine. I am extremely active in the community of Jerome where I currently reside. I am a Caption with the JeromeCity Fire Department, Engine 5. Extrication, hazmat, and fire suppression are just a few of my duties with the department. Also working with the Jerome County Ambulance service, I hold an Emergency Medical Technician Basic Level Certificate. Presently I am working on my advanced certification. CSI has a very challenging Nursing Program which I hope to get into in the future. Some of my other jobs are working for the Idaho State Athletics Association as a referee/umpire for football, basketball, baseball, softball and volleyball. Hard work has been the corner stone of my life and to me, perseverance and good luck will carry you through any and all challenges that are presented to you.

“True heroes are people who rise to the occasion and quietly slip away.”


Next Edition Scheduled For

Fri., April 28, 2006



Together We Can!
